Professor Dunning, Cornel University, did a study of incompetent people in 2000.  He was shocked to discover that the number one characteristic of an incompetent person is that they don’t know they are incompetent.  In fact his study showed that incompetent people tended to be extremely confident in their ability, even more confident than people who actually can perform well.  


Perhaps this, more than any other study, demonstrates the problem with the liberal left.   The reason they are so arrogant when they are so clearly wrong is that they are incapable of even recognizing the truth.   Even when confronted with facts that contradict their opinion, they still think they are right.

The following articles prove the point:

Harold Ford and George Stephanopoulos are competent.  They recognize that the ground zero mosque has nothing to do with freedom of religion.  This is about recognizing the simple reality that putting a mosque in this location is a really bad idea:


Eugene Robinson is not competent.  He thinks it’s Republicans who fail to understand the issue:


Anita Dunn is incompetent.   Note the arrogant, condescending tone, based on utter nonsense.  Even some prominent Muslims are speaking up saying this is a really bad idea.  But Anita Dunn, who considers Mother Theresa and Chairman Mao to be equally great, cannot understand this:


Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand are competent.  They get it:


Here’s the bottom line.  This is why hard-core left-wing liberals have always failed and why they always will fail.   They can never succeed, because they are incompetent.  And, according to Dunning’s law, they are incapable of realizing they are incompetent, so there is no hope of change.  Nothing Obama has done in the last month or so contradicts the theory.



  1. The most obvious falcaly here is that Mr. Cherry Pick has started the plot in what appears to be right around 1907, which by a strange coincidence happens to be the year in which the all-time highest March temperature was observed (93 on the 23rd). That was part of a 3-day stretch in which daily records were set which are still standing. That year also holds the record for the second-highest March temperature (92 on the 29th). (Note that the climate history of DC actually began in 1870. Given Mr. Cherry Pick’s involvement with various witch-hunts related to station location, it’s remarkable that he would not have considered the effect of moving observations around 1930 from a solar-radiation-influenced urban rooftop to an airport location adjacent to a river whose waters are MUCH colder than 80 degrees in the month in question.)The second is that if one were actually serious about plotting the NUMBER of extreme temperatures, one would plot, well, the actual COUNT, not the temperature itself.

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