If you listen to Democrats and the MSM the biggest lie told by Donald Trump is that the 2020 election was impacted by massive fraud. Their argument is that this was the most secure election ever and there was no potential for fraud. They are lying.
One of the arguments used by both of the above all the time is that requiring voter ID disenfranchises minority voters. That is not only wrong, but it is also absurd. Virtually everyone has a valid photo ID now, because it is hard to cash a check or even purchase alcohol or cigarettes without one. If you want to find people without a photo ID just watch any episode of a show like “COPS.” When police pull someone over for a traffic stop and they don’t happen to have ID, they are usually hiding something like a suspended drivers’ license, no drivers’ license or perhaps open arrest warrants.
The potential for voter fraud prior to the 2020 election was so obvious that Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden wrote a letter dated December 6, 2019, to Dominion software expressing serious concerns regarding voting machines switching votes. Here is a copy of that letter:
Democrats Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden Wrote Complaint Against Dominion In 2019 – National File
They stopped being concerned regarding voter fraud when Joe Biden was selected to be President of the United States, when about 10 million mysterious unidentified votes surfaced in late night ballot drops in places like Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta all for Joe Biden. Those voters disappeared somewhere in space prior to the 2024 election.
Voter ID is actually supported by people in both parties. It is insulting to imply that minority voters are too stupid to know how to get a Photo ID. What is difficult is for someone living here illegally to provide proof of citizenship.
California used to issue drivers’ licenses to anyone without bothering to check things like a birth certificate or passport, proof of California residency and a social security number. As of December 31, 2024, 18.4 million Californians already have a Read ID, out of a total population of almost 40 million people. Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005. It was supposed to be implemented by 2008. The newest deadline is May 7, 2025. So, this only took about 20 years.
Here’s the deadline to get the Real ID and why you need one – Los Angeles Times
When California started issuing Real IDs, we were shocked to realize that prior to this California made zero attempt to recognize voting records with any national data base. When we first voted in California, they didn’t ask for any ID at all. Just asked where we lived. Later, during COVID, they didn’t even check that. We were sent a ballot in the mail and told to just mail it in. In California ballot harvesting is legal, where people go out and pick up ballots from other people and deliver them to a ballot box. When we wanted to vote in person, no one checked anything, they just pointed to a ballot box and said push it in the slot. Trump just signed an executive order directing Voter ID. Odds are he lacks authority to do that, but hopefully congress will pass legislation.
Perhaps some of you will remember when they had the first real elections in Iraq, after the war. When people voted, they were required to provide identification and then dip their thumb in purple dye so they couldn’t vote twice.
The purple finger remains a hopeful symbol in Iraq, as Iraqis go to the polls – The World from PRX
The people in Iraq did not complain, they rejoiced. Requiring photo ID to vote is not an infringement of your rights, it is a mean to prevent others from infringing on your rights.
ID Me. Good idea.
There is a company called “ID ME” which allows people to provide documentation to verify their status, such as veteran. They use secondary validation to confirm identity. I wanted to give them credit for the title.