The Democrat Party always seemed to be more organized and focused than Republicans. They almost always voted in lockstep while Republicans were engaged in silly infighting. But Donald Trump changed all that. More recently Democrats are only united in hating Donald Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”) is a real and potentially fatal disease that appears to have infected much of the Democrat Party.
This is now so bad that during his recent address to congress, Democrats refused to stand or applaud anything said or done by Trump. That included ignoring a 13-year-old boy, brain cancer survivor, and the mother and sister of Lakin Riley. Even worse, there were rumors that they were going to bring noise makers etc. to interrupt Trump. Pure class. Al Green, a Democrat Representative from Texas, stood up shouting and waving his cane in a failed attempt to stop Trump from speaking. He was escorted out of the room by the Sergeant of Arms and was later censured by the U.S. House of Representatives. Several other Democrat members of congress stormed out of the room and others held up silly signs. They looked ridiculous. Whether they realize it or not, this was an unnecessary public display of political suicide.
Now it is Democrats who are turning on each other and it is hard to imagine this party ever becoming unified again. One serious problem is that the current leadership is old and increasingly ineffective, and there is literally no apparent leader out there with a realistic chance of taking over. An even bigger problem is that the Democrat Party has been taken over by the extreme liberal left. When the face of your party is people like AOC, Gavin Newsom, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, or Maxine Waters, that is a problem. When Adam Schiff was censored by the House, for deliberate lies and distortions, Democrats gathered around him and gave him a group hug. When the House censored Al Green, Democrats surrounded him singing “We Shall Over Come.” Overcome what? Donald Trump? Overcome resistance to letting biological men compete against women and girls? Overcome shutting down the U.S. border? Seriously?
Abraham Lincoln once said that: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Right now, Democrats aren’t fooling anyone other than those too filled with TDS themselves to notice or care. Incredibly these people still believe that everyone agrees with them. Actually, they believe that anyone who disagrees with them is either hopelessly stupid or incapable of moral reasoning. Not that long ago, many of these same people were furious with Christians for lecturing others on morality. It is unlikely that any of them are capable of even recognizing the irony.
Regardless of why or how, the reality is in 2024 Democrats were so filled with TDS that they chose Joe Biden to be their nominee, ignoring his blatant lies and corruption, oblivious to the damage done to the U.S. economy and international affairs, and ignoring the blatant signs of mental deterioration. He wasn’t Donald Trump and nothing else mattered. Then, when he embarrassed himself during the debate with Donald Trump, Democrats looked around and found the worst possible candidate to replace him. Who, seriously, thought that Kamala Harris was a good option?
Just think about this for a moment. Donald Trump was subject to endless attacks by the DOJ and local prosecutors desperate to convict him of something. That didn’t work. The MSM was united in trashing Donald Trump. That didn’t work. Democrats outspent him by an enormous amount during the 2024 election. That didn’t work. Trump was not only re-elected, but he also now has a majority in the House, ready, willing and able to pass his agenda. He has a majority in the Senate that has confirmed his cabinet. He hit the ground running and everyone in both parties has had trouble keeping up. He has already transformed this country and the world.
Democrats have responded by behaving like babies deprived of their pacifiers. They are embarrassing themselves and everyone except them, has been confronted with the reality of this. The result is that Democrats are now engaged in a circular firing squad, and there is no leader in sight capable of even slowing down the carnage.
In the meantime, the Trump train is barreling down the track, full speed ahead, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Even when he is wrong, it doesn’t matter because his opposition has reduced itself to pathetic naïve creatures throwing themselves down on the train tracks and accomplishing nothing other than a humiliating public display of self-destruction.
Everything moves in cycles and that includes American politics. In January 1992, George H.W. Bush was the most popular President in U.S. history until he got trounced by Bill Clinton less than a year later. The only thing certain is change. What goes up must come down and what is down will eventually go back up. But first, Democrats must recognize reaching the bottom before they can even hope to reverse the trend. They are not there yet, but they are getting close.
Things are so bad that it wouldn’t surprise me if someone started a new political party. A party based on logic and common sense and honesty. Honesty. Common Sense. What a novel concept.
The toxic effluent has hit the wind machine!!