Anyone remotely familiar with world history knows that both World War I and World War II were basically the results of stupidity. With regard to World War I, it all started with the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. When you think about this, it was beyond absurd. Franz Ferdinand was the heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. He married Sophia Chotek, a lady-in-waiting which resulted in such an uproar that the marriage was only allowed on the condition that he disavowed his descendants rights to the throne. He was assassinated by 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, who was from Bosnia. The result was that Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia, which basically resulted in the entire world declaring war on each other. Germany declared war on Russia and France and since the United Kingdom was in an alliance with France, they got involved. Most estimates place the military dead at 10 million with 20 million wounded, plus 10 million civilian casualties.
When the war was over, the globalists formed the League of Nations, which did nothing, to prevent World War II. Hitler could have been stopped many times prior to the war, but world leaders were afraid to risk war, so they created the exact conditions that made war inevitable. In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, resulting in France and Great Britain declaring war on Germany, but doing absolutely nothing until Hitler ordered the invasion of Belgium, and came within inches of destroying the entire Great Britain army and ultimately tossed the French troops off the continent.
Today the same usual suspects are proposing the same kind of actions that led to World War II. The EU and Great Britain, totally incapable of stopping Russia, are pretending they are once again the defenders of democracy. Reality check, World War I only ended when the U.S. got involved and World War II only ended when the U.S. got involved. Anyone see a pattern here?
Now enter Donald Trump, from stage left, saying we can’t afford to get involved in another world war because Europe has learned nothing. He has told Russia to back off or face the consequences. He has told Ukraine to sign a peace deal or face the consequences. Fortunately, both Russia and the Ukraine appear to be listening to a combination of common sense and raw power. Russia knows it cannot get involved in a conflict with the United States. Ukraine is learning that it cannot continue to count on the U.S throwing large sums of money and equipment at the wall with no potential for solving anything.
If we are lucky, very lucky, Donald Trump will succeed in convincing both Russia and Ukraine to end this nonsense. If he succeeds, Ukraine, Russia and the entire world will benefit. The only people who will not benefit are the incredibly stupid people who believe that Joe Biden’s strategy of sending too little, too late, would somehow result in victory. The odds of that succeeding are directly proportional to the ability of France and Great Britain to stop Hitler in 1939. Zero.
Incredibly, naïve RINO Republicans in a desperate search to become relevant are stupidly trashing Trump without considering the reality of the undeniable fact that Trump is our Commander in Chief and if we do not unite behind him, we invite disaster. Their hatred of Donald Trump transcends the reality of the last four years, where a feeble and mentally incompetent Joe Biden was vacationing in Delaware while someone, we are not sure who, was secretly acting as Commander in Chief, with disastrous results. The biggest challenge for historians will not be to identify Joe Biden’s greatest accomplishments, there are none, but rather in determining who was actually responsible for this mess.
In the meantime, Donald Trump just may prevent World War III by convincing both Ukraine and Russia that continuing this war benefits no one. Trump’s message is very clear, to anyone paying attention. You can have peace or you can have war. But if you choose war, be prepared for the consequences. While other countries can certainly hurt the U.S., the U.S. Military can and will absolutely annihilate anyone if necessary. Trump explained this to Kim Jong Un during his first term in office when he said we both have buttons, the difference is my button works.
The winds of war are heating up and we all better hope Trump wins this one because if he loses, we all lose. But fortunately, if he wins, we all win. The best war is the one never fought in the first place.
The results of political stupidity are fixing to hit the rest of the public in the backside if we are not careful!