In 2008, Democrats thought they ruled the world. They had just elected Barack Obama, the first black President. Happy days were not only here again, but they were also destined for eternity. Then, in 2016, the unthinkable happened. Americans turned away from Hillary Clinton, destined to be the first female President, and elected, gasp, Donald J. Trump.

This happened despite a daily assault against Trump by Democrats and the MSM. It happened despite the Russia collusion hoax. It happened despite the last-minute dump of the “Access Hollywood” tape. Whether people voted for Trump, or against Hillary Clinton, the result was the same. Trump won, Hillary lost, and Democrats spent the next four years engaged in election denial. He was impeached twice. Once for pointing out the obvious problem with Joe Biden promising to withhold about $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor, who happened to be investigating his son. No one in the MSM or in the Democrat Party found a problem with Joe, but they were outraged that Trump would dare ask Zelensky to consider investigating this. Why that would be “election interference”, something Democrats would never consider, unless they thought it would work.

Then, thanks to COVID and all mail-in voting, Joe Biden won with miraculous last- minute ballot drops. About 10 million mysterious unidentifiable people showed up in the mist to vote for Joe Biden. People in the MSM were horrified, horrified I tell you, that someone would question election integrity in places like Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Milwaukee or Detroit. Seriously, has there ever been the slightest hint of election fraud in any of these places? Trump should be banned for life because he dared question the results of that election. Democrats spent the next four years slamming Republicans as election deniers while the DOJ, the FBI and local prosecutors conspired to convict Trump of something, somewhere, so no one would dare vote for him. In the meantime, the MSM went into “Anti- Trump- Establishment-Terrorism” on a mission to stop the orange man once and for all. It didn’t work.

They were so focused on hating Trump that they failed to notice that Joe Biden was constantly on vacation and had trouble formulating sentences on his own. When he did speak, he told ridiculous lies about non-existent personal accomplishments. But it didn’t matter, because every time Trump spoke, he lied. Just ask the fact checkers on CNN.

Then Joe fell apart during his debate with Trump, so Democrats chose Kamala Harris to be the first black female president. They outspent Trump by $millions if not $billions. The MSM went into overtime mode trashing Trump. It still didn’t work. Trump ran the table. He not only won every swing state, he won the popular vote. This was so bad that even the most hardcore left-wing Democrat was unable to question the results.

Suddenly Democrats found themselves led by Joe Biden, who can’t be found, and Kamala Harris, who they would prefer never be found. They have no leader. They have no program. They have no solutions. So, they have resorted to screaming in outrage, hoping no one realizes they have nothing to say.  They have united the country on one thing. No one wants to see Democrats in charge ever again. Unless something changes, the Democrat Party went from the top of the hill to the scrap heap of history.

Everything moves in cycles and that means at some point, some Democrat we don’t know yet, will find a way to convince people to vote for the ridiculous again. But that may take years if not decades. In the meantime, Trump is moving at the speed of light and dismantling the federal bureaucracy in the process. Judges, appointed by Biden or Obama are trying to stop him by ignoring the law and pretending they have more authority than the President. Good luck with that. This is so ridiculous that some, but not all, of the anchors on CNN have noticed.

Democrats have been reduced to a pathetic version of “All I Have To Do Is Dream.”

“Scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream. When I want you to,  ignore your lying eyes, When I want you to, Donald Trump despise, Whatever I want to, all I can do is scream, scream, scream, scream.”

They forgot the last verse. “Only trouble is, gee whiz, I’m screaming my life away.”


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