The following is the statement by Barack Obama regarding his celebration of Ramadan in the White House this Friday:
Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God. This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.
These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.
Sadly, I suspect Barack Obama believes this to be true. But the problem is that Islam’s definition of justice, progress, tolerance and dignity of all human beings has no resemblance to the Judeo-Christian definition of those concepts. Under Islam, justice means Sharia law. Classic example is that unfortunate woman who is about to be stoned to death in Iran for adultery. Under Islam, progress means an Islamic republic, with Sharia law and mandatory worship of Allah. Under Islam tolerance means other religions must never ever say anything negative about Islam, but infidels (non-muslims) can be exterminated. Under Islam dignity means that women cannot go to school, cannot drive a car, cannot have a job, cannot travel outside the home without a male escort and in many cases must wear burkas.
I wonder if anyone in the White House figured out that Ramadan traditionally ends on September 10, 2010, so the big traditional celebration would be held on September 11. That is such a nice touch!
It is now clear that either Obama is deliberately trying to destroy his own political future, or he is really that naïve and incompetent. The Democrats were already in desperate trouble and our genius in charge decides to pour gas on the fire by celebrating Ramadan in the White House and then talking about how Islam can teach us tolerance. People are outraged over the out of control spending and Michelle takes a wildly extravagant vacation to Spain, followed by a rush trip to the Gulf to show they care, before their long overdue 10 day vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. Of course this was preceded by Obama’s trip to Texas where he tried to blame the bad economy on Bush. It is hard to imagine him doing more damage to his own political cause if he tried. Therefore, I must conclude, that yes, he really is that naïve and incompetent. We don’t have to worry about anyone destroying Obama: he is doing it to himself.
I know a lot of people are concerned because they believe Obama is deliberately trying to destroy this country. They need fear no more. Nothing could protect us more from progressive government than to have leadership of this caliber leading the charge. Roll Tide!