Democrats are always united. Every Democrat can be counted on to vote for Hakeem Jeffries to be Speaker of the House. Every Democrat voted for Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House. That does not mean they all agree with each other, they don’t. It doesn’t mean that this is best for the country. They just understand the need to be united to get anything done.

Republicans are not united, and they are playing an incredibly stupid game of chicken with no possible winners. The most likely outcome is mutual suicide. This is insane. It is understandably why some Republicans wanted to stop Kevin McCarthy. He is one of those politicians who considers compromise to be a virtue. Most pushed through the stop gap spending measure, with Democratic support, because Democrats would not support continuing to pay our military. In other words, Democrats were willing to hold the members of our military hostage, because they knew that eventually Republicans would surrender. There is legitimate concern over the long history of Republicans surrendering when confronted with hostages held by Democrats. Democrats are willing to let the country fail if they don’t succeed. But when Democrats succeed, the country fails anyway, it just may take longer.

The reality is that 94% of Republicans supported Kevin McCarthy. The only reason he was removed in that every Democrat in the House voted, along with 8 Republicans, to send McCarthy packing. Earth to the 8 imbeciles. If you only got you way because every Democrat in the House voted with you, it is time to rethink your strategy.

Democrats are having difficulty restraining the giggles. Republicans are unable to unify behind Jim Jordan or anyone else. The sad reality is that some Republicans are so peeved at the gang of 8, that they will never approve a speaker who is approved by them. It is understandable why they are furious at the 8 clowns who voted with Democrats to remove McCarthy. But it would be wiser to redirect that anger toward the Democrats who are united in destroying this country.

Sadly, at a time when this nation desperately needs leadership from the Republican Party, all they see is an empty chamber, made up of people who would rather scream at each other than attempt to accomplish something. Anything.

Democrats have mucked up everything. Joe Biden is a joke. Everything has gotten worse since he took office, and no one predicts improvement. There has probably never been a better opportunity for Republicans to seize the day and show the country how things can and should work. An opportunity squandered because Republicans would rather fight each other than to fight for the country. This isn’t funny anymore; this is just pathetic. Actually, it never was funny.

It is hard to imagine who will be the next Speaker of the House. Probably the dumbest possible decision would be to keep the current Temporary Speaker in office. No, the dumbest decision would be for four RINO Republicans to vote for Hakeem Jeffries. That should be unthinkable, but it isn’t.

It is clear the problem is not Jim Jordan. If there was some other candidate acceptable to both sides, other than Kevin McCarthy, that would be different. There isn’t. It is important to remember that the reason those 8 Republicans torpedoes Kevin McCarthy is that he considered compromising with Democrats to be an act of courage. It wasn’t, it was another in a long line of unnecessary Republican defeats resulting from leaders unwilling to fight when necessary.  The gang of 8 are disgusting, but they are not necessarily wrong. If Republicans do not unite to fight, now, for a change, then what would it take?

The game of chicken is already underway. The only question is who will flinch? Those who are fighting for the status quo, or those who are fighting to preserve this nation. We better pray that those who flinch before Democrats are the ones to flinch now. In the meantime the best way to describe the Republican party is beyond pathetic, it is suicidal.



While all Republicans are considered secret or not so secret members of the MAGA cult, liberal Democrats are more correctly referred to as Kool Aid drinkers. This reference, of course, is based on the sadly true Jonestown Massacre. That happened on November 18, 1978, when more than 900 members of the “Peoples Temple” committed mass suicide by drinking Kool Aid laced with cyanide. Jim Jones had founded the cult in Indiana, then relocated to California and finally to a jungle location in Guyana. Lesson to the wise, if the people leading you go from Indiana, to California, then to the jungle in Guyana, consider rethinking things. Leo Ryan, a congressman from California, heard that people were being held against their will, so he decided to go there personally to investigate. Things seemed to go well, until he tried to leave with some Peoples Temple defectors. They were ambushed by gunmen sent by Jim Jones and several people, including Ryan, were killed.

Jones then told his followers soldiers would come for them and torture them. That is when most of them willingly drank Kool Aid laced with cyanide, which unsurprisingly resulted in most of them dying. He then apparently shot himself in the head. has a detailed report on this:

Jonestown – Massacre, Guyana & Cult (

I remember watching contemporary news reports regarding this.  It was hard to believe that 900 people had been so incredibly stupid. But now watching the entire Democratic party self-destruct before our very eyes following people like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the “tribe” brings back memories we would rather forget.

The latest and greatest is the attempt to blame the fiasco in Israel on, you guessed it, Donald Trump. Forget the fact that it was Joe Biden to gave Iran $6 billion for American hostages. Ignore the decision to end the sanctions against Iran. Pay no attention to the public meetings where Biden routinely embarrasses himself and the country with insane and ridiculous lies about things that never happened followed by whispering nonsense into the microphone. No, no, no. The true source of the problem is Trump giving secret Israeli intelligence to, gasp, Russia. This apparently happened in 2017. No one knows for sure what “secrets’ were revealed, but this was very, very, very bad.  Just ask Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, who thinks it great fun to call for the extermination of Donald Trump.

Sadly, many of the usual suspects have bought this nonsense hook line and sinker. Of course, these people instantly devour any pablum regurgitated by the foreign policy experts on CNN. They are so obsessed with the imaginary threat of the evil Donald Trump that they are oblivious to the far more serious threat from the insane politics of the liberal left. Our country is literally being invaded over the open Southern border and in addition to Mexican Cartel members we learn that terrorists might have also seized the day. Our cities have become war zones and the only thing Democrats can consider doing about this is to fire more cops, hire leftist social workers, and take guns away from the only people who are not part of the problem. And, oh by the way, give the bad guys a “Get Out of Jail” card so this can be repeated over and over again. Then demand social media censor anyone who dares even hint this might not be a good idea. Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

If you want to see the end result of eating this kind of pablum just look at your television today.  This just isn’t funny anymore. This is even worse than drinking the Kool Aid. This is eating regurgitated pablum without even suspecting this is actually “Cereal Killer.




When I was flying on combat missions over the Gulf of Tonkin on RC135 aircraft stationed at Kadena AB, Okinawa, many of my fellow crew members had the number 55 embroidered on their flight suits. Most people did not know what this meant. Those of us who knew, just smiled. The language spoken in Okinawa is Japanese. A high percentage of crew members on that plane, like me, were Vietnamese Linguists.  We were all very adept at picking up additional languages. The way to say 55 in Japanese is “go-jū go”. To an American who heard this, it sounded like “go jew go”. It was a way to show support for Israel, without being “politically incorrect.” Even today whenever I see 55, I am reminded of the six-day war.

Prior to the Balfour Declaration, about 90% of the people in Palestine were of Arab descent. They owned most of the land. However, after the establishment of the nation of Israel, that changed dramatically. When the Oslo Accords were signed, there were about 110,000 Jewish settlers living in the West Bank, which includes East Jerusalem. There are now more than 700,000 of them. It should be no surprise to learn that many of the Palestinians think their land was stolen from them by the Jewish settlers.

Like most Americans, I understand the reason for establishing the Nation of Israel. Prior to that time, there seemed to be no place on earth where Jewish people could even hope to live in peace. But sometimes peace often comes at a very high cost. One thing is certain, the nation of Israel is surrounded by people who long for its’ destruction.

Perhaps the best lesson to learn here is the high cost of fighting a war where no one is victorious. During World War II the United States and its allies defeated both Japan and Germany. Prior to their defeat, the Japanese people were determined to defeat the U.S. at any cost. But now, Japan is one of our best friends. The same is true regarding Germany. Our relationship with Germany is not as strong as with Japan, but the German people are no longer considered a threat to us.

But that did not happen in the Middle East. The Gaza Strip has about 2.3 million inhabitants. Gaza is not exactly a garden spot; the unemployment rate is reportedly about 45%. There were numerous problems with terrorist attacks in Israel that originated in Gaza. In desperation, Israel built a wall leaving only one entry point to or from Israel from Gaza. Technically Israel no longer occupies Gaza, but it has full control over Gaza’s borders, airspace, and territorial waters. Now Hamas is attacking Israel from Gaza and other places using rockets, a lot of rockets. Does anyone really doubt that Iran is furnishing these rockets? Israel reports at least 2,200 rockets, Hamas says more than 5,000 rockets. In addition, Hamas terrorist operatives have infiltrated into Israel in several locations. Israel has announced it is at war with Hamas.

In the ultimate irony, this happened just days after Jake Sullivan announced that the region was “quieter today than it has been in two decades.” Nailed it!  In a total coincidence, this happened just a few weeks after the Biden administration gave Iran access to $6 billion in funds, stupidly saying Iran could not use them to promote terrorism. What could possibly go wrong? We can all breathe easier knowing that someone like Joe Biden is Commander in Chief during this challenging time. We can be sure that Iran is absolutely terrified.

The good news is that this is impossible to ignore. Even hard-core left wing activist Democrats are confronted with the reality of a dangerous world. This is a stark reminder of why the President of the United States matters. Even the MSM cannot spin this away. They may try, and fail, to blame Israel or even Donald Trump, but the reality is that this happened on Joe Biden’s watch and there is zero chance he will handle this well.

In May 1940, Neville “Peace in our time” Chamberlain was Prime Minister of Great Britain. Hitler had invaded Poland and theoretically World War II had already begun. But Chamberlain was still occupying space. Then in May 1940, German troops invaded Norway and there was nothing Chamberlain could do to stop them. Leo Avery pointed at Chamberlain and said: “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.” (He was quoting Oliver Cromwell). Just days later, German invaded France, Chamberlain resigned, and Winston Churchill became the new Prime Minister.

One thing is certain, few people are going to have any confidence that Joe Biden is remotely capable of handling this. Change is on the way. In the meantime, we all better be praying that Israel wins this one. 55


You just can’t make this up. Eight Republicans have joined with every Democrat in the House to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. The math on this is quite simple: two hundred republicans voted to keep Kevin McCarthy. Eight voted to remove him. This means that over 96% of Republicans in the House wanted to keep McCarthy while slightly less than 4% decided he had to go. Obviously, there was zero change the 4% could win over the 96%, so they gleefully accepted the help of every Democrat in the House. House Democrats are always glad to watch Republicans self-destruct.

This is exactly what has been happening in our society, with devastating results. The tiniest minority of people are now demanding all decisions be made solely regarding their own selfish interests. They do not care about the impact of these decisions on anyone else. They succeed only because they convince others, mostly Democrats, to embrace the extortion.

At some point, soon and very soon, the ignored majority is likely to provide a very public display demonstrating why this is never a good idea. One would think that the self-destruction of the Bud Light brand would have provided an important clue, but some people never learn.

The Grace Hopper Celebration’s annual conference and career fair is designed to help women advance their careers in computing. That is a good idea, since it represents an opportunity for women to gain attention from prospective employers. But this year there was a problem. The problem is that the definition of woman was embraced to include transgender and even none-binary individuals. Apparently, several men, actually a lot of men, seized the day. All they had to do was enroll as non-binary, which of course requires zero biological differentiation. They swarmed over the convention in some cases shoving real woman out of the way in their pursuit of those coveted positions.

Men Overrun Grace Hopper Women In Tech Conference By Registering As Non-Binary – OutKick

When you create a stupid system, don’t be surprised when people exploit it.”

I am not a huge fan of Kevin McCarthy. He has been a lot better than people like Paul Ryan or John Boehner. But this situation has little to do with his actual performance. It is rather the decision by eight individual Republicans who have decided that the Conservative Universe revolves around them and only them and they don’t even pretend to listen to anyone else. This is not a recipe for getting things done, it is a recipe for disaster. Earth to these eight clowns, if every Democrat in the House, all desperate for Speaker Hakim Jeffries, embraces your plan, rethink your plan. They are not on your side.

Who knows what will happen here, but one thing is certain. If Republicans cannot find a way to unite behind common interests, when necessary, they are doomed to fail. Democrats seldom make that mistake. They are always united. Usually wrong, but always united. Republicans should have learned this from the Revolutionary war. “We either hang together or we hang separately.

My prediction is that Republicans will unite behind someone. If not Kevin McCarthy, someone even stronger. The first assignment for the next Speaker of the House will be to guarantee this never happens again. It is obvious that Democrats united to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. This was a deliberate action on their part to interfere with Republican Party leadership. Don’t be surprised to see Republicans return the favor. And, if you are one of the eight, it might be wise to start considering alternative career paths.

Hopefully wiser heads will prevail, with or without Kevin McCarthy. Letting the inmates run the institution is not exactly a winning strategy. Instead, this has instantly put the entire conservative agenda behind the “8 ball”. The good news is that in the long run, they may have united Republicans as never before. United to stop the great eight from running the show in the future. Equally united in in the knowledge that Democrats have zero interest in playing fair. Otherwise, the Republican agenda will be caught behind the 8 ball, which is not a good place to be.



Prior to the start of this NFL season, it was impossible to ignore the coronation of King Rodgers by the fawning self-righteous clowns who masquerade as objective announcers. It was nauseating. It used to be that only Joe Buck and Troy Aikman were capable of waxing ineloquently to the point where the only rational option was to watch the game without sound. Now there appear to be several other announcers too self-absorbed by their own narcissism to bother paying attention to what is beyond obvious to anyone watching the game. The result is continuous self-congratulatory and increasingly absurd instant analysis.

While it is always sad to see someone suffer the kind of injury experienced by Rodgers during the game between the Bills and the Jet’s, it was perhaps Karma to see what happens when a team, the NFL, and the entire NFL announcing society, became totally enthralled by King Rodgers, only to have that person exit stage right about five minutes into the 2023 season.

The ability of the TV camera crews to broadcast NFL games is truly astonishing, but one of the side effects is exposing the obvious bias by NFL referees. It is increasingly apparent that certain teams are favored by everyone, including the announcers and the NFL. The recent game between Kansas City and the New York Jets, who don’t actually play in New York, was a classic example. I really didn’t care who won, I was rooting for a scoreless tie. But to my surprise, the Jets put on a much better show than expected. Unfortunately, once again, the referees got involved in the outcome. On the last Kansas City drive, the referees appeared to be incapable of recognizing holding, when done by the Chiefs, tried to end the game with a ridiculous holding call on the Jets, then sealed the deal by again ignoring blatant holding by the Chiefs on the Patrick Mahomes “scramble”. This was obvious to me, and I suspect a cast of thousands, who literally were not rooting for either team. I was, however, rooting for a fair outcome, not determined by either the announcers or the referees.

This was second only to the blatant love affair between the NFL and the “alleged” love affair between Travis Kelsie and Taylor Swift. The pictures of Taylor Swift celebrating the Chiefs in a luxury sweet (pun intended) was a marriage made in heaven for the NFL marketing gurus. I personally have zero interest in the temporary passions of two narcissistic self-absorbed people like this. My only prediction is that sooner, rather than later, one or both will choose to move on, again. But this is guaranteed to raise ratings for the next Chief’s game and nothing else matters to those more focused on selling the NFL brand than running legitimate sporting contests.

Then I realized that this NFL game was a metaphor for what has gone wrong with America. We see a mainstream media increasingly incapable of honest reporting on any subject. They don’t even pretend to be objective anymore. If someone disagrees with the “narrative” the MSM pounces to attack. They arrogantly dismiss anyone who dares even hint that there is any possibility of systemic fraud during the 2020 election, even though the evidence is overwhelming. They are refusing to cover the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, instead desperately pretending that what is obviously true and well documented is just an illusion created out of whole cloth by radical right ring conspiracy theorists. They are even more arrogant and dismissive of anyone who refuses to accept the “science” regarding climate change (“global warming”). The latest absurd theory was that climate change made the recent storm that drenched New York City, “wetter”. One is instantly humbled by the brilliance of that scientific observation.

I enjoy watching NFL games. But I absolutely cannot understand how anyone can tolerate the pre-game theatrical performances which have the potential to make Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) look good in comparison. In fact, I would suggest trying that. Just replace the current ground of celebrity know it all talking heads, with AI generated images likely to resemble a real human being more closely.

There is one bright side to all this. The “alternative” broadcast by Peyton and Eli Manning is hysterical. They both bait each other with sibling rivalry and observe things oblivious to the rest of us. During one play Monday night they noticed the brilliant performance by one wide receiver, who gave up on a play and just stood there while his quarterback was scrambling for his life. The defense player assigned to him gave up too, creating the opportunity for this guy to take one step, after a ball was thrown to him in desperation, to get an easy touchdown because the defensive player had given up on him being a potential target.

They are not perfect, often forgetting to watch the actual game, but at least they are different. Anything is better than a three-hour sentence of listening to Joe Buck and Troy Aikman.

In honor of this I have renamed the NFL production to “Celebrity Chiefs”.



During the Civil War the country was divided by the Mason-Dixon line. This was originally the line between Maryland and Pennsylvania. It was named after Astronomer Charles Mason and survey Jeremiah Dixon.

More recently there was the “Mendoza line.” This was named after shortstop Mario Mendoza, who played in the majors for nine seasons, but never managed to attain a batting average above .199. Today if a major leaguer is batting below .200, he is considered to be below the “Mendoza Line.”

Now we have the “Menendez line” in honor of Senator Robert Menendez. Menendez is a Democratic Senator from New Jersey. He has been indicted for bribery. This is not the first time he has been indicted. That also happened in 2015. The trial ended up with a hung jury, and he remained in office. In 2015 Democrats did not turn on Menendez. This time, the charges are much more serious, they appear to be well documented and top Democrats have already turned on him.

So, what changed? Or more significantly, why now? One obvious answer is the apparent corruption of Robert Menendez makes Joe and Hunter Biden look like amateurs in comparison. Or at least, that is what the MSM wants you to believe. Another is that this is guaranteed to distract from the Hunter Biden trial for illegally buying a gun and then throwing it away in the trash. Or at least some people seriously hope this is what happens.

In addition, this may be an effort by the DOJ to argue that they aren’t partisan, they investigate criminals in both parties. Right! No one buys that. The only thing certain is that the timing of this is extremely unlikely to be accidental.

This indictment does something else. It makes all the indictments against Donald Trump look rather silly in comparison. Bribery and corruption is more serious than throwing a hissy fit over the 2020 election. (Hillary?) In addition, recent court cases may bring some serious focus, for the first time, regarding the obvious problems with mail-in ballots during the 2020 election. Just like the recent investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden showed that Trump’s comments with Zelensky were not only appropriate, but they were also necessary. Trump was impeached by Democrats for pointing out the truth.

In any event, I think we have a new “Menendez Line.” It is a line between the corruption we have come to expect from elected officials and this a level of bribery that is too obvious to ignore. The wise thing for Menendez to do would be to resign and cut a plea deal. That is also the least likely outcome. He will instead hire attorneys highly skilled at defending against bribery claims. You know, like the ones hired by Hunter and Joe Biden.

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez hires Hunter Biden lawyer for bribery case (

This probably won’t work for one simple reason. Truly innocent people usually don’t need to hire extremely expensive legal counsel. They just let the facts speak for themselves. That, of course, is something Menendez will never even consider.

This will have an impact on a lot of things. It will impact the impeachment inquiry regarding Joe Biden. It will impact the numerous indictments against Donald Trump. It will give the Democratic Party the covets sacrificial lamb so they can hold on to the illusion of President Joe Biden for just a little bit longer. It will rock the establishment ship of state and we may not learn the full impact for a long time. The only thing certain is that we have crossed the “Menendez Line”, and change is on the way.




Joe Biden gave remarks from the Rose Garden. He was supposed to be selling his new and exciting office on gun violence prevention. Biden, as expected, said something incredibly stupid:

“After every mass shooting, we hear a simple message. The same message we hear all over the country and I’ve been to every mass shooting,” Biden said.

“I remember when I was young. We have something in common. I got elected to the Senate when I was 29 years old, only difference was he was eligible when he got elected to take office,” Biden said of Rep. Maxwell Frost, lawmaker standing beside him.

“I had to wait 17 days to be eligible. That was 827 years ago,” Biden said.

But Biden being Biden is not new. What’s new is the close-up video of his face. He was squinting furiously, and looked like he was desperately trying to endure a bowel movement. He looked old, very old, and this was painful to watch:

Here is one sample.  I copied a picture, so you don’t have to endure listening to him:

With this video, Joe is done. The only remaining question is how and when. Hence, the problem, Kamala Harris. Democrats know she will be a total disaster as a President and an even worse disaster as a candidate. Joe just put her in charge of his new “Office of Gun Violence Protection.” Gun owners of America, you have nothing to fear! Putting Kamala Harris in charge of this new department is guaranteed to generate the same results as putting her in charge of border security.

At this point, nothing is going well for Democrats. This is so bad that even the MSM is starting to pay attention. Now Joe Biden is planning on joining a UAW strike protest. That is almost certain to backfire. Many of the people striking realize the idiotic plan to replace all gasoline cars with electric cars is a death sentence for their jobs. In addition, they are demanding huge wage increases they consider necessary to keep up with inflation.

Republicans now have the perfect video for the upcoming presidential campaign. They just show this close-up of Biden’s face and say: “Seriously?” This is “About Face” and this picture is worth a lot more than one thousand words, It is worth millions of votes for: “anybody else.”



Imagine you are a Democrat. Secretly, you know that the 2020 election was stolen. But you don’t care, because the most important thing was to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. Nothing else mattered. Joe Biden is and always was a mediocre has been, but he is not Donald Trump, so who cares.

Now, Joe Biden has been in President for about 2 ½ years. He is acting like he is going to run for re-election. There are no Democrats on the horizon capable of taking over for if he decides to bid farewell. His VP, Kamala Harris, has incredibly managed to achieve polling numbers worse than Joe. What’s a mother to do. What is anyone to do? This is unacceptable, in every way, but all the visible options are worse.

One name mentioned often is Gavin Newsom, Governor of California. But he has made decisions that will absolutely unite the country against him. He just announced he will sign legislation requiring large businesses to disclose their direct greenhouse gas emissions as well as those than come from activities like employee business travel.

California Gov. Newsom says he will sign climate-focused transparency laws for big business (

“Under the law, thousands of public and private businesses that operate in California and make more than $1 billion annually will have to make the emissions disclosures. The goal is to increase transparency and nudge companies to evaluate how they can cut their carbon emissions.”

The second bill approved last week by the state Assembly requires companies making more than $500 million annually to disclose what financial risks climate change poses to their businesses and how they plan to address those risks.

The Attorney General for California Rob Bonta has launched a lawsuit against “Big Oil”, for alleged climate change deception.

California is suing Big Oil, accusing them of climate change ‘deception’ – Los Angeles Times (

Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta has filed a lawsuit against five major oil companies and their trade association, alleging their involvement in “a decades-long campaign of deception and creating statewide climate change-related harms in California.

So, the state with a runaway homeless problem, rampant crime, skyrocketing costs, and a rapidly declining population has decided to go off the climate change cliff without even considering a parachute. This is certifiably insane. There is ZERO change this will improve anything. We already have a situation where insurance companies are rapidly withdrawing from California. Other businesses are likely to do the same. What is the point of continuing to do business in a state where making a profit is impossible?

There has been massive deception regarding climate change, by the climate change alarmists. None of the predictions of dread climate change results have come close to being accurate. The world is getting warmer, it has been getting warmer since the 1600s. That is referred to by real scientists as the “mini-ice age”. But the rate of change is quite low and contrary to what is being reported in the press, we are not seeing more violent storms because of this. Five minutes of research shows that hurricanes have always been part of cycles, where some years there are a lot of them and some years very few. The El Nino, which has been happening for as long as man could even measure ocean temperature, has a well-established impact on weather. It is temporary and always replaced by a La Nina. Duh! As I wrote previously, the eruption of Tonga Hunga Ha’Apai has had a significant impact on global weather. What is lacking is any credible study showing that increases in CO2 have much of an impact at all. In addition, none of the things being proposed will have any significant impact on CO2 levels and will have even less impact on climate change.

If the liberal left chooses to live in their delusion world, oblivious to reality, that is fine. Forcing the rest of us to pay a fortune to adopt their idiotic strategy that has zero chance of working is something else. I can’t think of a better description of this than “Political Suicide”. Suicide is not painless.



The Drudge Report burst on the national scene during the Clinton administration. It was the only news aggregator website that reported honestly on the Monica Lewinsky affair. The end result was the impeachment of Bill Clinton, with an acquittal by the U.S. Senate. He was acquitted because the same Democratic Senators who agreed that he had disgraced the Office of President of the United States, voted to keep him because they wanted to keep political power. The rational was that this was just about sex, so it didn’t matter.

For a long time the Drudge Report was predictably conservative. But then something happened, and it switched to becoming very liberal. In recent years the Drudge Report always started with serious shots against Donald Trump. The editors hated Donald Trump with a passion, and it showed. It got so bad that for a long time, I just ignored Drudge because it had become unreadable. That all changed yesterday. Here is a link to that article: © 2023


Then today:



This reminds me of when Walter Cronkite reported from Vietnam that we were caught in a quagmire. Cronkite was wrong, but when President Johnson heard that he commented that if he had lost Cronkite, he had lost the country. Well President Biden just lost Drudge and this could be history repeating itself.

This is not that Drudge is that powerful. Those days are long gone. But Drudge has been carrying the anti-Trump torch for what seems like forever. That has clearly changed and whether Drudge is leading that change or just reporting on that change doesn’t really matter. What matters is that the tide has changed and like most storm surges, this one is guaranteed to do massive damage.

Now when you add in the “Impeachment Query” in the House things are heating up at record levels. So far Democrats and their fawning supporters in the MSM are still trying to spin cover for Joe Biden. But I doubt very many people will buy this. The problem is compounded by the enthusiastic cheering by Democrats and the MSM for indicting Trump for every crime imaginable regardless of the facts or evidence. The hypocrisy is over the moon and increasingly impossible to ignore.

History has a way of changing the way people thought they thought previously. Let me explain. When Kennedy was President, he was not actually that popular. He barely beat Richard Nixon probably because of outright fraud during the 1960 election in Chicago. (Sound familiar?).  But after he was shot, a huge percentage of people said they had voted for him. Obviously, that was not true. The same thing happened after Lincoln was shot. He had widespread opposition, even among his own party while in office. But when he was shot, he instantly became the most popular President in history, with the possible exception of George Washington.

Only this time, the opposite will happen. Soon no one will want to accept the “credit” for selecting Joe Biden to be President and Kamala Harris to be Vice President. The speed at which wise people will start to abandon this sinking ship of state is going to be unprecedented. That will include a surprising number of top Democrats and news anchors in the MSM forced to accept the obvious reality of Joe Biden. He will remain oblivious to the obvious, but no one expects him to be a major factor in the future and even if they like him and want him, the end is near.

In many ways this reminds me of the Monday Night Football game between the Jets and the Bills. Prior to the game the announcers all foamed at the mouth in their effusive praise of all things Aaron Rodgers and how the greatest quarterback ever would lead the Jets to the Super Bowl. He suffered a season ending injury during the first series of downs. Regardless of anyone’s hopes and expectations, and whether fair or not, Aaron Rodgers is no longer part of the equation for a long, long time, if ever.

Ask yourself a simple question. Would you rather be the General Manager of the Jets, who gave away everything to get Aaron Rodgers? Or the General Manager of the Green Bay Packers who “lost” him?


Tôi không mua cái kia

Since Joe Biden’s decided to embarrass the country, again, while stopping for a visit in Hanoi, I wrote the title to this blog in Vietnamese. “Tôi không mua cái kia” means: “I don’t buy that.” Anyone watching that pathetic performance in Vietnam didn’t buy it either. Here is a video of this performance.

This was so bad that it cannot possibly continue. This causes one to ask what would happen if Joe Biden conveniently came down with some illness that prevents him from making public appearances. Since Jill Biden recently had COVID, that seems to be timed perfectly. He will then be confined to the White House or his beach home in Delaware and will only respond to written questions from selected reporters with “written” responses. This is remarkably like when Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke. His wife took over and started to screen all his paperwork and in some cases even signed his name to documents.

But this time there is a very serious complication. No one in either party has any interest in seeing Vice President Kamala Harris become President. Republican are opposed because they know she is totally incapable of performing the duties of President of the United States. Democrats are opposed because they know she is a horrible campaigner, even worse than Joe Biden. If she becomes President during the rest of Joe Biden’s one term as President of the United States, she could accomplish the rare feat of losing a Presidential election in every state. Democrats will put up with almost anything and anyone as long as it keeps them in power. But Kamala Harris fails that test too.

The only thing certain at this point is uncertainty. But people paying attention to the political climate know that a crisis is inevitable. When you combine the increasingly obvious problem with Joe’s dementia with overwhelming evidence of his systemic corruption, the pieces of the puzzle start to fill in at the speed of light. Anyone who has ever worked on a really difficult puzzle knows how this works. The puzzle seems to take forever, until suddenly, the pieces all start to fall into place and then the puzzle gets solved very quickly. That is exactly where things are at with the puzzle of President Joe Biden.

The MSM, in cooperation with the Democratic Party has tried desperately to cover this up. The same MSM that accused Trump of lying every day, about everything, ignores the incredibly stupid lies told by Joe Biden. If Trump is a liar, he is an absolute amateur compared to Joe Biden.

But the coverup is blowing up. Chuck Todd signed off as host of meet the press. Perhaps he realizes the end is near and he didn’t want to go down with the ship. Notice that on his way out, he reluctantly admitted that Republican led states were spot on in sending migrants to places like New York, so liberal sanctuary cities could share in the joy.

We are on the brink of another Bud Light moment. People just aren’t buying this anymore and they aren’t going to buy it in the future. This reminds me of when I was stationed at Pleiku AB, Vietnam. The Airman’s club had, as one would expect, a large quantity of beer available. But it seemed like half of the beer was Falstaff. Each month it was the same, the airmen drank any other beer other than Falstaff. Then when nothing else was available, they would drink Falstaff, which reminded them of why they didn’t drink it before. In 1965 Falstaff brewed 7,010,218 barrels of beer. By 2004 only 1,468 barrels of Falstaff beer were sold in the United States. People just stopped buying it.

Ten years from now, a lot of people will be asking the same question. “Why did anyone buy this nonsense?” Good question.