Joe Biden is searching desperately for any  opportunity to give the middle finger, one last time, to America. So, he scheduled a Trip to LA to create the 624,000-acre Chuckwalla National Monument near Joshua Tree National Park. He also planned to create the 224,000-acre Sattitla National Monument. This is clearly designed to protect these areas from drilling, mining, solar energy farms and any other industrial activity. Once again decisions based on fighting climate change. But in Biden’s defense, he was also using taxpayer dollars to visit LA to celebrate his newest grandchild. Who said Hunter Biden never produced anything?

Since Biden was visiting, there were air space restrictions, which in addition to the high winds, delayed deployment of airplanes used to fight the fire. He barely noticed the raging wildfires. These are potentially the most damaging wildfires in our nation’s history. The average price of a home in this area is $4.5 and many of them are a multiple of this. Then Joe abandoned his trip to the Coachella Valley and headed back to Washington. He allegedly plans to make these declarations in Washington next week. Odds are if this is held outdoors, those people in attendance will be freezing, because of global warming Newsom is guaranteed to blame for the wildfires.

This may just be the longest two weeks ever. The odds of Joe Biden doing something constructive borders on zero. The odds of him doing something incredibly stupid so he can make things as difficult as human possible for Donald Trump, are through the roof. He has already commuted the sentences of murderers on death row in federal prisons. This was so dumb that even some of the condemned prisoners complained. Now he has apparently released another 1500 people from Guantanamo, Cuba. Seldom in the history of mankind has one incompetent mentally deficient corrupt racist managed to do so much damage to so many people in so little time.

Joe Biden was recently voted the second worst President in U.S. history. The only one ranked lower was Richard Nixon. Even the MSM is finally admitting that he hasn’t been up to the job for a long, long time. They have challenged top Democrats as to why they lied about Biden’s mental health. Perhaps these questions should have been directed at a mirror.

But he didn’t do this totally by himself. The Mayor of Los Angeles, who finally got back from Ghana, is trying to explain why she cut the fired department’s budget by over $17 million. The LA Fire Department Chief, the first female lesbian Fire Chief, is on a mission to spread DEI. Having the ability to fight fires is a much lower priority. Governor Newsom is trying to explain why the fire departments are running out of water. Trump pointed out, accurately, that this was because Newsom was more interested in giving fresh water to delta smelt, who didn’t actually need or use it, then to the citizens of Los Angeles. The man who has politicized every tragedy by rushing to the nearest camera is appalled, appalled I tell you, that Donald Trump would return the favor.

Eventually the fires will die out. Those people who still have insurance are facing a very bleak future. Good luck in finding another insurance company willing to bet against another wildfire in California. But those who are furious at the insurance companies might want to pay close attention to who is actually able to fund this recovery, and who is not. California, which started out Newsom’s term in office with a record surplus, is now broke. He is probably back in Marin County hiding out his new $9 million mansion, so his kids can attend a private school, scheming about his run for President of the United States in 2028. Talk about hot air.