On New Year’s Eve 2020 I threatened to avoid counting 2020 as a year. After all, nothing had been accomplished, other than “selecting” an incompetent mentally deficient corrupt racist to be President of the United States. During 2020 the entire country appears to have lost all reason. The response to Covid 19 ranged from pure panic to insanity. I still believe that more people died from over-reacting to Covid 19 than from the disease itself. Covid 19 was a nasty piece of work, for at risk people and particularly for elderly people in nursing homes. But incredibly, while virtually nothing was done to protect the people most seriously at risk, everyone else was forced through idiotic hoops to comply with silly rules that never made any sense and which in some cases made things worse. In addition, real but cheap solutions like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were banned by the government and trashed by the MSM without regard to any facts or science. It was very simple, at least to people like Neal Cavuto and members of the MSM. When Cavuto learned that Trump was taking hydroxychloroquine, at the direction of his doctors, he warned people to not take hydroxychloroquine because it will kill you. It was pure nonsense, but to people like Cavuto if Trump was for it, it had to not only be a bad idea, but it also had to be dangerous.
Prior to the arrival of Covid 19, Donald Trump was coasting toward re-election. After the international scar-a-thon succeeded in created the illusion of electing Joe Biden, in violation of the laws of physics and common sense, and Mike Pense was panicked into certifying utter nonsense, the deal was sealed. Donald Trump was cast out on the scrap heap of history and Joe Biden was seated on the throne of power. One problem is that Joe was never sure where, exactly, he was sitting, and he couldn’t even schedule his own bathroom schedule let alone run the U.S. Presidency. Sadly, with the help of fellow Democrats desperate to retain power at any cost, and I do mean any cost, with the full-throated enthusiastic support of the MSM, far too many people believed the illusion of Joe actually being President. That was never close to being true, but truth is just a temporary inconvenience to the Democrats and their fawning supporters seeking to gain and hold power permanently, regardless of results.
Then Joe, or whoever was managing Joe, stupidly agreed to let him debate Donald Trump on live TV. It was a total disaster. Joe’ support collapsed like a cheap umbrella. But on the way out the door, feeble-minded Joe managed to outmaneuver the DNC into embracing Kamala Harris as his replacement. That would be the same Kamala Harris who came in LAST in the primaries.
Now, after the election is over, this is beyond obvious. If the election were held today Kamala Harris would be lucky to come in second. No one, in either party, would even consider voting for Joe Biden. The entire world already recognizes that Trump is the new sheriff in town, and he is going to rock their world. Even some of the usual suspects are crawling on their hands and knees over broken glass to try and get close enough to the shadow of Mar-a-Logo for a brief glimpse at the ring of power.
In the meantime, January 20th can’t come soon enough. Hopefully, Republicans in the House can resist the urge to form the traditional circular firing squad long enough to get the election certified and let Trump put his team in action. It can’t happen soon enough. There was a terrorist attack in New Orleans, involving several people and a Tesla cybertruck conveniently blew up in front of the Trump Tower in Las Vegas. Pure coincidence of course. Biden is pardoning killers and sending billions more in ineffective aid to Ukraine. He clearly intends to use his few remaining brain cells still functioning part of the time to flip the bird to the American people on the way out.
The good news is that 2024 is history and American dodged a bullet. Given half a chance Trump just may succeed in turning things around. Thanks be to God this country survived four years where the inmates ran the institution with no adult supervision. But this may be our last chance. We either learn from this and seize the day to focus on fixing things rather than fixing blame or the reprieve will be only temporary.