On April 12, 2011, I wrote the following article on my blog:


“Donald Trump has managed to make the subject of Obama’s birth certificate a topic of conversation. That alone is a major accomplishment…Donald Trump is moving rapidly up the Republican Presidential leaderboard. Some people watch him because they like him, some people watch him because they hate him. But they all watch him… Donald Trump is a very strong leader with incredible communication skills. I believe that the people are hungry for that and just may be willing to put up with the baggage in exchange for pure competence.”

A lot has happened since then, but I still think the secret to Donald Trump’s remarkable success is that he is willing to enter the “TO H*LL WITH IT“ (THWI LIGHT Zone). Prior to Donald Trump, Republicans were terrified to tell it like it is. They feared being labeled racist or sexist by Democrats. The problems with Obama’s birth certificate were beyond obvious, but ignored by most Republicans not named Donald Trump, and covered up by the MSM. The MSM has been totally engaged in ignoring the reality about Democrats and their policies, since day one, and is more likely to cover things up than to report responsibly. That trend continues to this day, but it is rapidly changing. Donald Trump not only won re-election, but he also proved that the Democrat Party, and its’ fawning supporters in the MSM, are totally out of touch with a majority of Americans. People want and are demanding change.

During his first term, Trump was not really prepared for the Presidency. He did not understand how hard the deep state would work to prevent him from governing. He underestimated the willingness of the MSM to lie and distort everything about him while simultaneously ignoring if not embracing the evil reality that had taken over the Democrat Party.

When you think about this, why would anyone be surprised? The first Democrat President was Andrew Jackson, a devote racist who forced native Americans out of their traditional homes and shoved them on the trail of tears to Oklahoma. It was the Democrat Party, particularly in the South, which was the party of systemic racism for much of its history. It was southern Democrats who started the Civil War to retain slavery. It was the southern Democrats who passed the Jim Crow Laws. And it was the southern Democrat Senators who fought civil rights and even filibustered the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Then, suddenly, the MSM and Democrats promoted the lie that it was Democrats who were the party of the little guy and Republicans were the racists who trampled on the rights of people of color and native Americans. Sadly, they succeeded in selling this lie for decades. It was only after Trump’s first term when the economy’s steady growth, accompanied by very low inflation and reduced regulation allowed African Americans to start to rise about the poverty level, not because of handouts but rather because of an economy offering a hand up, that things started to change.

Trump was driven out of office and whether this was solely the result of irresponsible reporting by the MSM, slander by the Democrat Party or what sure looked like the most untrustworthy election in American History, the result was the same. Joe Biden was inflicted on this country as a mockery of a President with predictable results. He is now spending his last hours as President trying to do as much damage as possible.

But a miracle happened, the Democrat Party and its black female trojan horse marching to the drumbeat of the MSM were defeated and literally humiliated by Donald Trump. Now he is scheduled to be inaugurated for the second time, next Monday. Joe Biden’s influence on this nation will last no longer than it takes for his rumored hourly bowel movements. But this time Trump is ready, willing, and able to take on the mission. Both he, his cabinet and Republicans in congress have adopted “THWI LIGHT” zone tactics. They are no longer even pretending to feel compelled to negotiate and compromise with those totally unwilling to deal in good faith with them. There is a new gang of cabinet members who have already demonstrated a willingness to not only take on the pathetic liberal leftwing naïve Democrat Senators, but they are also smacking their haughty, arrogant, yet stupid faces with a harsh dose of reality. Trump has accomplished the impossible. He has put together a team that not only includes Republican politicians, but it also includes people like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. This is a team of strong leaders ready, willing, and able to take it on. The entire world took notice. The “THWI LIGHT Zone” has already started, and the results will be increasingly visible starting Monday Afternoon.

In addition, that failed assassination of Donald Trump has clearly changed him. He now truly believes that God spared him because God has given him a mission and an assignment. Fix this. Game on. Enjoy this version of the “THWI LIGHT ZONE.”  It’s a beautiful thing.