The trumpet has long been an instrument of war. It was used by military commanders to communicate commands on the battlefield. That is why there are so many bugle calls. Prior to modern radios, the trumpet may have been one of the most important of all military instruments. A soldier only needed to listen for the trumpet for guidance on the path to victory.
Donald Trump has managed to make the subject of Obama’s birth certificate a topic of conversation. That alone is a major accomplishment. His “Trumpet” calls on this issue have the potential to lead the GOP on the path to victory. When CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and FOX have all commented on this subject, you know that Trump has touched a nerve. Now the White House is directly responding, which creates a serious problem for them. The ultimate dilemma for Obama is that shedding light on this subject is going to reveal some ugly truths.
Just recently Tommy Christopher wrote an article explaining how the State of Hawaii had verified Obama’s birth certificate. The title of his article is “HOW TO INTERVIEW DONALD TRUMP: THE BIRTHER-DEBUNKERS GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE:
But Christopher, like a lot of other people in the media, has his facts wrong.
For example, he says the following:
While Hawaii state officials have sworn that the certified copy is a valid and true copy of the original birth certificate, and have sworn that they have personally inspected the original with their own eyes, they are unable to produce a copy of it for our consumption.
This statement is not accurate. No one from the State of Hawaii has ever said that the certified copy offered up by Obama is a “valid and true copy” of the original birth certificate. If you read closely, they have never verified that Obama has a birth certificate of any kind on file. What they do say is that there is a “record” of his birth. If you want to read some of my prior posts on this subject, you can read the actual statements from the State of Hawaii and judge this for yourself.
The rest of the article is mostly nonsense about how Obama couldn’t legally release his own birth certificate. Please! Obama, just like everyone else, can release his birth certificate any time he wants. The truth is that Obama is still desperately trying to cover up his personal history, and that is becoming more and more obvious.
Donald Trump is moving rapidly up the Republican Presidential leaderboard. Some people watch him because they like him, some people watch him because they hate him. But, they all watch him. This reminds me of when Ronald Reagan first started running for President. The media constantly downplayed him as “just an actor.” But they soon learned that Ronald Reagan was far more than just an actor; he was a gifted leader and a skilled politician. Donald Trump is a very strong leader with incredible communication skills. I believe that the people are hungry for that, and just may be willing to put up with the baggage in exchange for pure competence.
The main stream media and the DNC are working overtime to destroy Trump by dismissing him as irrelevant while desperately trying to dig up dirt on him. Such attacks are motivated primarily because they fear him. The Obama administration wouldn’t bother to comment on someone they did not consider a threat. The attacks on Trump are similar to the attacks on Sarah Palin, for the same reason. Both are far better communicators than Obama. Both are much smarter than Obama. Both are more effective leaders than Obama. But Trump is more dangerous than Sarah Palin because he is a proven leader with a long record of accomplishments. He also has about $600 million of his own money he can spend on his campaign.
Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe the country is hungry for a strong leader with the ability to communicate. Trump is that rare breed of person who is both a powerful force behind the scenes and a magnetic personality in front of the TV camera. He has that extremely rare combination of executive ability and showmanship. Like other powerful men, he has also left a rather extensive debris field. The man is not exactly a saint, and there have been some spectacular flameouts. But Donald Trump is a superstar performer, and it would be foolish to discount anyone with this level of ability.
I must admit that this has been a refreshing change. I admired George Bush and thought he was a great leader, but he was incapable of “selling” his position. I thought Bill Clinton was a weak leader, but he was a much better politician than Bush. It has been embarrassing to watch some really poor performances by people who are supposed to be our leaders. John McCain’s pathetic performance in the Presidential debates was almost too painful to watch. We haven’t had a truly powerful personality, since Ronald Reagan, that shares our values and is capable of explaining them in ways people can understand. Trump is changing that.
This does not mean that he is destined to win the Republican nomination, but he will change the game. Anyone who wants that nomination is going to have to compete in a public forum with Mr. Trump. At a minimum, he is going to require everyone else to elevate their game. That is good for the Republicans and bad for Obama.
In the meantime, everyone is talking about Obama’s birth certificate and even the lame stream media is likely to figure out that Obama has a serious problem. People like Christopher can only get away with the kind of nonsense I quoted above when no one challenges them with actual facts. Trump will not make that mistake.
In a way, the Obama birth certificate issue is a good illustration of what has been wrong with the Republican Party leadership for years. We have lacked a strong leader, who does his or her homework, and does not back down from assaults from the liberal left. Donald Trump looked the liberal left straight in the eye and said, “Show me the birth certificate.” For the first time, in a long time, it was the liberal left that blinked. The Republicans have had the facts on their side; they just lacked someone with the skill and the courage to fight back effectively. They needed someone to sound the trumpet and lead the charge.