Imagine plugging your electric vehicle into your home charger and going to bed. Sometime overnight, the power went out because high winds toppled a power line. You didn’t know this because, well, you were sleeping. You wake up to an evacuation order because of a massive wildfire caused by the same high winds. Your only vehicle is that cute and extremely expensive electric vehicle Governor Gavin Newsom demands for every home in California. Oops. Your battery is dead. You try to evacuate but first you need to find a charging station. Oh, there’s one right ahead. Oh my, that doesn’t have power either. Wait, there is another one a couple of miles down the road. But when you get there, if you can even get there, the line of electric vehicles waiting for a charge extends for blocks if not miles. If there is a state-of-the-art super-fast charger, it may only take about 15 minutes to get a charge. That is 15 minutes per vehicle. But that is only for tiny, tiny electric vehicles, or hybrids, which run on, gasp, gas. If you have a BMW i4, Chevrolet Bolt, Tesla Model 3, or Lucid Air, it will take between 7 and 10 or even 13 hours. In the meantime, the fire is getting closer, the air is getting hotter, the winds are getting stronger, the traffic is rapidly escalating from awful to stalemate. People behind you are abandoning their cars and running to escape the fire.

The following article in the PJ Media describes all this. Sadly, it may even understate the problem:

And Suddenly, Gavin Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate Looks Pretty Dumb to LA Fire Victims – PJ Media

And by the way, if you leave your EV in your home, and it catches fire consider your house going, going gone. In addition, the toxic smoke is so bad that firefighters hesitate to even approach your home.

But at least you have the sweet consolation of knowing that the EV you purchased for about twice what it would have cost for a gas-powered vehicle is worth about half of what that gas powered vehicle would be worth today.

Welcome to the H*ll Hole California. Where in exchange for high taxes, high crime, lousy roads and spreading homelessness, you get sky high housing costs, and extremely expensive homeowners’ insurance, if available at all. By the way, the fire department doesn’t have any water to protect your home. Meanwhile that super rich Hollywood celebrity living on the top of the mountain has his or her home protected by private fire departments charging $2,000 per hour (using gas-powered fire trucks). All of this is a gift of the party of the people, for the people, by the people.

Meanwhile the fire chief in LA is begging homeless people to stop lighting fires. How unfair.

The LA County Fire Chief Asks “Our Homeless Neighbors” Not to Light Fires – Santa Monica Observer

But it could be worse. You could have a governor, whining about why none of this is his fault, while blaming everything on Donald Trump and then begging Trump to come to California to sort things out. But wait, there’s hope, Joe Biden still has over 48 hours left in office to fix this.


2 thoughts on “EV PHONE HOME!

  1. Give Biden another ice cream cone and send him on his way before he can do more damage “control !”

  2. Hey! Californians re elected Newsom. “Fight fire with fire!” isn’t working so well, is it.?

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