I must admit that I am confused. Why does climate change, which used to be called global warming, is always accompanied about things that happen as a result of global warming? The answer is easy. Five minutes of research shows that there is little evidence of significant global warming, which is why global warming was changed to climate change, which is harder to dispute.

This allows the usual suspects to blame everything on climate change without bothering to consider any facts or evidence. The most recent evidence of this is the blaming of the current conditions in California on climate change, meaning global warming, to explain why all that warm rain has been building up enormous amounts of snow in the mountains. It allows people to argue with a straight face that these storms are more severe because of climate change, meaning global warming, even though the northern Pacific is not actually warmer it is colder. Warmer is when you have an El Nino. We have a La Nina, which is when the water is colder. Should be obvious, but obviously, isn’t.

This helps explain why all this climate change, meaning global warming, has resulted in remarkable things like record snowfall and Emerald Bay freezing completely over for the first time in decades.

Lake Tahoe’s Emerald Bay Freezes For First Time In Decades (

It is always amazing to see someone argue, with a straight face, that climate change, meaning global warming, causes things to get colder. Of course, if things get warmer, that is always proof of climate change, meaning global warming.

If you are confused, it is because you are getting this information from people who are confused. But then these are the same people who think that the government spending more money is the secret to lowering inflation. These are the same people who praise Democrats and Joe Biden, without regard to the facts or evidence and propose criminal sentences for Donald Trump based on wild rumors and conspiracy theories without regard to facts or evidence. The bottom line is that if you just ignore facts and evidence, you can easily convince yourself of anything, for a while.

But at some point, reality raises its ugly head. Like now, in California. There is snow, a lot of snow, possibly a record amount of snow. All of that snow is guaranteed to melt. When it melts, it is going to create major problems. This is because much of California is actually shaped like a very large bowl, surrounded by high mountains. When the snow melts, the water predictably fills up the bowl. There snow is already there. The only question is how fast it melts and how much of the bowl gets filled up.

The Los Angeles Times, famous for getting most things wrong, actually nailed this one:

Editorial: Restore California’s floodplains to capture more stormwater, protect human life (

A quick look at a satellite photo of the snow-covered Sierra makes it plain: No number of dams can hold all that water back, no number of reservoirs can lock it up.

Yup. The water is already here, and it is going to all melt and fill that bowl. The results will soon become obvious to everyone, including the usual suspects reporting on TV. They are almost certain to blame this on climate change, meaning global warming, and wonder how anyone could possibly argue against that conclusion. None of them are likely to realize they are all wet. How cool is that?



Margaret Thatcher once said:

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

Quote by Margaret Thatcher: “The problem with socialism is that you eventual…” (

Today there are signs that our economy is at great risk of a nearly complete meltdown. The shocking failure of Signature Bank, just two days after the failure of Silicon Valley Bank is having a serious impact on other major banks:

What Happened To Signature Bank? The Latest Bank Failure Marks Third Largest In History (

Dodge Frank was enacted under the Obama administration and modified as the result of bi-partisan legislation during the Trump administration.

Trump signs Dodd-Frank rollback | The Hill

“The final compromise leaves most of Dodd-Frank in place but provides a major boost for some of the largest U.S. banks. The measure releases of regional banks from tighter regulation by raising the threshold for closer Fed oversight from $50 billion to $250 billion in assets.

Banks below the new threshold will no longer be automatically subject to annual Fed stress tests and capital buffers meant to protect large firms are from severe financial crises.

Those banks are also no longer required to from submit for Fed approval a “living will” that outlines how a bank’s assets could be liquidated upon the firm’s failure without causing a widespread meltdown.

The bill includes several provisions to scrap rules for community banks and credit unions. Firms that hold 500 or fewer mortgages a year will no longer have to report some home loan data to federal regulators under anti-discrimination laws.”

We can predict that Democrats will blame the changes in Dodd-Frank for this disaster, without regard to the facts. But the reality is that regulation increases costs and that impacts small banks and business operations disproportionately. Adding additional regulations, which clearly did not work, on smaller banks who are doing fine seems extremely unlikely to fix anything.

The real lesson here is that the more the government tries to regulate anything, the worse the results. In addition, Democrats have a serious problem because while people with deposits equal to $250,000 are already protected by the FDIC, by definition changing that has a disproportion impact on the super-rich. Instead of taxing the rich, Biden is moving to protect the rich at the expense of the middle class. While CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC will failure to understand this, a lot of people are less likely to be confused.

Unfortunately, this is just further evidence of how much damage has been done to our economy by putting someone like Joe Biden in the White House and then pretending his repeated disasters are actually thinly disguised major victories. The situation we are in right now is very close to the worst-case scenario. We have an 80-year-old senile President, who has made us the laughingstock of the world, making huge mistakes many of which are the direct result of reversing policies implemented by Donald Trump. The only person less qualified to be President of the United States is Kamala Harris.

Perhaps it is time to ask which is worse, what we have now, or reversing the results of the 2020 election? Sometimes the unthinkable is a better option than the current thinking. The left bank only results in a lot of people left behind.



Joshua 6:1-20 (NIV)

“When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so, everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.” 

The people in Jericho paid a very high price for expecting the city walls to protect them from the Israelites. Today we have the modern equivalent of the story, only this time it is the “walls” closing in on Donald Trump, “again.” One would think that supposedly smart people who had been proven so very wrong previously predicting legal walls closing in on Donald Trump would show some restraint, but these clowns never learn. They keep trusting the same people who have proven themselves untrustworthy time and time again. Once again, it is becoming clear that no legal walls are closing in on Donald Trump this time either. Once again, the walls keep tumbling down.

In some cases the illusionary walls closing in on Donald Trump have already collapsed in the most spectacular ways. For example, the attorney representing Stormy Daniels is now in prison, and she was ordered to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees. This is so obvious that even the New York Times noticed, but Anderson Cooper is still struggling to understand. There are numerous links to the following interview of Maggie Haberman by Anderson Cooper:

WATCH: Maggie Haberman Throws Gallons of Cold Water on Trump Indictment News (

The reality is that the walls closing in on Donald Trump exist primarily in the deluded minds of people who hate him with such passion that it blinds their ability to see reality. The beat goes on and even CBS this morning reported that Trump is likely to be indicted. These walls will do even less to protect the usual suspects from Trump than the walls of Jericho designed to protect its inhabitants from the Israelites.

There are other walls coming down, including the wall hiding the truth about January 6th from the American public. Despite the delusional reporting by the MSM and the irrational rants of the January 6th committee, very few people are buying the myth that January 6th was really an armed insurrection, the greatest threat to democracy since the civil war. The reality is that most of the people protesting in Washington were no threat to anyone and they honestly believed there were serious problems regarding the 2020 election because those problems are actually pretty darn obvious. There were a handful of people who did violate the law. At least some of them appear to have been egged on by people who suspiciously look like plants. One person allegedly connected to Antifa admitted this, on video, but he was ignored by the FBI and the MSM.

Unsurprisingly the only media outlet that reported objectively on this was the New York Post.  You can read the story here, published on January 15, 2021 but totally ignored by the rest of the MSM:

Who is John Sullivan, accused provocateur charged in Capitol riot? (

Mr. Sullivans video is evidence of a lot of things, mostly about himself, but is hardly evidence of an armed organized insurrection.

But now Republicans control the House, they have access to 41,000 hours of video and that is being released to the American public. The only thing certain is that the video used by the January 6th committee, focused almost solely on creating legal walls to trap Donald Trump was selectively edited and soon a lot of people will hear and see the “other side of the story.” Another legal wall closing in on Donald Trump is on the verge of collapse.

Ironically, Maggie Hagerman did get something right. Those who attack Donald Trump risk elevating him to a higher status than he would get otherwise.

The walls of Jericho tell us something else. Poorly designed walls are destined to fall down. It is only a matter of time. And when that happens, the resulting sound is often heard round the world. I honestly believe that if his enemies were not so blinded by hatred, they would easily see that Trump himself is prone to self-destruction. His best campaign staff is composed of those devoted full-time to tearing him down. Perhaps if they just shut up, people who pay more attention to what Trump does and says and that wall of silence just might be the most effective wall of all. That, of course, is the least likely outcome.



Several years ago, while traveling on Bart to an Oakland Raiders game, I noticed something very sobering. There was a long, long, long line of railroad tank cars, most of which looked pretty ancient, sitting there waiting to be loaded up with gas or oil and transported. That was when I realize that these tank cars were traveling through cities and towns all over the country and to me, and my hunch was most people were unaware of the potential disaster traveling through their town. At a minimum, at least to me, this looked like a really bad accident waiting to happen.

This is one reason it seemed obvious that projects like the Keystone Pipeline were a far better solution to move such highly inflammable material safely. While there is probably no way to completely eliminate the risk, a pipeline sure seems like a better option.

Now we have had that horrible train accident in East Palestine, Ohio. To me this looks like another Camp LeJeune case just waiting to develop. I personally expect liability claims from this incident to last years if not decades. If I lived near there, I would probably move, regardless of the personal expense. While staying there I would avoid being outdoors anywhere near the site and would probably only drink bottled water. But the real question is why this train was even allowed anywhere near this town. In this case the derailment appears to have been caused by an overheated bearing on an axle, but there are a lot of other things that could cause something similar. Trains can derail for a lot of reasons, including sabotage. If you have ever traveled any distance on a train, you quickly notice that they sway and bounce a lot. That is true even if the rails are relatively new and in good condition. One has to wonder how many railroad tracks in use today meet that standard.

I suspect this is going to be a major wakeup call for a lot of people. Perhaps it is time we all ask exactly what is traveling on those railroad tracks. Trains started operating in the mid-1800s, in some cases before the civil war. However, with the invention of the automobile, the interstate highway system, and the use of trucks to transport goods, in some cases rail lines were literally abandoned without sufficient consideration as to their value. For example, Los Angeles had a vast network of electric railway lines. There were over 1,000 miles of track. But these tracks were abandoned and destroyed, and the last segment of the system was abandoned in 1961. Now, even with a daily traffic nightmare, it would be impossible to rebuild that system any time soon.

Map details LA’s Red Car streetcar lines – Curbed LA

In any event it is time for serious people to evaluate the risk vs reward particularly when considering the transport of hazardous materials. We’ve been warned, the question is will anyone listen.

One thing is certain, there is probably no one less qualified than Pete Buttigieg to lead the way forward. In addition, we need honest reporting from people totally unlike Jake Tapper, who asked the NTSB representative a question based on Democratic talking points and specifically Buttigieg’s failed attempt to blame this, predictably, on Donald Trump. He should have been public embarrassed at the response to his incredibly stupid question, but that would require him to have the ability to even recognize the error.

NTSB Chair Shuts Down Pete Buttigieg’s Pathetic Blaming of Donald Trump for Train Derailment – RedState

Yes, there are legitimate questions. A lot of people should be demanding answers. But to really fix this, if possible, this should involve the minimal number of elected public officials from either party.

One wonders if the Chinese don’t have the best solution, just transport everything by balloon. What could possibly go wrong.

Hindenburg disaster – Wikipedia



For the record, I am not a huge Tucker Carlson fan. But sometimes the loudest criticism of him is when he is actually right. For example, every time we get a hurricane, someone from CNN, MSNBC etc., will explain that this is proof of global warming. Anyone who dares hint at anything different is a dreaded “climate change denier.” Tucker was guilty of touching the third rail of climate change politics. But, if you do even a little research on hurricanes it soon becomes obvious that really big hurricanes have been hitting Florida for over 100 years, this runs in cycles, and there is no discernible increase in the number or severity of these storms. They do cause more damage now, because there are a lot more people and structures available for destruction.

You can see this for yourself, just drive from Miami to Key West. You will see that there once was a rail road, but a hurricane destroyed it. That happened on Labor Day, 1935. It was a huge category 5. It took seven years to build that railroad right of way, and four hours for the hurricane to destroy it.

And by the way, the weather temperature charts developed by NOAA show NO global warming over the past eight years. But you will never hear that from the MSM. In addition, they keep talking about this massive ice shelf in Antarctica that will melt and rained sea level by 500 ft. Ok, not quite that much, but a lot. Well perhaps you remember iceberg A68a, which broke off Antarctica in 2017. It was 100 miles long and 30 miles wide. That has now melted almost completely and is stuck near South Georgia Island. But this huge melting iceshelf didn’t raise sea level, at all. Why? Because, duh, it was already melting before, which is why it broke off. It did add fresh water, which resulted in more fish and the penguins rejoiced, but that is another story:

An Extraordinary Iceberg Is Gone, but Not Forgotten – The New York Times (

Note that the NYT article ignored the fact that this had zero impact on sea level. But this should be obvious. You can test this yourself. Just put some ice in a glass of water. Measure the height of the water. Now let the ice melt. Then measure the height of the water. It is exactly the same:

buoyancy – Why does ice melting not change the water level in a container? – Physics Stack Exchange

Archimedes’ principle states that the weight of water displaced will equal the upward buoyancy force provided by that water. Hmmm. The Archimedes principle. That would be the Greek mathematician who lived in Syracuse, Sicily, around 3 BCE. Of course, that does not provide nearly enough time for the people in the MSM to notice. Actually, this is misleading because a melting iceberg does replace salt water with fresh water. So, if all the ice in the world melted, that would raise sea level world wide by a whopping 4 to 6 centimeters. Horror of horrors.


In an even greater miracle, Kevin McCarthy, that Kevin McCarthy just gave about 51,000 hours of video from January 6th, 2021, to Tucker Carlson. Tucker and his team are pouring through this, and the results are likely to be very humiliating for Democrats. There is a REASON they didn’t want the public to see these videos. Keep tuned because this could easily become must see television. Now Tucker Carlson is guaranteed to selectively edit this material, but of course, the January 6th committee already had two years to do that. We can be absolutely certain that every minute of video that supported the Insurrection theory, has been reported already. It is what we did not see that is likely to change people’s minds.

This is a sign that Kevin McCarthy and the new Republican Party is actually going to start fighting back and they aren’t going to use the Democratic Playbook. Perhaps during the 6,000 vote calls necessary to get McCarthy elected Speaker of the House, he figured that out. So far, the loudest voices in this Republican congress are those who have been ignored for far too long.

Stay tuned because we have never seen anything like this before. Many of us have wondered why Republicans were so pathetic at fighting back. Perhaps they have finally learned something important. Democrats are not their friends, they are not even their friendly foes, they are people who have been at war. They were at war with us, but we were not at war with them. Until now. Grin and Tucker it. This is just the beginning.



Do you ever wonder if we are somehow caught in a real-life bizarre version of Ground Hog Day. Every day we see pretty the same thing, and we also see the usual suspects either feign ignorance or ignore the obvious. The mental problems with Joe Biden are now so obvious that reporting on them has reached the point of boring replication. The response to the obvious is also sadly predictable. Republicans point and sneer but do nothing. Democrats spin around in a circle with one eye closed hoping to see something else next time around. Then there are the true KoolAid drinkers like the ladies on The View who are absolutely brilliant at drawing the wrong conclusion about nearly everything..

Now add in the ridiculous reality of that huge Chinese Surveillance balloon traveling slowing across the U.S., taking pictures of some of the most secure locations in this country. Joe Biden, upon advice of our military commanders, ordered it shot down only after it had successfully cleared the South Carolina coast. That they discover another one over Alaska. They shoot that down. Oops there is another one, over the Yukon. Canada invites U.S. jets to shoot that down. Then, incredibly, another one, this time over Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. That is shot down too.

But this gets worse. The one shot down over Alaska is smaller and shaped like an octagon. The one over Lake Huron allegedly looks like an oversize grey coffee can. When asked about this, the U.S. Military says they can’t rule out alien sourcing. Are you kidding me? Why on earth is anyone in the MSM even pretending to take this seriously anymore? Today the Biden Administration smugly said these were happening during the Trump administration too, but they weren’t skilled enough to detect them. Really? Is anyone buying this nonsense? Other than Don Lemon on CNN of course.

This reminds me of when a home missionary friend of my father’s visited us in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He told us this weird story about seeing a flying saucer land on a frozen lake in Northern Minnesota while he was out ice fishing. He said in a short period of time a U.S. Air Force truck showed up, blocked off the site, told him to forget what he saw. Then, he watched the flying saucer take off again. He was a very devout Baptist minister, so alcohol consumption was not an explanation, but this was off the charts unbelievable. At the time he told this story, I was about five years old, and this had supposedly happened several years earlier. I often wondered what on earth he was talking about until one day, years later, I saw this link realized this is probably what he saw:

Vought V-173 – Wikipedia

I have always suspected that those numerous UFO sightings were always some kind of double secret aircraft. Now I realize some of them may have been relatively small balloons. I am pretty convinced that if aliens did approach us, it would be with something more sophisticated than these silly objects.

It is increasingly obvious that a whole lot of people are either lying about this or they are hopelessly delusional. The only thing certain is that the least likely explanation regarding anything is that given by the Biden administration. The only explanation with less credibility than something said by a spokesman for the Biden Administration is if the President (save us) himself tries to explain.

But all of this ignores the real problem. We live in a very real and very scary world with countries like North Korean, Russia and China who have nuclear weapons. We live in a world with all too real enemies and all too serious challenges. Combine this with the very real possibility that the President of the United States may have had his son sell influence to the highest bidder, including to people in places like China and Russia. What is it going to take before even Democrats and their fawning buddies in the MSM start to notice?  When will they come to the grim realization that this is putting each and every one of us at risk. This isn’t even close to funny anymore.

But there is hope. Donald Trump is still not President. That is all the Never Trumpers need or even want to know. They consider anything else to be an improvement. Well welcome to the land of anything else. Frankly some of the things Trump has done recently are so narcissistic and outright stupid that they create genuine concern about his fitness for office. But then I turn on my TV, and I see Joe Biden, and the only words that can come close to describing this is “Full Mental Jacket.” This is what happens when you steal an election without regard to who or what replaced Donald Trump as President of the United States and even less regard to the consequences of that decision.


P.S. What could possibly be worse than this? Easy, she is standing just in back of Joe Biden, watching her husband kiss Dr. Jill on the lips.


It is now official. The United States does not have a capable Commander in Chief. When our founding fathers wrote the constitution, they most definitely did not want another King. But they also realized that someone has to be in a position to make the tough decisions necessary to defend this country. Today, we have a very noticeable vacancy in that position.

It is now widely reported that China has sent a “spy” balloon over much of our country. In order to understand the seriousness of this situation, ask yourself what China would do if we sent a similar balloon to survey China. The answer is beyond obvious. They would do everything possible to shoot it down. We would be lucky if it stopped there. They could conceivably use this as justification to attack somewhere. It wouldn’t necessarily be some place as obvious as Taiwan, but they would consider that to be an insult so severe that failure to respond would result in loss of face.

The problem for the Biden Administration, and for the Democratic party, is that virtually everyone not employed by CNN realizes this. Even those people who usually drink the liberal KoolAid understand this. Even those who pretend our open southern border is not a problem understand this. Even those who think it is a brilliant idea to defund the police understand this. Everyone, that is besides the only person who matters, Joe Biden, understands this.

What makes this even more important is that the solution is so obvious. You just shoot it down. Then make a big production of showing the world what China was “trying” to do. Then you punish China, in the most open and obvious way possible and demand an apology.

Even if Biden was too terrified to actually shoot this puppy down, the United States could have found a million ways to “take the air out of the balloon.” An unexplained “catastrophic failure” of the balloon would have also solved the problem. But instead, Biden acknowledged it was there, acknowledged it was a threat, and just ignored it anyway.

Sadly, Biden is not doing that or anything else that matters. Stopping Antony Blinken from going on his previously scheduled trip to China was probably met with snickers and applause. Blinken is one of the few people on this planet who made Hillary Clinton look good as Secretary of State. Blinken is even fluent in French, so he already knows the language of surrender. Blinken cancelling this trip removed the last chance for the U.S. to have a Frank and Ernest conversation with China explaining the consequences of getting into a real confrontation with the U.S. But the problem is the “Frank and Ernest” cartoon characters have credibility than Joe Biden or anyone associated with his administration.

Frank and Ernest by Thaves for January 29, 2023 – GoComics

If one looked recently, there has been bi-partisan cooperation with Keven McCarthy on some important issues. For example, a resolution denouncing socialism won by a 328 -86-14 vote. 109 Democrats voted for the resolution, 86 voted no and 14 voted present. The vote to create the “Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party” passed 365 to 65.

If they took a vote to express their opinion about the Chinese balloon blatantly violating our airspace, the vote might be close to unanimous. This begs the question, why is Biden so unwilling to do the obvious. Even Republicans would praise him for shooting down that balloon. The country would probably rally around him. If the balloon coming down caused damage, that would be blamed on the Chinese, not the U.S. So that begs the question; why? I often say that never assume malice when mere incompetence is a satisfactory explanation. But this is so obvious and so wrong that at least some people might ask if something else is going on. Does the Chinese Communist party have some kind of leverage on Joe Biden? That would be unthinkable, but unfortunately, not beyond the realm of possibility.

In any case, if Biden doesn’t let the air out of that Chinese balloon, he may be letting the air out of the remain shreds of his administration and a significant portion of the current Democratic Party may go along for the ride. Unfortunately, in the meantime, the entire country is at obvious risk because of the vacancy in the office of President of the United States.



Most of us are familiar with the Hans Christian Andersen story about the emperor who was tricked into walking down the street naked, arrogantly assuming he was wearing clothes invisible to those who are stupid and incompetent.

The Emperor’s New Clothes – Wikipedia

Most of us realize that the emperor was “exposed” as being the one truly stupid. But one notes that even after this becomes obvious to everyone, he continued down the street walking more proudly then ever. But it is important to realize that many more people were involved. His officials and even the emperor actually visited the looms, where the imaginary clothes were being made, and ignored the obvious fact that they were totally empty. In addition, the town people went along with the charade, until a young girl pointed out the obvious. Then everyone, but the emperor started laughing.

Han Christian Andersen did not invent this story, it was apparently based on a 1335 story from a Spanish medieval collection. It may even date back to Aesop and even Persian folktales. The point being that the arrogance and stupidity of people in power is not exactly new. Part of the problem is that few people in direct contact with really powerful people often lack the courage to tell them an uncomfortable truth.

One could write another folk tale about Joe Biden, and it would be remarkably similar. There are a lot of people, close to Biden, who see the truth about the man, but they are unwilling to confront him and are more than willing to try and deceive everyone else. The result is a man who is increasingly willing to believes he is uniquely brilliant and qualified to be President of the United States without regard to any evidence to the contrary. This would explain why he keeps telling the same stupid lies about supposed personal accomplishments that are easily discredited. He has convinced himself that they are true, and no one tell him the lies are beyond obvious. It explains why he was stupid enough to slam Donald Trump for having classified documents, apparently oblivious to the fact that he also had similar documents in unsecure locations. Then he stupidly tried to say that since these were in the same location where he stored his prized Corvette, he was shocked to learn that this was not actually a good thing.

Now at the point where this has been disclosed. Today the FBI is searching his Delaware Beach House. This isn’t happening on a Friday, to avoid the news cycle, it is happening Wednesday morning, a time guaranteed to receive widespread media attention. This search cannot end well. If they don’t find any documents, everyone will question why it took them six months to do the search. If they do find classified documents, it will be impossible to explain away. All’s well that ends, well. The illusion of the Biden competency is now on full display, increasingly obvious to everyone, in both parties. He may continue walking, proudly, naked, down the street, but instead of applause he is hearing nothing but increasingly loud laughter. He is in the process of being laughed off the stage.

Normally, everyone would unite behind his replacement, the Vice President. But the Vice President is Kamala Harris, and not one thinks she is remotely capable of handling the job. This has brought us full circle to the fiasco of the 2020 election. In the desperate all-out effort to defeat Donald Trump, little consideration was given to the consequences of putting someone as stupid and incompetent as Joe Biden in the White House. Even less consideration was given to the lack of options available to change this, in the event things went south. Well, welcome to south, with still no viable options available to fix this.

When Woodrow Wilson became incapacitated because of a stroke, his doctor lied about it , his wife took over, and congress went along with the charade. As early as 1792, congress anticipated the need for a line of succession. The constitution says the vice president becomes president if the elected one dies or becomes debilitated.  In 1886 another succession act was passed that, after the Vice President, replaced the leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives with the Presidential Cabinet, starting with the Secretary of State. It changed again on July 18, 1947, when President Harry Truman signed the Presidential Succession Act. That changes the order of succession from the vice president to the Speaker of the House and then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. After the Kennedy assassination, the 25th Amendment was signed in 1967. This puts the Vice President immediately in power if the President is incapacitated, even temporarily. It was invoked during Ronald Reagans surgery for colon cancer and for George W. Bush’s colonoscopies in 2002 and 2007.

But none of these involved a Vice President so obviously incapable of being President. This times everyone knows the emperor has no clothes, the problem is that no viable solution to the problem is even on the horizon.



The winds of change are blowing strong and picking up steam. People in both political parties are hungry for change. Republicans are tired of RINO Republicans who squander opportunity after opportunity. Most Democrats are not actually proud of the woke movement and they feel the pain of economic ineptitude along with everyone else. Everyone is united in one goal, somebody else please, anybody, please. The most popular option, if available, today would be “none of the above.”

We are already seeing that in the Democratic Party. The good bye Joe movement is all too real and unless he wakes up and decides to exit gracefully, will become far more aggressive. They are trying to send him a strong message and are praying he understands. But one of the problems with Joe Biden is that he really believes the lies he tells, and he really believes he is doing a great job as President.

But the winds of change are also blowing for the GOP. Donald Trump is desperately trying to resurrect his political career by running for President in 2024. Ironically, he is adopting the strategy of Hillary Clinton, who won the nomination by destroying any potential candidate. He will be successful, for candidates like Nicky Haley and John Bolton. But he is likely to destroy himself in the process. A lot of people thought he did a good job as President. A lot of people agree that the 2020 election was highly flawed resulted in the worst political mistake in American history installing someone as inept and unethical as Joe Biden in the White House. But his act is getting old and his support may have dwindled to the point where he can still be highly destructive, but he cannot possibly win election to be President of the United States in 2024. That may be unfair, but it is reality. The really smart candidate will be one who avoids engaging in debate with Donald Trump and instead waits for the moment when his candidacy becomes untenable.

We may also face the most serious constitutional crisis in our country, ever. The problem is that if some of the allegations against Hunter Biden are true, they may represent a very serious national security risk. It is bad enough that Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family clearly sold Joe Biden’s influence to the highest bidder. It is frightening to think that this included people from our worst enemies, including Russia and China. But that pales in comparison to the potential that Hunter Biden was granted access to highly classified information and that he may have leaked some of this information to foreign governments. This is so serious that even a hard-core Democrat like Mark Warner sat up and started paying attention. This means that in addition to the Democrats who want to see Joe go, for purely political reasons, there are at least some Democrats who legitimately fear he is a risk to national security.

Now combine this with the fact that Joe’s annual physical is overdue, and the White House is stonewalling that. The numerous people warning that we are heading toward a recession. Incredibly, just yesterday, Biden posted a picture of himself in a GMC Hummer EV, supposedly promoting the electric vehicle tax credit. This car cost between $87,000 to $110,000, which exceeds the maximum cost for which the $7,500 credit is available. This is as tone deaf as it gets.

Here in Florida, we are already seeing some of that change. DeSantis won election four years ago, running against a man who was recently indicted on wire fraud charges, by the narrowest of margins. Four years later, he defeated former Governor Charlie Crist by over 20 percentage points. Even Democrats now refer to Florida as a very red state. Everyone, and I do mean everyone is checking out what happened in Florida to effect such a profound change. That answer is DeSantis, who did what he said he would do and will not back down even in the face of the strongest possible opposition. It turns out that a lot of people like someone who says what he means and means what he says. We are very likely to see other politicians learning from this and acting accordingly. Winners are always studied and copied.

One hopes that the cycle is running strongly against those who have been so destructive. That does seem like the most likely outcome. But no cycle last forever and those who fail to exploit the opportunities arising out of this cycle, need to keep that in mind. Everyone needs to be alert for change, some positive, some negative. However, keep in mind that the least reliable source of information at the moment is the MSM, including Fox. They are far better at reporting on what has happened than in predicting what will happen. The winds of change are blowing hard, and eventually everyone will notice. The only thing we know for certain is who has mucked things up to a fare-thee well. Change, significant change, is coming. This is a high wind warning.



Sometimes reality is weirder than any imagined plot. Joe Biden is President of the United States for one and only one reason, he is not Donald Trump. Democrats were so desperate to get rid of Donald Trump that they chose Joe Biden to being their nominee solely because they decided he was the ONLY Democrat running who had ANY chance of beating Donald Trump. Even then he won by the narrowest of margins with the help of miraculous late night vote totals in the usual suspect locations famous for voter fraud in the bluest of blue Democratic cities.

No one in the MSM noticed the stench from the 2020 election. Actually, they did notice and chose to lie about it. The situation was not helped when Trump got some really horrible legal advice, pursuing wild conspiracies while ignoring issues that could have changed the outcome. For example, it is indisputable that in Pennsylvania, votes were counted differently in some very blue counties than they were in other parts of the state. That is exactly the issue that caused the Supreme Court to intervene during the 2000 presidential election. A decision, by the way, that was 7-2 meaning some of the liberal judges agreed.  The 5-3 decision was the one to stop counting.

The unfortunate result was President Joe Biden, and he has turned out to be worse than anyone expected. Many have speculated that Joe was not really in charge. That there was a double secret probation committee making all the decisions. But the real problem is that Joe, despite his obvious mental decline, thinks he is in charge. He is the one that has made the most disastrous decisions. Then, incredibly, this frail shadow of a human being decided he would run for re-election. Boom! Democrats were faced with the impossible scheme. Donald Trump, gasp, could even beat Biden, which to them would be the worst-case scenario for the establishment in both parties. Or, at best, Joe could eek out another “miraculous” victory and Democrats would have to spend four more years watching him muck things up to a fare-thee well. And I do mean fare-thee-well, because if Joe spends four more years as President by 2028 the revolution would be complete, and Democrats would be swept totally out to see.

No one, in either party, wants Joe anymore. We can be absolutely certain that neither party will even consider doing the right thing, for the right reason. What’s a mother to do? Well, just maybe, now we know. The perfect solution. Miraculously discover documents, ignored for years, that have “Top Secret” markings found in brilliant locations like the garage where Joe stores his Corvette and where Hunter had held some really spectacular parties. Game on!  Former Obama officials are trashing him. Even CNN joined the blame game. Predictably some Democrats smell blood and are turning on Joe. If you get rid of Joe for improperly storing classified documents, that makes it impossible for Trump to become President again. Right? Win-win.

Then, just when you thought this couldn’t get worse, it got worse. Friday, the FBI discovered even more documents at Biden’s Delaware home, after an alleged 13-hour strip search. Nice! This is now rapidly becoming a constitutional crisis. Goodbye Joe is coming, whether we want it or not. The real question is who or what will replace him. Kamala is standing on the side of the stage, giggling, saying “look at me.” Those who do are throwing up.

Congratulations to those who thought the election of Donald Trump would be the end of the age. If Trump had won re-election, he would already be the lamest of lame duck Presidents. The Trump era would be officially over next year. Instead, this script reminds me of the song, “Goodbye Joe.”

Good Bye Joe

lyrics to good bye joe – Search (

Time is full of changes, Joe, and now you’ve got to go
Don’t forget that we loved on the highland
Goodbye, Joe (goodbye, Joe)

Goodbye, Joe (goodbye, Joe)
Goodbye, Joe (goodbye, Joe)
Goodbye, Joe (goodbye, Joe)
Goodbye, Joe (goodbye, Joe)