It seems like every day we are confronted with “another” report of Donald Trump being investigated if not indicted for some crime. We are now at the point where there are only two possibilities here. Either Trump is a serial criminal who deliberately breaks the law at every opportunity focused solely on his own advancement, or the people opposed to him are losing their grip on reality. It is increasingly clear that they will not stop until they have destroyed Donald Trump, by any means necessary. Nothing else matters to them. This means Republicans have only two options here. They can go to war with those who are so openly abusing the legal and justice system for political purposes, or they can throw Donald Trump under the bus. There is no safe middle ground here, even for those who would prefer to stay far away from the fray.

Now the Michigan Attorney General has charged people who requested authorization as alternative electors, due to well documented problems during the 2020 election in Michigan, with felony charges. This is literally an act of war against anyone who dares hint that there were problems with the 2020 election.

Regardless of what one thinks about Donald Trump, the relentless legal attacks on him cannot be safely ignored. If it can happen to Donald Trump, it can and will happen to anyone who’s views are opposed by the liberal left. There would no longer be any doubt, this country would be dealing with a totally weaponized legal system that does not even pretend to honor the right to protest and the right to free speech. Incredibly this is facilitated by the same DOJ and FBI that lied about the Russian Collusion hoax and which appears to have colluded with the Biden Campaign to cover up alleged misdeeds by both Hunter Biden and his father.

This attack on Donald Trump is an attack on all of us. It is the reason he is leading in all the polls, and it is why Democrats are in serious jeopardy of pushing the country into electing him for another term as President of the United States.

If Trump is elected President, it would be understandable if he went on a mission to either destroy the DOJ and the FBI or to force drastic change. He would be tempted to use the DOJ and the FBI against his political opponents the same way it has been weaponized against him. It would take an incredibly strong person to resist doing that.

I have no illusions that Donald Trump is a saint and some of the allegations against him have at least some merit. But if this standard were applied to every major political personality, we would soon run out of any candidates for office who are not hopelessly corrupt. Those who are truly corrupt never hesitate to ignore the law and go to war with anyone who opposes them.

Fortunately, there are signs that even Republicans who despise Trump have identified the problem and they are motivated to fix this. At least some of the leaders in the Republican Party, including Kevin McCarthy are gearing up for battle. Fortunately for them, those who are so opposed to Donald Trump have made a major mistake. By charging him for a crime, for everything he does that they don’t like, they have only exposed themselves. They have exposed themselves as people who are on a mission to silence and destroy anyone who opposes their world view. They can’t even spell compromise. The volume of charges against Donald Trump has made this impossible to ignore. They must either be defeated or there is real risk of living in an intolerable police state.

We are now at the point where anything Donald Trump said or did that hinted at problems with the 2020 election is considered to be a felony. This is exacerbated by the ridiculous claim that the protests on January 6th, 2021, were an armed insurrection attempting to overthrow our democracy. That is patently absurd. The good news is that every poll shows most Americans are not buying this nonsense. The recent boycott against Bud Light and Disney should have sent a loud message to the people leading this assault, but they are obviously incapable of listening. I am reminded of the words of Admiral Yamamoto after he realized Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor without even the courtesy of a declaration of war. He said:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Although this quote was in “TORA, TORA, TORA” there is little evidence that Yamamoto said exactly this. However, the sentiment was correct. After Pearl Harbor, the country united with a purpose to defeat both Japan and German. That is because the American people were confronted with the cost of doing nothing. Kinda like today. We either unite behind those who are determined to confront this attack on democracy by the weaponization of the DOJ and the FBI or pay the consequences. To many people, the volume of legal assaults against Donald Trump are evidence of the consequences. Ironically, if he actually is guilty of any of these charges, there is now virtually zero chance of him being held accountable.

We are close to the point where it may become harder to find someone who admits to being a liberal Democrat than it is to find cases of Bud Light on a shelf at Costco.