There are certain days that will always live in infamy. Days like the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan on December 7th, 1941. November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. September 11, 2001, the day the World Trade Center was attacked. Now we have July 26, 2023, the day the Hunter Biden plea deal was rejected by the judge.
Democrats in congress and their fawning supporters have just been dealt the ultimate body blow. For years there has been a cover-up of everything Hunter Biden. The theory was that MAGA Republicans were pushing a discredited conspiracy theory. That argument just died today in that courtroom in Delaware.
This judge was appointed by Donald Trump but was considered to be a candidate as a potential nominee for a federal judgeship in the Federal Court by Joe Biden. She ruled against John Paul Mac Issac, the person who repaired Hunter Biden’s laptop, in his defamation lawsuit against CNN, Politico, and Hunter Biden. They probably considered her the ideal choice to just rubber stamp the Hunter Biden plea deal and move on. Big mistake. She not only rejected this; in the process she elevated the Hunter Biden saga to front page news.
The rejection of this plea deal is a full body blow to the DOJ and particularly prosecutor David Weiss. This follows dramatic whistleblower testimony before congress and the scheduled appearance of David Weiss next week. This is the worst possible development for a DOJ and FBI already under attack for partisan application of justice.
Every major news organization will be investigating and reporting on this. Each engaging in a desperate rush to report important developments before its competitors. The race is on.
If any of the allegations regarding Hunter Biden and Joe Biden have any basis in fact, that is about to become public knowledge. This is so bad that it wouldn’t be surprising to see some Democrats support the demand for a Special Prosecutor. They may want to do this if for no other reason than to distract from the public House hearings on this subject. One thing is certain, presenting this plea deal, only to have it totally rejected by this judge, is the ultimate embarrassment for the DOJ at a time when they can least ignore it. If Merritt Garland is smart, he will start firing people and open his own investigation. But that is very unlikely to happen, because if he points a finger at anyone else, he will be pointing at least four more at himself.
At this point anything could happen. It would not be surprising if Merritt Garland resigned. But that would not solve the problem, because when the President is the suspect, anyone appointed by him will be suspect. That is why the Special Counsel rules are there.
McCarthy has been hinting at appointing an Impeachment Special Counsel. This may just push him to take definitive action. In view of this development, few people have any remaining confidence in the DOJ or the FBI. Even Democrats who desperately want to support the DOJ, will hesitate because at best the DOJ looks hopelessly incompetent.
This reminds me of the man who admitted to having several illicit affairs with other women, while married because he desperately needed an alibi for a murder. Sometimes a really unpleasant choice is still better than the alternative. Democrats may be at that point and odds are they are desperately looking around for someone, anyone, to take Joe Biden’s place. In 2020 they chose Joe Biden because they feared that Bernie Sanders could lose 50 states. Now the only real option is Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Democrats fear him more than they feared Bernie. Some have speculated that Gavin Newsom represents the great white hope. That of course is more attractive to people who are unfamiliar with the brilliant job he is not doing in California.
If nothing changes there is a chance that the election could be between two people under indictment for serious crimes, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. That would obviously be unthinkable. At this point Donald Trump has been charged for so many crimes, in so many areas, by so many different prosecutors that while it is hard to imagine him being convicted, unless the trial is held in New York of Washington D.C. at a minimum he is going to be seriously distracted from his campaign for President.
It would not surprise me to see this quickly end the Presidency of Joe Biden. But it may also make a lot of Republicans start to seriously consider an alternative to Donald Trump. The only thing worse than having both candidates under indictment is to have only your candidate under indictment. In every war, there are always casualties on both sides.
One thing is certain, our world has changed, and it is time to fasten our seatbelts as this is going to be a very bumpy ride. A lot of people are being forced to follow the son and following the sun always results in things getting very hot.