It is obvious that the pressure to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hunter and Joe Biden is increasing daily. Under 28 CFR § 600.1 a Special Prosecutor or Special Counsel may be appointed by the Attorney General. The standard is where a Justice Department investigation would present a conflict of interest. If Merritt Garland had a shred of integrity, he would have already appointed a Special Counsel regarding this issue. But that is not the only option. Congress can also appoint a Special Counsel through the passage of legislation. Since the Senate is controlled by Democrats, it might be a challenge to get a Special Counsel approved.

(The Supreme Court precedent in Morrison v Olson, confirmed the power of congress to appoint a Special Counsel through legislation.)

Just imagine if Merritt Garland still refuses to appoint a Special Counsel resulting in the House passing legislation appointing a Special Counsel and the Senate voting to block that. When you combine that with the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trump, the political fallout would be enormous.

No one can predict this, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Special Counsel legislation passed by the House. Then the Senate would debate this. Behind the scenes, key Senators would be telling Joe they will be forced to vote for this, unless he does something, such as to order Merritt Garland to appoint a Special Prosecutor. It is hard to imagine Biden asking Garland to appoint someone to investigate himself. At this point, it would not be a surprise if Biden is strongly encouraged to develops a “medical condition” that reluctantly results in him resigning from office. Kamala Harris would be the new President and she would likely announce that since Joe has resigned there is no longer a need for a Special Counsel. She might even decide to pull a Gerald Ford and pardon Joe Biden.

This of course would be beyond bizarre. But we are close to the point where a lot of people, including top Democrats, consider Joe Biden to be a liability they can no longer afford. Ultimately these people are very likely to throw Joe under the bus if necessary to save their own miserable hides. One problem is that we may be beyond the point where Joe is remotely capable of recognizing the obvious and doing the right thing. That could even lead to a 25th amendment action, where the VP with a majority of the cabinet sends a letter to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House a written declaration that the President is unable to assume the powers and duties of his office. At that point, Kamala Harris would become acting VP.  The President could response by saying no inability exists and unless the VP and a majority of the cabinet disagrees, within four days, he is back to being President.

If you think this sounds insane, it is because it is insane. But this is what happens when you rig a federal election to put someone like Joe Biden in the White House. The only option, other than impeachment, to fix the error, requires the VP and the cabinet, all appointed by Biden, to do the right thing for the right reason. That, of course, is the least likely result.

Odds are this will only be resolved when the public outcry is so severe that no other options exist. Congratulations to everyone who made this possible. Special supporting actor awards to the MSM who ignored the obvious and reported the ridiculous. Honorable mention to the local DNC committees who helped either rig the vote or cover up for those who rigged the vote.  And very special credit to RINO Republicans who saw this happen on their watch and never considering doing something to fix this before it was beyond fixing. Well, welcome to beyond fixing. Enjoy the ride. “Ain’t that special.”


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