Curiosity did indeed kill the cat and couriosity may just kill the FBI. Curiosity is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the strong desire to learn something. Couriosity is defined by me as “the strong desire to ignore the obvious if there is concern that the answers will be inconvenient.”

Yesterday Senator Chuck Grassley released a copy of an FD-1203. That is an FBI document prepared by the FBI in June of 2020. A confidential human source reported that the Biden family pressured a Ukrainian oligarch to pay them $10 million. The MSM, predicably, is saying this is from an unverified source. One notes that they do not say a discredited source. Nor do they say the allegation has been disproven. Some are saying this has been debunked, but that is not accurate. It is more accurate to say this was never properly investigated.

This report is beyond explosive, and I believe that when the American people become aware of this they will explode in anger. Not just toward the DOJ and the FBI, but to the entire establishment who colluded to cover this up during the 2020 election.

Here is a copy of that FD-1203, along with the typical redactions. You can read it for yourself.  I doubt that you will ever see a copy of this disclosed by the MSM anywhere, anytime.

FD 1023_Senator Grassley_FINAL (

It is impossible to reconcile the reporting in the MSM and the response by the DOJ, the FBI, and Democrats in congress with the facts and evidence. Even if this was an unverified source, the allegations are so serious that they warranted an immediate and full out investigation. Here we have a candidate for President of the United States literally accused of soliciting and accepting a bribe regarding official action taken while he was Vice President of the United States. We also have a video of Joe Biden literally bragging about how he personally intimidated Ukraine into firing this prosecutor by threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid. What more, exactly, was necessary to provide sufficient hint of a serious problem?

When you consider the fact that the FBI had possession of the Hunter Biden Laptop and the IRS was investigating evidence of money laundering by the Biden family, the decision to not launch a full-scale urgent investigation of this allegation defies any explanation.

This is the same DOJ and FBI that appointed a special prosecutor to investigate alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Russian, even after it knew that there was zero credible information to support that allegation. For almost the entire Trump administration there were almost daily leaks, at some of which came from the DOJ and FBI, and people like Adam Schiff that kept the Russia Collusion hoax alive long after it had been totally discredited.

Even more incredibly, Democrats in the House and the Senate literally impeached Donald Trump for suggesting that Ukraine investigate this.

You can read what Trump actually said in that phone call:

Read the transcript of Trump’s conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky | CNN Politics

Now, in the ultimate irony, we have the MSM cheering on the DOJ and the FBI for launching numerous legal assaults against Donald Trump, during a Presidential Election. Yet, they can’t comprehend why the DOJ, FBI, and IRS would even consider investigating Joe Biden regarding anything, even when the allegations are regarding corruption at the very highest level and potentially bordering on treason.

That report should have gone off like a bomb at the DOJ and the FBI. But it didn’t. It didn’t go off at all. Instead, they appear to have slow walked, another, investigation designed to yield no results while blocking the ability of anyone else to even ask questions. This is way beyond unacceptable. It is way beyond weaponization of the DOJ and the FBI. This literally brings into serious question whether we can possibly trust them to do their job. We certainly can’t under the current leadership.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I think this is about to blow sky high. A huge percentage of Americans already distrust the results of the 2020 election. Many of them believe Joe Biden is corrupt. This is just going to pour gas on a fire that is already glowing hot. It sure looks like we are on the verge of another national nightmare, similar to Watergate. Only this time the allegations are a lot more serious than a botched burglary at DNC headquarters. What, many are sure to ask, could be more important than knowing whether or not a candidate and now President of the United States solicited and received bribes from a foreign entity. The world wants to know.

Couriosity is going to do a lot more than kill a cat, and it is about time.