Rod Blagojevich is the gift that keeps on giving. In his interview with Brian Ross from ABC News, Blagojevich says that Obama had a much closer relationship with Rezko than Blagojevich. He even said it was Obama who introduced him to Rezko. He then hinted that the feds wanted him to roll over on Obama:
While Blagojevich is clearly pond scum, his descriptions of the sewer retain merit. The problem is that his comments about Rezko and Obama have the ugly odor of truth. This couldn’t come at a worse time for Obama. The last thing he needs is to have the main stream media really start investigating him with regard to his personal involvement in Chicago corruption. Up until now the media, including Fox News, has refused to investigate this. I believe that with this comment, Blagojevich has challenged the media to investigate Obama.
Several months ago I wrote an article about how the Blagojevich trial was more dangerous for Obama than most people think. Obama appeared to have dodged that bullet, because the Judge wouldn’t allow him to be subpoenaed and Obama’s name was not mentioned during the trial. But it appears that Blagojevich really wanted to testify and we may now know why. I suspect that Blagojevich thinks he is not guilty because he did not act any different than everyone else in Chicago politics. This is kind of like the guy who knows he was speeding, but doesn’t think he did anything wrong because every one else speeds too.
Regardless of why he said it, he did say it. It gets worse. Blagojevich is scheduled to be interviewed by Chris Wallace. Wow! Chris Wallace is one of the most dangerous interviewers in the business and he is bound to follow up on this subject. If Blagojevich does not back off these comments, Obama is in for a whole new set of problems.
I would hazard a bet that the Obama White House has gone from crisis mode to full-fledged panic. Obama was already in deep trouble for stepping in it with regard to the Ground Zero Mosque. While the White House would love to change the topic, switching too Obama’s personal relationship with Rezko, a Chicago politician convicted of corruption and bribery, it not likely what they had in mind.
It is impossible to predict where this will end up. But, there is a significant chance that for the very first time people are going to really investigate Obama. If any of the rumors about him are true, the first two weeks of August will look like the good ole days.
Nothing is going to happen to BO. He has more teflon than 1,000 Bill Clintons. That’s a lot of teflon!!! Also, it’s black teflon which is 100 times more effective than white teflon. What’s a hundred times a thousand??? That is the odds of BO ever facing the crimes he has, and will commit in the future. Sorry. Reality sucks, don’t it?
Right now Obama is looking pretty depressed. He literally said Republicans were treating him like a Dog. You are certainly correct in that so far the media has never even investigated him, let alone try to hold him accountable. For example his home purchase deal with Rezko stinks to high heaven. At a minimum he has already suffered a major fall from grace.
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The real question is will the msm actually investigate. we’ve seen this before, no action because it is their golden boy being called out. let’s do the job and vote all losers from both sides out….
So far that is actually happening We have already lost some RINO’s in the primaries. That is the right way to do it. Beat them in the primary so we don’t have to hold our nose to vote in the regular election. So far the only RINO to survive the primaries is McCain. In his case it was probably not so much about him as that his opponent was damaged goods.
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