Barack Obama is having his sixth vacation this year.  He is back to his little $20 million rental pad on Martha’s Vineyard.  So far, due to constant rain, he has spent a lot of time playing scrabble:

Glenn Beck is holding a major event on 8-28-2010 at the Lincoln Memorial.  The liberal left has their panties in a wad because he would dare hold this on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s famous speech.  The forecast is for sunny with low humidity.

 I wonder if God votes?

 By the way, if you read this article it shows the Presidential Press Pool notes regarding Obama’s great adventure.  This is amazing stuff.  Here Michelle and Barack are waving to adoring crowds telling everyone what the great time they have having, apparently obvious to the horrible economic news.  Then when someone asked him about Iraq, he complained that he was just there to get shrimp.

 Folks, it just doesn’t get any worse than this.  On a day when the economy looks to be in free fall, the White House sends out Joe Biden to make a fool of himself.  It is so bad that the traditional democratic strategists are not even pretending any more.   They are literally recommending Democrats run away from Obama in this election.  Of course they feel that Obama’s policies are working brilliantly, but it will just take a little longer before the economy takes off.  It just amazes me that people continue to have blind faith in an economic strategy that has never worked anywhere, anytime.  Lately they are even trying to compare Obama to Reagan, saying that the economy was bad 18 months after Reagan took office.  They are right; the economy was still bad, because Carter had left office with double digit inflation, double digit unemployment and double digit interest rates.  But Reagan has already got this tax cuts passed and the business community was showing signs of optimism.  No one is optimistic now.

 I have many business owners as clients and I don’t know of a single optimist.  Instead, I see more and more very sharp business owners who have decided things are going to be bad for at least two more years and they are cutting their losses.  It is stunning how blunt they are in discussing this economy and this President.  I think the economy on November 2 will look much worse than it does now.  That alone is really bad news for Democrats.

 The Ground Zero Mosque looks worse and worse for Obama.  More and more Democrats are deserting him on the topic and the video tapes of the Iman in charge of this Mosque are stunningly bad.  To top it off the Obama administration is sending this guy all over the world to discuss American tolerance for Islam.  That’s right, the same administration that preaches separation of church and state is paying for a Muslim cleric to represent us.  Then to top it off the White House admitted they knew he said the U.S. was bloodier than al Qaeda, but didn’t think it was a problem.  Please!

Finally, just about everyone is turning on him with regard to Afghanistan.  Even Newsweek recently ran an article today that was devastating for Obama.  And today Marine Corp Commandant, James Conway, literally said that Obama’s timeline was giving sustenance to the enemy.

  He then talked about how some Marines are not too enthusiastic about sharing quarters with gays.  He was thinking we would have to give them an op-out option.  Wow!  This is a public slap in the face for Obama and it cannot be ignored.  It is clear that the military has had it with Obama and they are no longer willing to be tolerant.

 I have a client who just got back from Afghanistan.  He said that his squadron commander wanted to use high skilled Air Force technicians to clean latrines for the local Afghanistan people, because they didn’t want to do it themselves.  He thought this would be a good way to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.  My client said he simply could not tolerate this level of stupidity.  He said “do you really want me to use highly trained technicians to clean outhouses?”  His commander said that if he didn’t think this was a good idea, he could just accept a transfer out of Afghanistan.  My client said where do I sign?  He said they were literally stunned, and quickly backed off.   He just recently retired, which is why he felt free to talk about it.  If he is any indication, the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are fed up to their eyeballs and their commanders know it.  First it was McChrystal.  Now is it Conway.  The fight is on.