Democrats are always united. Every Democrat can be counted on to vote for Hakeem Jeffries to be Speaker of the House. Every Democrat voted for Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House. That does not mean they all agree with each other, they don’t. It doesn’t mean that this is best for the country. They just understand the need to be united to get anything done.
Republicans are not united, and they are playing an incredibly stupid game of chicken with no possible winners. The most likely outcome is mutual suicide. This is insane. It is understandably why some Republicans wanted to stop Kevin McCarthy. He is one of those politicians who considers compromise to be a virtue. Most pushed through the stop gap spending measure, with Democratic support, because Democrats would not support continuing to pay our military. In other words, Democrats were willing to hold the members of our military hostage, because they knew that eventually Republicans would surrender. There is legitimate concern over the long history of Republicans surrendering when confronted with hostages held by Democrats. Democrats are willing to let the country fail if they don’t succeed. But when Democrats succeed, the country fails anyway, it just may take longer.
The reality is that 94% of Republicans supported Kevin McCarthy. The only reason he was removed in that every Democrat in the House voted, along with 8 Republicans, to send McCarthy packing. Earth to the 8 imbeciles. If you only got you way because every Democrat in the House voted with you, it is time to rethink your strategy.
Democrats are having difficulty restraining the giggles. Republicans are unable to unify behind Jim Jordan or anyone else. The sad reality is that some Republicans are so peeved at the gang of 8, that they will never approve a speaker who is approved by them. It is understandable why they are furious at the 8 clowns who voted with Democrats to remove McCarthy. But it would be wiser to redirect that anger toward the Democrats who are united in destroying this country.
Sadly, at a time when this nation desperately needs leadership from the Republican Party, all they see is an empty chamber, made up of people who would rather scream at each other than attempt to accomplish something. Anything.
Democrats have mucked up everything. Joe Biden is a joke. Everything has gotten worse since he took office, and no one predicts improvement. There has probably never been a better opportunity for Republicans to seize the day and show the country how things can and should work. An opportunity squandered because Republicans would rather fight each other than to fight for the country. This isn’t funny anymore; this is just pathetic. Actually, it never was funny.
It is hard to imagine who will be the next Speaker of the House. Probably the dumbest possible decision would be to keep the current Temporary Speaker in office. No, the dumbest decision would be for four RINO Republicans to vote for Hakeem Jeffries. That should be unthinkable, but it isn’t.
It is clear the problem is not Jim Jordan. If there was some other candidate acceptable to both sides, other than Kevin McCarthy, that would be different. There isn’t. It is important to remember that the reason those 8 Republicans torpedoes Kevin McCarthy is that he considered compromising with Democrats to be an act of courage. It wasn’t, it was another in a long line of unnecessary Republican defeats resulting from leaders unwilling to fight when necessary. The gang of 8 are disgusting, but they are not necessarily wrong. If Republicans do not unite to fight, now, for a change, then what would it take?
The game of chicken is already underway. The only question is who will flinch? Those who are fighting for the status quo, or those who are fighting to preserve this nation. We better pray that those who flinch before Democrats are the ones to flinch now. In the meantime the best way to describe the Republican party is beyond pathetic, it is suicidal.