People suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are so absorbed by their hatred of him that they miss something really important. The opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy. Hate and Love are remarkably similar emotions in that both are heavily impacted by the actions of the objects of your love or hate.

Several years ago, actually in 2011, I wrote that it was increasingly clear that whether people hated Trump or loved him, the result was the same. They could not take their eyes off him. That was true then, it is even more true now.

This is why Democrats and RINO Supporters have made an enormous error by allowing Trump to live inside their skulls. They hate him so much they just can’t ignore him. This has now reached the point of absolute desperation, the filing of ridiculous lawsuits designed to stop him from getting elected President again, at any cost. They stupidly thought that Trump would be so distracted by all this nonsense that he couldn’t possibly campaign successfully for office. What they missed is that this just increased the attention on Donald Trump, allowing him to, once again, suck all the Oxygen out of the room.

Another mistake is to assume that everyone who intends to vote for Donald Trump is too in love with him to notice all the baggage. While there are always some people who fall in love with a politician, they are the exception, not the rule. Many people who support Trump politically, including a lot of my personal friends, don’t actually like him as a person, they just like the decisions he made as President. More importantly they preferred the decisions he made to the chaos that inevitably follows a left-wing activist President, particularly one that combines a lust for socialism with an almost unimaginable level of incompetence.

Democrats are rejoicing that, once again, it will become obvious that Trump is a world class narcissist who is also, predictably, a serial sexual philanderer. This is hardly news to anyone remotely familiar with Trump. It is and always has been beyond obvious. But we also realize that many, if not most, of his strongest critics do the same things and are just as contemptable and disgusting. Trump is just more visible than most. Buy a mirror folks, seriously!

This is why these show trials will help Trump more than hurt him. Those who hate him now will continue to hate him. Those who love him now will continue to love him. The rest of us will be forced to endure this and while we will learn little new about Donald Trump, this will showcase the utter depravity of those determined to destroy him.

If Trump’s enemies could just control themselves for five minutes and learn to ignore him, he would quite possibly self-destruct. But far too many people, who should know better, suffer from terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. I wonder if any of them realize that if he had been re-elected in 2020, he would now be the ultimate lame-duck President, increasingly ignored, with all the attention focused on his replacement. The American people are famous for getting sick and tired of anyone and anything after eight years and they would be ready to move on to something different, anything different. That would have created an enormous opportunity for Democrats, an opportunity that thankfully won’t be available for at least four more years.

Instead, they have stupidly committed to a showboat and have failed to notice that they are sailing toward destruction.