We live in interesting times. This is going to be one of the most interesting, frightening, and important Presidential elections in American history. In previous elections there was at least an argument that both the Republican and Democratic nominees were capable of doing the job. We may have strongly preferred one over the other, but both at least appeared to be capable.

If you have watched any of the video regarding Joe Biden personal appearances, once thing is beyond obvious. Joe is getting worse. He has always been a serial liar who told lies about himself, that are patently absurd. Yet the MSM did not care, because Biden is not Donald Trump. To those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, nothing is off limits regarding trying to stop Trump.

But the problem is that we can all see, and regardless of how much convenient editing is done, Biden is still Biden, and it is getting worse.

Now we have all those student protests, demanding the annihilation of Israel. Remind me again why graduates of places like Harvard, Yale and Columbia are the cultured elite we desperately need to guide us to the promised land.

The problems caused by massive illegal immigration are becoming more apparent daily. There are multiple news articles showing that Europe is increasingly upset regarding the impact of massive immigration. It should be no shock to see similar reactions here.

The true cost of inflation is obvious to anyone who goes to a grocery store or buys gas. If you think that is bad, just try to buy a new car. In the meantime, rich people are buying electric cars because they can afford them, and they always have other vehicles that actually work.

Fast food workers in California are not rejoicing over the new $20 per hour minimum wage, they are looking for new jobs that pay “something.”  It doesn’t matter how much the job pays if there is no job.

If the DNC was managed by competent people, Joe Biden would already be gone. If the MSM had an ounce of credibility they would be demanding this. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing this shell of a human being to continue posing as President of the United States. We can all see this for ourselves. So can our enemies.

Hating Donald Trump is understandable, but it solves nothing, and offers no hope for a better tomorrow. The lawsuits against Donald Trump are just as rational as the students protesting at Columbia. The liberal left is increasingly dominated by people who know how to scream loudly about harassment, while harassing others, but have no clue how to make anything better.

I wonder if the liberal left understands something important. If Trump becomes President, again, he will only be in office for four more years. He will be the ultimate lame duck President. But, if they do manage to destroy Trump, they will only turn him into a martyr.

The eye of the storm is already here. It is obvious to anyone paying attention. Those who try to stop mother nature are usually destroyed in the process.