Huntington Beach California passed a new charter amendment that would require voters to show photo identification in local elections starting in 2026. This also required that Huntington Beach provide 20 in-person polling places and that that ballot drop locations be monitored.

Rob Bonta, the Attorney General for the State of California was outraged. “The photo identification requirement “is not only misguided — it is blatantly and flatly illegal,”

One again the argument is that voter ID laws impose severe burdens on Black, Latino, and low-income voters.

Bonta is also concerned about drop boxes and is concerned lest anyone take a photo, video, or do anything else to recording voters at polling stations or ballots drop boxes “with the intend of dissuading another person from voting.”

This is so unnecessary. California law already requires voters to verify their identity when they register to vote and imposes criminal penalties for fraudulent registration. Voters are required to provide their name and address when voting. What could possibly go wrong?

California sues Huntington Beach over ‘blatantly and flatly illegal’ voter ID law (

This explains why, in the minds of Democrats, there is no evidence of wide-spread voter fraud during the 2020 election. Of course there is little evidence. That is the whole point. This is like banning police and radar from a long stretch of highway. It is also illegal to take pictures of a car speeding or to monitor the speed of another vehicle by any other method. Then a report is issued saying that this has been remarkably successful, because no one ever speeds on this section of highway anymore. Anyone challenging that absurd observation is charged with spreading misinformation.

The pattern is clear. Democrats are totally opposed to any action that would limit voting to legally registered voters. They are particularly concerned regarding limitations of mail-in ballots. The alleged reason for this is that Black, Hispanic, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities will be adversely affected. There is, of course, zero evidence to support this. How many people do you know who do not have a photo id? Certainly no one who ever tries to cash a check, or board an airplane, purchase alcohol or cigarettes, apply for welfare, Medicaid, Social Security, Unemployment benefits, buy a car, buy a house, adopt a pet, rent a hotel room, apply for a hunting or fishing license, buy a cellphone, visit a casino, pick up a prescription, donate blood, buy an “M” rated video game or, allegedly, purchase nail polish at CVS.

24 things requiring a photo ID (

Seriously. Have any of you ever seen a minority use an ID for any of the above? This is both insulting and informative. If Democrats can only win elections by gaining overwhelming support from people who can’t figure out how to get a photo ID, then what does this say about their voting base? Even that spoiled brat who just ran up $100,000 in student loans to study Tasmanian Tiger breeding habits, only to have that debt forgiven, illegally, by Joe Biden, just used his ID to buy his new vaping equipment.

At least 33 states have already passed voter ID laws and there are more coming. Most legal citizens, in both parties, agree with Voter ID laws. So why are Democrats so desperate to stop them. Easy. If elections are limited to only registered voters, who can only vote once during an election, how on earth could any Democrat get elected? If this was the standard, how could someone like Joe Biden come close to getting 84 million votes.

All the MSM pundits pretending Joe Biden will coast to re-election, are ignoring this reality, just like they ignore every other reality. But the hunt for Red November is on, Voter ID laws are passing, they are being upheld by the Supreme Court, and they are likely to change things. Nothing could terrify Democrats more than the unthinkable prospect of fair and honest elections.



  1. And the socialist movement goes on unhampered by our courts twisting the constitution !!!!!

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