One of the first things one learns when deployed to a combat zone is the significant difference between “Incoming” and “Outgoing.” When stationed at Pleiku AB, we were extremely near an Army base that had huge Artillery Guns. When these guns were fired it was extremely loud and scary. But once one understood that they were firing at the enemy, and not us, that changed everything. But unfortunately, Pleiku AB got a lot of incoming fire. The enemy would sneak up on our perimeter and fire rockets and or mortars at us. It was really important to learn the difference between incoming and outgoing, because if it was incoming one needed to take cover immediately.

When I had been transferred to DaNang AB and was getting ready to depart, I was assigned the duty of training a new linguist. We were walking along a path when I heard the distinct sound of a 122mm rocket being fired at us. I dove into a little pothole bunker that was located near the path for just this purpose. I looked up at the new guy and he was looking down at me with a quizzical expression on his face. Then the rocket hit. Fortunately, it was not near enough to cause us harm, but it sure gave him a vital lesson regarding why learning to distinguish between incoming and outgoing was extremely important.

For the past year or so, Democrats have been lobbing legal challenges at Donald Trump. But they missed something important. What goes around comes around. Alvin Bragg indicted Trump for interfering with the 2020 election by allowing hush money to be paid to Stormy Daniels. That is not actually a crime and if it were a crime, it would be a federal crime, not a New York State Crime. But today Elise Stefanik fired off an ethic complain against Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, accusing him of “interfering with the 2024 election.

Stefanik files ethics complaint against Jack Smith (

She has a much stronger case than Alvin Bragg because the Justice Department manual includes a section saying that attorneys may “never select the timing of any actions…for the purpose of affecting any election.” This helps explain why James Comey was so quick to drop charges against Hillary Clinton. It may also explain why the FBI was loath to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop.

At a minimum, this puts the focus right back on Jack Smith’s motivation. Remember that Jack Smith was already rebuked in a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court for abuse of prosecutorial discretion regarding his indictment of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

In addition, there are allegations that Attorney General Merrick Garland exceeded his constitutional authority when he appointed Jack Smith. Smith was not nominated by Joe Biden, and he was never confirmed by the Senate. Hmmm.

The point being that Democrats were so absorbed in getting Trump and firing outgoing legal challenges at him that they may have missed something significant. They may have exposed themselves to incoming charges, that unlike the duds filed against Donald Trump, may have real merit.

It would not surprise me if the ultimate result is that both Merrick Garland and Jack Smith may have more to fear from Elise Stefanic than Trump must fear from either of them. Poetic justice anyone.

Oh, it gets even better. It turns out that Adam Schiff, the current Democratic nominee for Senator from California, may not actually live in California. He owns a house in Maryland, and he has claimed many times that this is his permanent residence. (He may have been avoiding California taxes. ). This leaves him with two options, both bad. He can admit he lied to his mortgage company and the state of Maryland, or he is lying to the citizens of California. Fortunately for Mr. Schiff no one has ever accused him of lying about something before (Right!). Perhaps Mr. Schiff is trying to decide if avoiding a felony conviction in Maryland is a bigger problem than not getting elected Senator from California.

Report Shows Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff Committed One Of The Following Crimes: False Registration, Ineligible Voting And/Or Mortgage Fraud –

So, consider this. Jack Smith may be in more trouble than Donald Trump. Adam Schiff may be in more trouble than Donald Trump. Fani Willis may be in more trouble than Donald Trump. You don’t know about this, because CNN has not noticed and the rest of the MSM won’t even consider reporting any of this. But facts are stubborn things and there are a lot of inconvenient facts here. It sure looks like the walls closing in on Donald Trump may have fallen, letting far more dangerous dogs of war escape and wreak havoc.


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