Following, courtesy of Newbusters.org, are two pictures.  The first is of the “One Nation Working Together” rally held yesterday.  There was a massive effort by every liberal left-wing organization in the country, along with funding and organizational help from the unions to respond to the Glenn Beck “Restoring Honor” rally held on August 28, 2010.  If you have any doubts over what is really happening in this country, just look at these two pictures:

Things were so bad that CSPAN got caught running a picture of the “Restoring Honor” rally and pretending it was from the “One Nation Working Together” rally.  The following link from gatewaypundit.firstthings.com


Lately liberals have been getting it handed to them on the air. Conservative commentators are feeling the wind at their back and they are just destroying the desperate attempts by the liberal left to put a good spin on this. 

Brit Hume handed it to Juan Williams. 


Monica Crowley crushed Eleanor Cliff


Greta VanSustren destroyed Gloria Allred. 


Pretty easy to see which way the wind is blowing.


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