Pelosi’s Pride

Nancy Pelosi obviously felt that this bill would pass.  Therefore she decided to prance across the Washington Mall, surrounded by protestors.  She was, in effect, flipping the bird to the American people. 

The following picture is from the Drudge Report.

Right now, Nancy Pelosi is feeling on top of the world.  Odds are that Democratic congressional representatives running for re-election this fall will come to hate this picture. 

The Democratic party has thumbed its nose at the American people.  They believe that when people learn more about this bill they will be happy.  They believe that the American people are stupid and only opposed this bill because they did not know what was good for them.   I wonder if they realize the genuine anger this will ignite.

If you watched the protests, one thing became very obvious.  The pro-health care protestors all had lovely, professional designed signs.  Example:  Catholics for Health Care Reform.  The anti-health care protestors on the other hand had mostly hand written signs.  

Democrats believe they have won a major victory.  They certainly appear to have successfully jammed universal health care down the throats of an unwilling American public.