Donald Trump spent four years dealing with a daily assault against him by the Democrat Party, its’ delusional supporters in the MSM and the secret war against Trump within the government itself. Then, when Democrats managed to put Joe Biden in the Oval Office, the assault continued. They were terrified that Trump would find a way to come back. They had to stop him at any cost. They were oblivious to the reality of Joe Biden. What they did notice they quickly shoved aside and ignored. They would not stop, they would not rest, they wouldn’t even consider letting up as long as Trump was alive, and if he were dead, they would trounce on his grave.

Trump, on the other hand, spent four years figuring out how to beat them in the next election. He also spent four years developing his plan of action to permanently remove his delusional anti-American opposition from power.

If Trump understands one thing, it is the power of money. He knows how to make it. He knows how to spend it. And he knows how much other people depend on it. As soon as he was safely elected, he started dismantling the Democrat fundraising machine. People like Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos, who are actually smart people, quickly switched from being anti-Trump 24/7 to requesting front row seats at his inauguration. Lesson learned. Then Trump unleashed Elon Musk to take a serious look for fraud and waste in the federal bureaucracy. It is always a bad idea to question the ability of someone who literally rewrote the book on launching satellites and did the impossible by starting a new car company from scratch and dominating the industry. Musk has a way of seeing things others do not, developing a plan of action and the putting that plan into action. While most of the attention has been on the people getting fired, Musk has been doing something else. He has exposed the entire Democrat funding machine and is in the process of shutting off the flow of cash. In the meantime, Trump’s victory destroyed the credibility of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the Washinton Post, the New York Times and a cast of thousands. He won, they lost, and everyone knows it. All of the above have lost viewership and readership and as a result they are losing sponsors. By losing sponsors, they are losing cash.

No smart person, and most rich people are actually smart, wants to throw more money after a lost cause. Major Democrat donors have shut off the flow of funds and some are even grudgingly showing at least some admiration for Trump. The secret flow of cash from government programs focused more on making Democrats in congress rich rather than actually fixing things is drying up even faster.

Trump is also cutting the cash flow of our enemies. Canada quickly realized that if they stop buying things made in America, few people will notice or care. But if the U.S. stops buying things from Canada, their economy will be quickly and permanently shattered. The leader of Ontario, who public announced his personal trade war with Trump just folded like a cheap umbrella. So did Mexico. Numerous major corporations are announcing plans to start building things here in the U.S. again. While the liberals on MSNBC thought Americans would be hit with skyrocketing costs, that hasn’t happened. In fact, none of the dire predictions by the desperate liberal left have come true. Their credibility has been shredded close to the point of no return, possibly lower than the climate change alarmists famous for being wrong on every single prediction.

But more importantly, Trump has dismantled their entire supply chain. The liberal left had a massive supply of laundered cash at their disposal. Today, they are struggling to just pay their bills. Even George Soros is feeling the pinch, with India investigating his companies.

Perhaps the most brilliant decision by Trump was to get Elon Musk to join forces. Musk, like Trump, doesn’t need other people’s money. Imagine that. A political movement not dependent on other people’s money. What a novel concept. Whether this is the result of Trump’s brilliance or Democrat incompetence, the result is the same. Democrats have lost their cash crop, and it was the only crop available. Some people have stopped supporting Democrats solely because they lost. Some have stopped because they realized Democrats don’t really have a plan of action to fix things. What really matters is that they have stopped, leaving Democrats will almost nothing else. When cash is your only crop, and that crop fails, you fail. Regardless of how or why, Democrats are rapidly running out of cash, and that drastically reduces their ability to muck things up.

In the meantime, the smart money is betting on Trump, partially because he has earned it and partially because Democrats have proven themselves unworthy of consideration. He has turned the MAGA movement into the ultimate cash cow and failure to understand that is a recipe for disaster. The kind of disaster we are seeing played out in Democratic strong holds across the country. Cash, as always, is king, and Trump has simultaneously destroyed the Democrat cash cow machine and replaced it with one based on logic and common sense. In every sense of the word, it is the ultimate cash crop.


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