Pelosi, Obama and Reid (POR) are giddy with the sweet smell of victory.  But, sometimes a big win is the precursor to disaster.  In 1990, Cosmo World Corporation bought the Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill, Spanish Bay and Del Monte Golf Courses, along with the Lodge at Pebble Beach and the Inn at Spanish Bay.  Recall that Japanese interests has also recently taken control of New York’s Rockefeller Center, Columbia Pictures, CBS Records and several other prestigious U.S. hotels.  Many Americans were concerned that the United States economy was about to become a subsidiary of Japan.

The following story from the September 17, 1990 edition of the New York Times describes the glee displayed by the Japanese at bagging this trophy.


But, the problem was that, prior to purchasing Pebble Beach, Cosmo World Corporation had grossly underestimated the cost.  This purchase was based on projections that were impossible to achieve.  On February 22, 1992, the following headline appeared in the Washington Post

Struggling With Debt, Japanese Developer Sells Pebble Beach Golf Links

The Washington Post | February 22, 1992 | Martha Groves

POR pushed through this bill with the belief that ultimately, Americans would be grateful.  However, I honestly think they failed to consider the cost.  They were so anxious to get this passed, that they never considered the possibility that those opposing the bill might be right.  No plan or strategy, based on something that is untrue, is likely to succeed.  This entire bill is based on the false premise that we can provide free health care to an additional 31 million people at no cost. 

Perhaps the following quote from Winston Churchill [White House luncheon, June 26, 1954] says it best:

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtual of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.


Tonight Al Sharpton said that when American’s voted for Obama they were voting for socialism.  Actually, that may be true, but they didn’t knowingly vote for socialism.  The Democrats have written a check, with our money, that they cannot cash.  They cannot possibly raise taxes enough to pay for this. 

On February 5, 1976, Prime Minister Thatcher, during an interview by Llew Garner on the Thames Television show This Week, said that:  Socialist governments traditionally make a financial mess.  They [socialists] always run out of other people’s money. 

If POR are right, and this is a great idea, the economy will rebound, everyone will have free health insurance forever,  and people will look back upon tonight as a cause for celebration.  But, if their critics are right, and this is a complete disaster, then their future is a POR GONE CONCLUSION.