The whole Libya situation remains confusing, but we know several things for sure.  They are enough to justify calling this “Libyagate.”   They are enough to move Obama into “Select” company.

  1. General Petraeus said that the CIA knew this was a terrorist attack from the start.
  2. General Petraeus was asked to down play the terrorism aspect during his presentation to congress on September 14.
  3. Petraeus said that the talking points provided by the CIA to the White House were altered from the talking points used by Susan Rice on September 16.
  4. Susan Rice appeared at the request of the White House and she relied on talking points given her by the White House.
  5. Her statements were a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public into thinking this was only  the spontaneous response to an obscure video.

President Obama, at his news conference, said the following:

“she made an appearance at the request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her.”

“If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and other want to go after someone, they should go after me.”

This is one time when people should definitely follow Obama’s advice.  The only real questions are:

  1. Who made the decision to cover-up the truth?
  2. What was the motive for the cover-up?
  3. Who made the deliberate alternations to the talking points given to Susan Rice?
  4. Who made the decision to ask Susan Rice to go on national TV and lie?

The sad reality is that much of the main stream media is, once again, more than willing to give President Obama a pass on this.  They don’t dispute any of the facts, they just don’t care.  It is incredible watching the folks at CNN try to explain why this doesn’t matter.

But it does matter.  It does matter when the White House deliberately misleads the American people.  How can we possibly believe ANYTHING this administration says on any subject?  Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.  This time it is not just about sex, it is about national security.  It is also about a terrorist attack.  Or, if you follow this administration’s reasoning, it is about a criminal act, a murder.

It is a felony to cover-up a crime.  That is why Richard Nixon was forced to resign and that was only about the botched up third-rate burglary attempt at the DNC headquarters.  This is about the death of a U.S. Ambassador.  Covering up who was responsible for a crime, is a crime.  It is obstruction of justice.

Democrats are also trying to claim that Condoleezza Rice lied about the WMD in Iraq.  That is beyond absurd.  Everything Condoleezza Rice said during the run up to the Iraq War was investigated by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and they found no instance where she said anything that was inconsistent with the intelligence.  In addition, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Jay Rockefeller, along will a ton of other top Democrats were saying similar things based on the same intelligence.

My answer to Democrats is that if Condoleezza Rice deliberate lied, then she should have been held accountable.  The proper response to these outrageous claims is to demand evidence.  Condoleezza Rice wasn’t held accountable for lying because there is no evidence that she lied about anything.  This is why the liberal media still hyperventilates about the Valerie Plame case.  Bush’s statement about Iraq trying to buy yellow cake uranium is the closest thing the liberal left has ever found that they can even argue was a lie.  But, subsequent investigation proved that it was Joseph Wilson, Valerie Plame’s husband who was lying and that everything Bush said was subsequently proven to be accurate.

President Obama has now moved into select company.  Congress should immediately demand a Special Prosecutor and they should demand a Select Committee.  Democrats will strongly resist both requests, just as they have strongly resisted any effort to investigate this administration.  This will only change if the American people rise up in righteous indignation and demand answers.  The main stream media will not do their job, but the main stream media is no longer the only source of information for the American people.  If the enough people rise up and demand answers, we will get answers.  Otherwise we will just get four more years of the same.



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