General Petraeus and the White House are desperately trying to walk back the deliberate misrepresentations regarding Libya.  Democrats appear to be following the Hillary Clinton tradition of the “willing suspension of disbelief.”  Hillary should know all about that, because when General Petraeus said the surge in Iraq was working, because the surge in Iraq was working, Hillary said she didn’t believe him because that would require the “willing suspension of disbelief.”

Now General Petraeus is trying to pretend that in the briefing he gave congress on September 13th he reported that this was a terrorist attack.  If so, everyone misunderstood him, because several people who attended that briefing spoke to the press and they reported that Petraeus said it was caused by the video.

Now Petraeus is saying he never thought it had anything to do with the video, but the CIA went along with the lie because they didn’t want Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaida to know we were on to them.

“The recently resigned spy chief explained that references to terrorist groups suspected of carrying out the violence were removed from the public explanation of what caused the attack so as not to alert them that U.S. intelligence was on their trail, according to lawmakers who attended Petraeus’ private briefings.”

Give me a break.  Within two hours the State Department sent out an e-mail specifically mentioning that the Libyan militant group Ansar al-Sharia had taken credit for the attack and called for additional terrorist attacks.

Let me summarize the Obama administration official explanation for lying:  “We didn’t want the group that confessed to attacking our Consulate to realize that we suspected them of attacking our Consulate.” 

This would be funny, if it wasn’t so terribly sad.  How many bald-faced lies are we going to be told before some Democrat has had enough?