Kamala Harris has clearly won the virtual roll call of delegates to the DNC convention. This has been confirmed in a statement by the Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison and Minyon Moor the Democratic National Convention committee chair. The next step is for the convention’s secretary, to certify results. Apparently, the DNC convention is planning to have a celebratory roll call at the convention starting August 19th.

DNC virtual roll call vote ends with Kamala Harris receiving 99% of delegate votes. Here are the full results. – CBS News

This seems a little weird. I mean Kamala Harris is so sure she is the nominee that she has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. If there is anyone with more serious left-wing baggage than Kamala Harris, Tim Walz is certainly on the short list.

Some of the videos of Kamala Harris are incredibly bad and have already gone viral. They haven’t even started yet on Tim Walz. One notes that Trump will not commit to debating Kamala Harris until she is the official nominee. One wonders if he knows something we don’t know. There are rumors out there that Democrats are still planning to pull a surprise candidate out of the hat at the convention. That may be a wild conspiracy, with no evidence, or wishful thinking, with no evidence. There certainly is no evidence.

But this begs the question. What if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz suffer a drop in polling like what happened to Biden. The Democratic establishment was more than willing to shove Joe Biden out of the way. If they would do that, what wouldn’t they do? Remember that Kamala Harris was not listed as the Presidential candidate on any of the ballots. So, no one actually voted for her. Technically the delegates who voted for her, did so counter to the actual election results. Suppose someone points this out at the convention and demands an in-person vote, not limited to Kamala Harris. That seems wild and implausible, but what has not been wild and implausible about this whole mess?

The positions of both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are so radical and far left of even most Democrats that it is hard to imagine this being ignored. While Democrats are spending a fortune on puff ads and the MSM is, predictably, singing in the chorus, Republicans also have money to spend on ads and the MSM is neither trusted nor the only source of information anymore. In addition, voter integrity lawsuits are gaining traction, voting records are being analyzed for the first time since 2020 and if there was systemic fraud, that is soon going to become beyond obvious. Despite the MSM droning on about the big lie told by Donald Trump regarding the 2020 election, every poll shows that most people, including most Democrats, agree there were serious concerns regarding election integrity. This means the potential for system fraud, while still in existence, it will be much harder this go around.

In any event, the alarm clock just went off. Everyone is running out of time and there is a desperate need to wake up. If Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are elected in November, the last four years will look like a success story.



The Democratic strategy in recent elections is always the same. Limit the candidate to carefully orchestrated events. Make sure the candidate reads only from a Teleprompter or pre-printed cue cards. Never allow the candidate to engage in situations where members of the press can ask real questions and expect answers.

At the same time, encourage the MSM to engage in an orchestrated attack on the opponent. Censor negative information about the Democrat as misinformation. In the case of Kamala Harris, whenever possible include charges of racism or sexism. Combine this with coordinated ballot harvesting campaigns in key swing states. Then, paint any attempt at actually investigating election fraud as a threat to democracy.

Four years ago, this worked. It started long before the 2020 election. Donald Trump was under constant assault by the MSM, key members of the FBI and the Intelligence agencies and the usual suspect Democrats like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Can you even imagine what would have happened if a Republican Speaker of the House had torn up Biden’s State of the Union address, while a Democratic President was speaking, on live TV. The outrage would have circled the globe. But when Nancy Pelosi did this, it was ok, because hating Donald Trump is the most important American value.

The good news is that this won’t be that easy in 2024. One problem is that people no longer rely on the MSM for news. The internet has made it much more difficult to censor information and to ignore inconvenient facts. In addition, there is all this video. Today almost everyone has a smart phone with an excellent camera. In some cases, video can even be live streamed. This year, the challenge for Democrats is that there is a ton of video, of Kamala Harris, and it is beyond bad. The following is one example:

“How Dare We Speak Merry Christmas!”: Kamala Harris Scolded Americans for Celebrating Christmas While Illegal Aliens Were Denied Amnesty (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

One could argue that much of the current crime spree, particularly regarding wide-spread shoplifting, can be traced directly back to Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris’ record as prosecutor in California spells ‘trouble’ for presidential campaign: lawyer (

The left-wing fact checkers deny this, of course, but facts are stubborn things.

The Time Machine is in full operation, to run out the clock before people see the truth about Kamala Harris. It may work. The MSM is certainly on board. So are all those Democratic operatives. But there is a problem. It’s the economy, stupid, and the Biden Administration will be blamed. The other day we went to Costco, spent over $200 and didn’t buy any fish or meat. We considered stopping at McDonalds for lunch but didn’t want to pay $20 for a couple of mediocre hamburgers. We stopped for gas and were reminded of the true impact of the green new deal. It took our green and gave it to Democrats.

The Time Machine would have us ignore this and concentrate on hating Trump. But, this time, they are out of time. And the machine is showing signs of falling apart. It is just this simple, if you can’t afford to go to McDonalds, where can you afford to go?



Somethings are obvious. Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt on July 12th at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. We are all extremely fortunate that the gunman missed his target and only hit Trump in the ear. Sadly, an innocent bystander was killed and two others were seriously injured. This could and should have been prevented. It is an inexcusable mistake, yet so far, we have heard nothing but excuses.

The Director of the Secret Service testified before congress, dodged every question, and has since resigned. The Director of the FBI testified before congress, also dodged questions, and even hinted that it wasn’t clear Trump was actually hit by a bullet. Then, yesterday, the acting Director of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe, and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate, testified in front of the Homeland Security Committee. Incredibly, more than two weeks after the event, neither was able to provide answers. All agree that this was unacceptable, and that it could and should have been prevented, but both gave defensive and sometimes very misleading answers. The Acting Director of the Secret Service could not even provide the name(s) of who was in charge. Seriously?

The DOJ and the FBI have a long history of getting things very wrong about Donald Trump. This included the Russia Collusion hoax. It included overt election interference regarding the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop. Now sadly, one must question the credibility of the Secret Service. If there is one government agency that should be above reproach it is the Secret Service.

We may not know who to blame at this point, but we know who has lied to us. We know who has refused to give answers. We also know that local law enforcement personnel, assigned to assist in the security for that Trump rally, are saying things, that directly contradict answers provided by both the Secret Service and the FBI.

If this continues, the American people will lose faith in our most important institutions. In fact, one could argue that the American people already have lost faith in these institutions. We need answers, we need them now.

We cannot trust the Biden-Harris Administration. Congress must be involved. But holding committee hearings where each committee member spends five minutes trying to make political points is a waste of time. There is a solution. It has been used in the past. Set up a congressional committee and get both sides to agree on one independent and qualified person to ask the questions and demand answers. That was done during the Kavanaugh hearings and it saved the day.

This is not a Republican problem, it is not a Democratic problem, it is an American problem. All we know right now is that there was a miss. Donald Trump and America literally dodged a bullet. We’ve been warned. We desperately need “miss information” but all we are getting is misinformation. Sad.


Democrats, including Joe Biden, have been calling Donald Trump an existential threat to Democracy for a long time. But it is Democrats who favor the coup as a means of getting what they want. “coup” is shorthand for “coup d’etat” which is French of the overthrow of the government. Note that the key element of a coup is that is it not legal.

Is this a coup? Some history and context to help you decide – Poynter

Democrats rigged the primary system so that no one could challenge Joe Biden. Then, after Joe wet himself on national television during the debate on June 28th, they were seized with panic. Not because the President of the United States is incompetent. No, this was not a concern. Not because this is a threat to National Security. This was not even mentioned. Not because of concern over irresponsible decisions by this man. They actually liked the decisions made by Mr. Incompetence. None of the above even mattered to them.

Their only concern was that Joe Biden might, gasp, lose to Donald Trump. Even worse, Donald Trump could take office along with a stronger Republican majority in the House and Republicans could take over the Senate. This, to Democrats was a fate worse than death.

So, they decided to push Joe out of the way. This all started, even before the debate, when Biden froze, on stage, at a fund raiser. Barack Obama graciously took him by the arm, patted him on the back, and gently guided him off stage. Then came the debate and Democrats went into full panic mode. Almost immediately there was a chorus of people in the MSM who turned on Joe and said it was time for him to go. Soon there were leaks of leading Democrats privately urging Joe to call it a day. But Joe wasn’t listening and Jill Biden was too busy preparing for her trip to France for a photo op with French President Macron. What’s a mother to do? Easy. Leading Democrats began to repeat in public what they had been saying privately. Joe had to go. It still didn’t work.

Finally, last Sunday, Joe did decide to quit, and he withdrew from the race. There are reports that when Biden had to cancel activities because of a medical issue, Obama threatened him with the 25th Amendment, with the support of Kamala Harris. That would certainly help explain the time and the process by which Biden withdrew his name from the nomination.

One suspects that Democrats wanted an open primary where they could choose someone, anyone, other than Kamala Harris and then let the MSM elevate them to deity status. But Democrats ran out of time. They are stuck with Kamala. So, predictably, the MSM is singing her praises and automatically dismissing any criticism of her as racist and/or sexist.

But the reality is that it was Democrats who shoved Joe Biden out of the way, after spending three and ½ years pretending there was no problem. They did not do this because of any genuine concern for the county. That wasn’t even a consideration. This was solely because they feared Biden would lose bigly to Donald Trump. Suddenly, overnight, they turned chicken. That is why this should be named the “chicken coup.”



Democrats’ gross political malpractice accompanied by using DEI instead of merit to choose candidates has resulted in a perfect storm. After months, if not years, pretending that Joe Biden is competent to be President of the United States, that illusion was totally shattered during the infamous debate with Donald Trump.

The same people who created the illusion of Joe Biden, suddenly became focused on shattering that illusion. Their new strategy is “trust me, I was lying.”

I am not sure this even worked or whether Father Time would have caught up with Joe Biden anyway. But we do know this, Joe has now withdrawn, and as predicted, Democrats are out of time. Their dreams of a contested convention where the party would come together and choose a great new exciting candidate shattered overnight. At least part of the problem is that smart potential contestants were not overly enthusiastic about losing in a Presidential election. Few political careers can survive that. But the insurmountable problem is that they waited too long and flat outran out of time.

It is increasingly clear that the nominee will be Kamala Harris. The same tiny percentage of people who thought Joe Biden was a good president doing a wonderful job immediately supported her. Of course, that including everyone who voted for Joe Biden during the primaries, because there was no other option. If Joe was good enough for them, Kamala is also good enough for them and when they voted for Joe, they also voted for Kamala.

A substantial percentage of the Democratic establishment remembers how horrible Kamala Harris was a campaigner and they are not interested in pouring addition funds into a losing cause. In addition, the New York Times did an analysis of the best options to beat Donald Trump, and Kamala came in close to the bottom.

The MSM immediately began singing the praises of Kamala in unison, but there’s a problem. Kamala is still Kamala. The same Kamala who entered the 2016 election season as a highly favored candidate, with enormous money, experience as an Attorney General and as a Senator. And, she was a black female, which made everything perfect. Except she was awful and had to drop out before the first primary. Eventually she was selected to be Joe’s VP because he promised to pick a black female and she was the last one standing. She also was unbelievably valuable insurance for Joe because no matter how bad he performed, she was guaranteed to do worse. Despite what you will soon hear from the MSM, she hasn’t changed.

I could and will write more about Kamala Harris’s horrible record, but you will soon learn all about this, because the Republican Party knows this very well. When you combine this with a cackling nonsensical performance whenever she goes off Teleprompter, it is easy to understand why the Democratic establishment tried so hard to promote Joe Biden. They knew he was awful, but Kamala is perfectly awful.

You reap what so sow, and the Democratic Party is about to weep uncontrollably when it is time to harvest this mess. In desperation they might consider anything. But regardless of who was involved in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, that is also opportunity lost. They are running out of ways to stop Donald Trump.

And at some point, and we may be remarkably close, those who foolishly bought into and funded the Democratic playbook may become so angry at the people who created this mess that Donald Trump will look good in comparison.



Today, Joe Biden miraculously made a phone call to his Wilmington Campaign office while Kamala Harris just happened to be there. How wonderful. He gave a very clear endorsement of Kamala and said all the things she wanted to hear, in exactly the right way. It was impressive. But was it really Joe Biden? Keep in mind that in February of this year there was a robo phone call allegedly from Joe Biden urging people to not vote in the New Hampshire Primary. It was such an obvious fake that even CNN noticed:

Fake Biden robocall linked to Texas-based companies, New Hampshire attorney general announces | CNN Business

Political consultant behind fake Biden AI robocall faces charges in New Hampshire | CNN Politics

I don’t know if Joe Biden made that phone call or not, but I would be extremely surprised if this was a live call. At best, this looked like a carefully edited recording. Kamala Harris even appeared to accidently refer to this as a recording.

But perhaps the better question is why? I mean there are ways to determine if a phone call is real or not. We can be sure that many people are already carefully evaluating this call. So, it if is not real, why take the risk. The obvious answer is that this only makes sense if there was zero chance Joe could just show up in person. In other words, desperate people do dumb and desperate things.

What possible motivation would there be for some people for people to hide something this big” Ok. Stupid question. A better question is what wouldn’t they do to promote their agenda and retain power?

A few years ago, this might even have worked. But today, when so many people have access to impressive technology, it is hard to believe that anyone could possibly get away with such obvious deception. Confusing the girls on The View, easy. Confusing CNN, even easier. Confusing MSNBC, a layup. But confusing everyone, not so much.

We will soon know. In the meantime, bend over and hold onto your ankles. It is hard to imagine this ending up well. If joe is doing fine, and this is all nonsense, then why do something this silly? Silly question. Hear ye, Hear ye.



No one has seen Joe Biden since last Wednesday. He put out a post on X saying that he had tested positive for Covid-19, so he was cancelling his appearances and isolating in Delaware. Then there was video of him slowly descending the stairs on Air Force One after arriving in Delaware and he appeared to need help getting into the limousine. That’s it. Nothing else. Then on Sunday, there was suddenly a post from him on X, saying he was withdrawing from the race. This was followed by another post saying he endorsed Kamala Harris.

So far there is not even a photograph of Joe Biden since last Wednesday. Now some are questioning whether the signature on his withdrawal letter is legitimate. The following article on the daily dot explains this: Judge for yourself.

Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden’s Dropout Signature Is Fake (

The only thing certain is that this is strange. If Biden was fine, one would think there would at least be a photograph of him hold up a thumb. Nope. Nothing. Not even a phone call from Biden to anyone.

Perhaps he is just really sick and they want him to recover. But this reminds us of when the Secretary of Defense had major surgery without bothering to tell anyone. He didn’t even tell his Deputy who is second in command.

Why Did Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Go Missing for Days? (

Today there was a hearing where the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle testified under oath. It was beyond awful. Democrats began, predictably, by trying to turn this on the need for an assault rifle ban. But she was so bad, that even the Democrats turned on her and began demanding answers. She had none. She didn’t even try. She just said this was under investigation and when the report is complete, she will let us know. That didn’t play well in Peoria or anywhere else.

That begs the question, why didn’t Joe Biden fire her immediately? Perhaps, just perhaps, he is unavailable. I doubt that he is deceased because that would be impossible to control. But he could be very ill and unable to communicate effectively. That happened to Woodrow Wilson. He suffered a stroke, and he and his wife hid it from the American public for 17 months. Wilson never considered his condition to be a problem and even considered running for a third term.

How Woodrow Wilson’s Hidden Illness Left America with no President for Over a Year (

I do not know if Biden is ill or not. Neither does anyone else. We just know he is not talking and no one has seen him. That begs the question, who exactly is running the country? Who decided that Joe should withdraw? So far, this has been dismissed as right-wing conspiracy theory, but the clock is ticking and it won’t be long before a lot of people start asking questions.

Just imagine the scandal if it turns out someone decided, on Joe’s behalf, that he wouldn’t run for re-election. If you think things are exciting now, just imagine that. Kamala Harris is going to Wilmington, Delaware to meet with the campaign staff. No one is discussing her meeting with Joe Biden. But someone is sure to ask the obvious. “Did you meet with President Biden. Did you see President Biden. Did you talk with him on the phone?”

The only acceptable answer is yes and she better be clear that Joe is in good health, ready, willing, and able to full fill his duties as President of the United States. Keep in mind that she has lied about his mental capacity on numerous occasions. So, if he is disabled, and she lies again, say hello to President Mike Johnson.

You may say that is unthinkable, and it is, but what about the Biden Presidency has been thinkable for a very long time. The world is waiting. Soon, and very soon, if Biden does not show up, in person, many, many people will be very absent minded.



President Biden officially announced that he is withdrawing from running for re-election. Although this appeared to be inevitable, as recently as yesterday Joe was allegedly in for the duration.

Biden did not immediately endorse Harris. But a couple of minutes later that changed:

Joe Biden on X: “My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best” / X

The usual talking heads on TV are, predictably, missing the point. Between now and the Democratic convention, to be held on August 19th to August 22nd, Democrats will have no one available to campaign against Donald Trump. Can Kamala Harris really campaign effectively if it is not completely certain she will even be the nominee. If there is true competition, we will have a fight over the next three weeks. Harris will be spending more time fighting off competitors than fighting against Trump. Those who compete with Harris will make it more difficult for her to win if she does succeed in being at the top of the ticket.

It is possible that Democrats will immediately coalesce behind Harris, but so far there is no sign of that. The dream tickets of Michelle Obama or Oprah or Hillary Clinton are not even on the horizon. If Harris were to be bypassed by any of the above, the anger would be palpable. It could result in a permanent split in the Democratic Party. In addition, the party that had trouble becoming unified in the recognition that Joe Biden was a liability, is extremely unlikely to become instantly united behind anyone.

My prediction is that Democrats will do nothing to choose someone other than Harris. They will instead become totally focused in demanding that Trump withdraw for the same reasons Biden withdrew. There will be the full-throated support of the MSM. But there is a problem. Just like people saw the real Biden during that debate, they also saw the real Donald Trump when he barely escaped being assassinated. In addition, whether you like Trump, hate Trump or anything in between, he clearly is in control and there are zero signs of mental deterioration like that so obvious in Biden. History shows the more they attack Trump, the strong he appears.

In short, this is a complete disaster for Democrats. Their only chance to survive this is for smart and experienced people to meet and use logic, common sense, and wisdom to develop a plan of action. Yet there is zero evidence that such people even exist in the Democratic party. This means the least likely outcome is that the Democratic establishment will come together and do the right thing, for the right reasons. That is simply not in their DNA.

This is Trump’s campaign to lose. If he stays focused on his plan for America and avoids even commenting on Democratic Party three week dating game, that will be very effective. At this point, the only thing that could save Democrats would be for Trump to face plant. I wouldn’t bet on that.

In the meantime, Biden is gone. Someone, possibly Harris, will replace him. This is as close as possible to a worst-case scenario for Democrats, created deliciously entirely out of whole cloth by their own failure to recognize reality and even more importantly to act responsibly.



The entire RNC was a stunning success. The MSM expecting to see wild-eyed, out of control, MAGA cult members instead saw ordinary looking Americans chanting USA. If George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney, Elizabeth Cheney, Lisa Murkowski, Adam Kinzinger and Paul Ryan were present, they weren’t visible, and no one was bothering to talk to them. People who used to openly despise Trump, like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were singing his praises. Whether this is unity around Donald Trump or unity against what Democrats are doing to this country, it was unity. And it showed.

When the Gold Star families of the people killed during the disastrous exit from Afghanistan stood on that stage carrying pictures of their lost loved ones it was an unforgettable moment.

What is a Gold Star family? RNC mourns fallen service members (

“Joe Biden said the withdrawal from Afghanistan was an extraordinary success,” said Cheryl Juels, the aunt of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee. “Look at our faces. Look at our pain and our heartbreak. And look at our rage. That was not an extraordinary success.” 

Then last night, Donald Trump gave the closing address. Hulk Hogan and Dana White introduced him. They both described Trump as a strong fighter. The contrast with Joe Biden could not be starker.

He started out by talking personally about what happened when he was shot in an attempted assassination. He was humble and acknowledged that it was only through God’s grace that he was still alive. Democratic plans to win this election by convincing people that Trump was an existential threat to Democracy who needed to be destroyed at all costs evaporated on live TV. Now their only hope is to find someone capable of convincing the world that they are a stronger and more capable leader than Donald Trump. Look at Joe Biden. Ok, enough. Look at Kamala Harris. Stop giggling. Now look at the Democratic bench. See anybody? Anyone? Anywhere?

Trump spoke too long, and he rambled too much, but it didn’t matter. Message delivered.

Everyone one, except Joe and Jill Biden, knows it is long past his bedtime. Joe and Jill went up the hill and they aren’t about to slide down willingly anytime soon. Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hakim Jeffries and even Adam Schiff are publicly begging Joe to call it a day. Perhaps, at some point, Joe will give up. But the damage has already been done.

Democrats were determined to destroy Donald Trump at any cost. Well Donald Trump is still standing and they are nowhere to be seen. The bullet that blew away part of Trump’s ear took the last shreds of Democratic hopes for tomorrow with it.

John F. Kennedy: ‘Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.’ — The Socratic Method (

“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.”

Look around. The Democratic Party just became the world’s largest orphanage.



It is still hard to grasp the reality of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It is clearly a miracle that he was not killed. No one is even pretending that this is an acceptable result.

Predictably the Biden Administration rushed to the microphone saying: “Trust us, we will investigate this.” However, the weaponization of the DOJ and the FBI makes it impossible to trust anyone connected to the Biden administration.

We already know things about this incident that are impossible to reconcile. We are told this was a one off, this 20-year-old disturbed man got his hands on an AR15 and took a shot at Trump. Nothing to see here. Just this guy and he is dead. End of story.

One of the most important considerations in investigating is to pay attention to people who lie. In this case we already know the Secret Service has lied. We were told that local law enforcement was responsible for security in the area where the gun man was located. That was not true. Local law enforcement was assigned to traffic control.

We were told that the roof was too steep to allow Secret Service agents access. This roof is so flat that Joe Biden could probably manage it.

How did this young man pull this off? This is about sixty miles from his home. How would he know where to set up for his kill shot. Incredibly, there is video of him walking around, with a backpack and a range finder, about an hour before Trump took the stage. He bought a five ft ladder from Home Depot on his way to the scene. How did he know he would need that? Is it possible that this untrailed youth managed to scout out the area, in less than an hour, identify a potential sniper nest ignored by the Secret Service and get a shot off at Donald Trump? Seriously?

Yet so far there is no evidence of him having any help. And we are reminded not to assume malice when mere incompetence is a satisfactory explanation.

There reports of a man, on that roof, with a rifle, but the only response was for a Secret Service shooter to take a picture of him. Local law enforcement tried to take a look. Not with a ladder, but rather with one officer standing on another officer and trying to pull himself with his fingertips so he could see over the edge. What he saw was a gun pointing at him. He then, predictably, fell and hurt himself. Is this how the Secret Service responds to reports of a man with a gun? They didn’t necessarily need to kill him but they absolutely should have removed Trump from that stage.

There are reports of Secret Service assets withdrawn from Trump to support Jill Biden and Kamala Harris. Who made that decision? Is our Secret Service really this inept, was this just all the protection they felt Trump needed or deserved or was it something more sinister. By any measure, this isn’t even close to being acceptable.

All we know so far is that we don’t know. In the meantime, regardless of why this happened, the result was to elevate Donald Trump to a whole new level. The problem for Democrats was that people can’t get over the sight of Joe Biden during that debate. A new and bigger problem is that people can’t get over the sight of Donald Trump, standing there with his fist raised, with a bright blue sky behind him and an American Flag completing the scene. Good luck with convincing people that this is an existential threat to our democracy.