Last night we got to turn our clocks back for an hour. This is a wonderful thing, because it means we get an extra hour of sleep, right? Not if you have a couple of miniature Schnauzers who are used to getting up at 8:00 a.m. They don’t judge time by something as silly as a clock with the hands moved back an hour. To them, 8:00 a.m. is 8:00 a.m., time to get up, and they don’t really care what the clocks used by their stupid humans say.
This is a reminder that man can tinker with things and proceed under the assumption that the world has changed too. But the world, particularly the natural world, doesn’t care. The only thing accomplished by turning back the clock is creating the illusion that this changes everything.
Today, everyone is looking forward to Wednesday. Regardless of who people want to be elected, we are getting sick and tired of all the political ads. We are even more sick of being lied to. In this election, the MSM has absolutely ignored the blatant and dangerous lies told by Kamala Harris and has gone into overtime highlighting anything Donald Trump says or does and presents it in the worst conceivable way. Most recently they totally ignored what he actually said and tried to convince people that Trump threatened Liz Cheney with a firing squad. Trump despises Liz Cheney as much as she despises him. He would certainly like to see her shut up. But unlike the Clintons, there is no hint of people opposed to Trump dying mysteriously.
I recently heard someone on the MSM say that if Trump wins the MSM is in serious trouble. I ignored this as some bizarre conspiracy theory, but then realized he might actually be right. Think about this. The MSM has been focused 24/7 for the past year in destroying Donald Trump. During the last six weeks, they have been equally focused on puffing up Kamala Harris pretending she is remotely qualified to be President of the United States. If Donald Trump still wins, despite all this united effort, it will be undeniable evidence that the MSM has become irrelevant. Their viewership has already dropped like a stone, and this will be proof that they have little influence anymore. Now their owners and their liberal supporters won’t care, but the people who actually finance their programs, like people who want to sell things, will not only notice, but they will also act.
At some point, as Margaret Thatcher said, “the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money“. Could this be true for an MSM that has been in lock step, but out of touch with the majority of Americans?
If so, we could see the clocks set back, but in a whole different way. Those who have money and who buy TV ads may demand change. They may demand the MSM start reporting honestly and stop the deliberate distortion, or they will simply cease to exist at all. At a minimum, if Trump changes, check out the list of anchors in the MSM, and watch to see how many of them are still around a year from today. Those who do survive will be those who are willing to confront reality and return the MSM to news organizations that actually report the facts and the news. What a novel concept.
There is more at stake Tuesday than who becomes President of the United States. Sometimes, turning back the clock is a good thing.