The North Atlantic Oscillation is closely related to the Arctic Oscillation or the Northern Annual Mode. Real climate scientists know this because they have been affecting worldwide weather for centuries. If you want to read about this yourself, here is an article in Wikipedia that is interesting:

North Atlantic oscillation – Wikipedia

If want a quick lesson regarding this, consider this. London at (51°30′N) is NORTH of Calgary (51°03′N). So is Amsterdam, Berlin, and Dublin. Montreal is SOUTH of Paris. Reykjavik is over 20 degrees north of Boston (64°08′N vs 42°21′N), but the average temperature in Reykjavik in January is 31f while in Boston it is 29f.

The reason for this is the North Atlantic Oscillation. Part of which is the GULF stream.

One may wonder why this matters. Well, the answer is that some scientists say that the Atlantic Current may be on the verge of collapse.

Scientists Say the Atlantic Current Appears to Be on the Verge of Collapse (

I love the following paragraphs in this article:

“As it continues heading north, the salty water cools down and becomes heavier. Then it sinks, pulling in more water from the surrounding Atlantic, and travels southward, starting the cycle all over again.

But global warming could dramatically disrupt that. As ice sheets and glaciers melt, the fresh water they release dilutes the density of the ocean’s salty water. The less dense the water, the less it sinks. Without sinking — which sucks water into the current — the weaker the entire conveyor belt is. At a certain point, you can say goodbye to this vital pipeline of heat to North America and Europe.”

In other words, global warming could (will) cause global cooling. Not to be alarming, but this could drop temperatures by 5 degrees Fahrenheit with places in Norway dropping by 36 degrees. So, the hotter it gets the colder it will get. This should be obvious to anyone remotely familiar with history. There was a Medieval warming period followed by the mini-ice age followed by global warming. What goes up, must come down. Duh!

So, imagine taking drastic action to stop global warming without understanding that global warming will eventually cause global cooling. When man tries to manage nature, eventually, nature always prevails. Ultimately, we are powerless to change the inevitable. However, we are capable of really mucking things up, for a while.

As for me, the solution is obvious. When warmer temperatures are predicted, I buy another coat. When cooler temperatures are predicted, I check on my air conditioning. When people propose stupid ideas, guaranteed to not work, to solve a problem that doesn’t actually exist, I am reminded of why there will always be liberals, they will always be wrong, and the problem won’t be solved until they are replaced with conservatives. What is obviously true is obviously true and understanding that is the very foundation of learning. In the meantime, be aware. It is probably going to get freezing hot.



Anyone paying attention knows that Joe Biden is a pathetic human being. It is terrifying to realize that he is the “Commander in Chief” responsible for our national security. CNN and the rest of the MSM have been pretending that somehow, despite the obvious, Joe Biden is competent. That worked in 2020, when he was able to hide in his basement. It isn’t working now.

Biden chose to go on national TV in a desperate attempt to blame the border crisis on Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. This was already a challenge because it is so blatantly stupid. But it was made worse, much worse, by the pathetic performance put on by Joe. He looked awful. He sounded awful. He spouted nonsense, and then got confused by the Tele Prompter, again.

Donald Trump could defeat Joe Biden without doing anything other than run clips from this performance. He doesn’t need to say anything. If I were Trump’s campaign manager, I would make a video of Joe embarrassing himself and then ask: “Any questions?

Then, today, it got worse. The Special Counsel report regarding the investigation of Joe Biden’s alleged abuse of classified documents is devastating. It shows that, at best, Biden was extremely careless and irresponsible regarding classified documents. But then the reason the Special Counsel gave for not prosecuting Joe is that he is incredibly old, with diminished mental capability, so it is unlikely a jury would hold him responsible. Oh my! You can’t make this up. We can’t charge Joe because he doesn’t know what he is doing.

Even the usual suspects in the MSM are going to have a genuine problem ignoring this. They can’t hide this. They can’t ignore this. And they certainly can’t spin this away. The White House responded by saying “see, they aren’t going to charge me with anything.” That would be great if this was because you did nothing wrong. But the report didn’t say that. Instead, it says we can’t charge you because we can’t pick on such a confused elderly individual. Wow!

I think this will go off like a bomb and Joe Biden is already toast as a candidate for re-election. But this is so bad it raises a serious question whether the country can wait until next January to put someone responsible in charge. But wait, the next is line is Kamala Harris and she is polling lower than Joe. I know that seems impossible, but it is the sad reality. I doubt that anyone, in either party, has an ounce of enthusiasm for replacing Joe with Kamala. What’s a mother to do?

They would love to replace Joe with a committee, but they are already doing that, only now the secret is out in the open for everyone to see. CNN was willing to ignore this, but even CNN knows that there is nothing in the constitution that allows President by committee. This is beyond bad. It is unsustainable, yet thanks to the idiotic decision to “select” someone like Joe Biden to be President of the United States made even worse by the “selection” of Kamala Harris to be Vice President there do not appear to be ANY acceptable options. This isn’t Britain where they can call an emergency election. There literally is no Democratic candidate even pretending to compete with Joe Biden.

The real problem is this. A lot of people, in both parties, who should have known better failed to consider the finality of voting to certify the 2020 election. Instead, they just tried to pretend this was the safest and cleanest election in history. Even worse, they ignored the obvious problems with making Joe Biden Commander in Chief. Everyone, but the anchors on CNN and the leaders in the Democratic Party knew this. It was beyond obvious. But they didn’t care because Donald Trump was humiliated and nothing else mattered. Now, at a time when we have enormous challenges facing us, including runaway inflation, out of control illegal immigration and military challenges across the globe., at a time when we desperately need our best, we have Joe Biden. Thanks Facebook. Thanks Google. Thanks Democrats, Thanks CBS. Thanks ABC. Thanks NBC. Thanks MSNBC, Thanks FOX News. Thanks James Comey. Thanks William Barr. Thanks New York Times. Thanks Washington Post. Thanks to everyone. Nice job. How are you going fix this? Oops, you can’t fix this. Even if you dump Joe, we get Kamala.

The country is facing a “Full Mental Jacket”. I have always believed at some point people will be far less concerned about those people who tried to stop Joe Biden from becoming President than those who put him in the White House with zero consideration for the consequences. That time is now!



One of the most serious problems with our educational system is that it assumes everything that ever happened occurred after the invention of color television. If it didn’t happen after that, odds are there are no good videos available and so people assume it never happened. This is one of the reasons the climate change hysteria is so effective. As the population ages, there are fewer and fewer people who remember life before color television.

In addition, some significant climate events took place long ago and no one living witnessed this. One example is the great California flood that happened during the winter of 1862. This even reported dumped “the equivalent of 10 feet of water in California, in the form of rain and snow, over a period of 43 days. Scientists, real scientists, believe this was likely caused by a series of atmospheric rivers that hit the Western United States from Oregon to Southern California:” (Sound familiar?)

This is well-documented, but not well known. If the current atmospheric rivers cause massive flooding, it will absolutely be blamed on climate change. No one will even mention the winter of 1862, because that was inconveniently before the industrial age. The scientific consensus of the time is often very wrong. Sometimes fatally wrong.

Dr. Carlos Finaly discovered that Yellow Fever was spread by mosquitoes. He presented a paper to the Havana Academy of Sciences on August 14, 1881. His report was greeted with stony silence, and he was ridiculed for about 20 years.

Only when the United States was trying to build the Panama Canal and desperately needing a solution to Yellow Fever, did things change. It is so hard to get hard work out of people dying from Yellow Fever. Doctor Walter Reed, yes that Walter Reed read about Finlay’s opinion, so he decided to test the theory. This reads like a bad science fiction novel. There was a board made up of Dr Reed, Majors James Carroll, Aristides Agramonte and Jesse Lazear. They recruited soldiers and newly arrived Spanish immigrants. In a compound they built two frame buildings.

In the “infected clothing building”, volunteers spent the night for several weeks “sleeping on bed linen that had been soiled with vomitus, blood, urine, and faeces (sp) from patients”. Miraculously none of these brilliant volunteers became ill. Then they split this building into two sections, separated by a screen. Apparently, they all continued sleeping in these magnificent conditions, but now half of them also shared space with mosquitos that had fed on yellow fever patients. Most of them got yellow fever and many died. The volunteers who “only” slept in filthy conditions did not get yellow fever. Up until I researched this story, I did not realize the circumstances that resulted in the founding of the left-wing radical element in the Democratic Party. This type of intellectual superior thinking explains a lot.

Major William C. Gorgas who was in charge of sanitation in Cuba, was ordered to rid Havana of mosquitoes. Gorgas, who apparently remained a non-believer, reluctantly followed orders and installed screens, arranged for swamps to be drained, screened water containers, and treated ditches with kerosene to kill mosquito larva. Only after Havana, which had averaged one yellow fever case every day for about 40 years suddenly stopped having new yellow fever cases did Gorgas, consider the possibility that Finlay was right.

Here is a picture of the soldiers, founding members of the modern Democratic Party, posing for a picture after volunteering for this wonderful experiment. (Actually only fourteen of the people in this picture actually volunteered.  They still needed volunteers to take out the dead bodies.)

The same logic that convinced fourteen supposedly smart people to do something so incredibly stupid is the driving force behind those who want to get rid of gas-powered engines to stop the climate change that has been going on since the 1600s.

This should not require rocket scientists to explain. During the Medieval Warm Period, between 900 and 1300 AD, the earth was about 1 degree centigrade warmer than now. The problem was clearly the lack of electric powered chariots. There were other times, during the Neoproterozoic period, when the earth was much hotter.

So, when scientists say that 2022, was “possibly” the fifth warmest year since 1880, based on modern record keeping keep a couple of things in mind.,the%20late%2019th%20century%20average.

“The past nine years have been the warmest years since modern recordkeeping began in 1880. This means Earth in 2022 was about 2 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.11 degrees Celsius) warmer than the late 19th century average.”

One, there were no real records kept before 1880.  Second, check out how Mark Twain described the climate in Sacramento in 1860. Third, if this was possibly the fifth warmest year, which four years were warmer? Asking for a friend.

But wait. 1860. Why that was before there was a transcontinental railroad? It was long before there were automobiles. It was definitely before air conditioning and absolutely before color television. Imagine living in a tent, in Sacramento, in July, during a warm year, with no air conditioning, no fans, no radio and no TV. Then try to explain why getting rid of gas engines and air conditioning is so important to combat climate change.

Thank the God, they don’t believe in, for Democrats. Perhaps we need more mosquitoes.



If you live in California, an Atmospheric River is as certain as rain. Actually, an Atmospheric River is rain. It is when a line of storms stretches from Hawaii to California. The result is that California can get rain, a lot of rain, in an incredibly short period of time.

These weather systems are not new. El Ninos are not new. La Ninas are not new. Earthquakes are not new. Wildfires are not new. Floods are not new. Droughts are not new. What is new is the hysteria with which these are now reported. Any weather event, whether wet or dry, hold or cold or any combination of the above is considered evidence of climate change. They hope no one notices that when they talk about climate change, they always talk about the climate getting warmer. But there is a severe lack of real scientific data supporting a catastrophic rise in temperatures, so they now use the term climate change, which can be used to explain anything.

The reality is that Sacramento is hotter during the summer than it was before. However, part of the reason is that there are so many more buildings, roads, bridges, and other concrete structures that make any place hotter (or colder…depending on the season). Try this yourself. Put a thermometer in your back yard, in the shade, then compare this to one is your front yard, in direct sun next to your driveway. Want to bet on which one reads higher? Every dog knows this. That is why they seek out the sun during the winter and seek shade in the summer. It is also why they don’t fall asleep on your driveway. For one thing, they don’t want to get run over, but more importantly, cement is, duh, hotter and colder than grass.

But there is a new atmospheric river forming and this one isn’t based on misinformation about climate change. It is rather the river of our discontent. The same river of discontent that has destroyed every other socialist government stupidly elected by people living in a democracy. Oh, this sounds so great, shared wealth, shared opportunity, happy days for everyone. But it never happens. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The more the government tries to manage things the more certain things will deteriorate. This is why places like the Soviet Union, which tried to micromanage everything, were such abject failures. It is why even places with communist governments like China and Vietnam embrace at least some level of capitalism. It is why Venezuela, which used to be one of the wealthiest nations on earth is now riddled with poverty. It is why so many people are desperate to flee.

This is easy to understand. Three years ago you could have gone to McDonalds with a $10 bill, bought a Big Mac Meal and kept the change. Today a Big Mac near here costs about $4.99. A Big Mac Meal deal costs $9.49.  When you add tax, you need to add change to that $10 bill. Note, prices are less here than in most other places.

This is obvious to everyone other than members of the Biden Administration and its supporters in the DNC and the MSM. Even the DNC is questioning running Biden for another term, but they literally have no one else remotely available. The reality is that people are “hungry” for change, and they are going to vote for change. I predict the anybody, but Biden political movement will be the largest in U.S. history. They can’t get enough illegal aliens to vote in time to stop this. That is why they are desperately trying to stop Trump, by any means possible. It is also why they are failing miserably. There is an old saying in politics, you can’t beat somebody with nobody. Right now, Joe Biden is the world’s best-known nobody.

If Democrats do find a way to stop Trump, he will be replaced by someone younger, stronger, and more determined to implement change. Democrats will be disappointed to learn it won’t be Nikki Haley. If Biden is forced off the ticket, for any reason, there is no one available to replace him. The number one candidate is Gavin Newsom who wants to run on his record in California. Ok, stop laughing now!

Some have proposed Michelle Obama, but it is far from clear she even wants the job, and she has never managed anything and has never won anything. In addition, there is all that video of her saying things that are really difficult to defend.

The point being that a major political atmospheric river is heading our way. It is getting stronger by the day and Democrats are too busy trying to pretend it doesn’t exist to consider some rational strategy for surviving the impact. Normally a President in this much trouble would find someone to attack. But Biden is so weak that even if he tries this, he is almost certain to fail and make the problem worse. Wag the Dog only works if one actually has a dog. Democrats have no dog in this fight.



The MSM is outraged that Donald Trump vetoed the planned deal with the Biden administration to “close the border” (temporarily), give money to Israel and give money to Ukraine. How horrible! Imagine that. A candidate for the country who dares to demand his own party avoid giving an undeserved victory for a temporary and tiny concession. Why Democrats would never do that. Right!

Actually, Democrats are famous for doing exactly that. For example during the George H.W. Bush presidency, Democrats wouldn’t vote to authorize the first Iraq war. Then when Bush proposed common sense legislation that would help the economy, Democrats slapped it down. They would rather see the country fail than to see Bush win, even on something they previously considered to be a good idea. They were even willing to give the Presidency to someone as despicable as Bill Clinton, because he was a Democrat.

Contrast that to what happened while Clinton was President. His performance was so awful he was headed toward defeat in 1996. Then New Gingrich came along, with the “Contract with America.” Clinton, who was failing miserably, wisely let Republicans pass their agenda, then he took credit for it. Gingrich put the country first and the result was four more years of Bill Clinton. Unfortunately Gingrich also lit the fire under the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac economic nightmare that would explode during the George W. Bush administration.

When George W. Bush was President, Democrats tried to constantly undermine him. After briefly uniting following 9-11, they turned on him again. During his last four years they absolutely refused to pass desperately needed legislation regarding subprime mortgagees and the abuses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Bush warned congress that failure to act threatened our entire economy. He was right. They were wrong. Yet it was Bush who paid the price for the resulting economic meltdown.

Setting the Record Straight: Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform (

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.  In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush’s call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs.  Over the years, the President’s repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems with the GSEs.

The result was eight years of Barrack Obama and eight years of economic stagnation. Republicans didn’t oppose promising ideas by Obama, they didn’t need to, he never proposed any.

When Trump became President, Democrats started out to sabotage his administration before he took office. The Russian collusion hoax, perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign, was embraced by Democrats and their supporters in the establishment to make it difficult, if not impossible, for Trump to govern. Even when Republicans controlled the House and the Senate, Democrats make every possible effort to thwart anything proposed by Trump. The MSM even resisted allowing him to address the country on Prime-Time television. Democrats in congress literally voted to impeach him for daring point out the obvious evidence of massive corruption in the Ukraine by Joe Biden. Then they voted to impeach him again for daring to ask congress to please, please at least consider the mountain of evidence regarding systemic mail-in voter fraud during the 2020 election.

My greatest fear is that if Trump is elected again, Democrats will spend the following four years trying to sabotage him again. They won’t even consider doing the right thing for the right reason. Democrats never do that. Instead, they will hold legislation with broad bi-partisan support hostage in exchange for their extremist outrageously expensive left-wing dreams. Then they will blame everything on Trump.

This happens repeatedly and Republicans repeatedly cave, for the greater good. There is only one way to deal with saboteurs. You stop them and put them in a position where future sabotage isn’t an option. You never compromise with them because they are incapable of compromising with you. Any perceived victory on your part will merely pave the road for future more devastating sabotage.

I once read where one of the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, met with a holocaust survivor. He asked this man what he would suggest. The response was that “if someone says they will kill you, believe them!”

The saboteurs intend to destroy us, our way of life, our economy, and our freedom. If the saboteurs are not stopped now, what will they try next? Putting governors on our electric cars so they can never go faster 10mph over the speed limit?



The unending trials and tribulations of Donald Trump may be temporarily coming to an immediate end. The case in Georgia appears to be on the verge of collapse. Politico, which is a Trump hating left-wing rag is reporting that there was coordination between the J6 committee and Fulton Country District Attorney Fani Willis:

“Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation. In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered….

The committee aided Willis’ nascent probe even as it rebuffed the Justice Department’s requests for material in the separate federal criminal probe of Trump’s election subversion. At the time, one reason the committee was more inclined to cooperate with the Fulton County team than with the federal prosecutors was that federal prosecutors might have been required to disclose the evidence in ongoing criminal cases related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”

If this is true, and if any of this evidence was withheld from the Trump defense team, this case could be completely dismissed. In addition, it is impossible to reconcile this level of involvement of a congressional committee, with questionable authorization in the first place, with the hands-off approach demanded for everything Hunter Biden.

If one of these cases blows up like this, and that now seems extremely it will also impact the other cases pursued by Jack Smith. The MSM would have you believe the only issue is Trump’s claim of immunity. A far more significant issue is that Jack Smith is one of the very few people admonished for abuse of power in pursuing Republican politicians by a unanimous agreement of the U.S. Supreme Court. I always thought he was the worst possible choice by the Biden DOJ and that may soon become prophetic.

If these cases do blow up, the only thing left is the case in New York, claiming massive fraud, with no victims. The alleged victims of fraud made money and have no complaints. In addition, the Judge said he decided the case before it began and the Attorney General ran on a platform to “get Trump.” The other New York case involves defamation of character by someone who can’t remember the exact date things happened, has no witnesses and this allegedly took place in a Manhattan department store dressing room at some time during the mid-1990s. Seriously, someone as famous as Donald Trump could pull a stunt like this and no one would notice. Trump is a serial sexual philanderer, but he seems to have had no shortage of extremely beautiful women ready, willing, and able participants. But a New York jury would convict Trump of anything, without regard to the facts and evidence.

In short, the legal walls closing in on Donald Trump could soon like remarkably like the walls of Jericho, destroyed by a very loud shout. If that happens not only will Trump cruise to the nomination, but he is also likely to win in a landslide and begin his term with legitimate cause for vengeance. While this would be justifiable, it is not necessarily good for anyone. We need a President to be President and not distracted by silly political stunts, either way.

Combine this with Hunter likely being convicted of Tax evasion and fraud in June or July and there won’t be enough heartburn medicine, now produced in China, available to soothe Democratic indigestion.

The courts, particularly the Supreme Court, wants nothing to do with any of this, but this has been so poorly managed by Democrats and liberal biased Special Prosecutors, Attorney Generals, and activist judges that they may have no choice. The alternative is to replace the rule of law with leftist mob rule.

Things sure are coming to a head, sooner rather than later. Everyone is running out of time, and time waits for no one. In the meantime, it is disgraceful that instead of reasoned debate about real issue, we are about to choose the next President of the United States based primarily on a never-ending clown show. Seriously, we can’t do any better than this? The real threat to our democracy is national insanity.

At a time when we may be on the verge of World War III and the Secretary of Defense doesn’t bother to tell the President he is unconscious, we need a real, competent leader, yet that seems to be the least likely outcome.



There are two things scheduled for next Monday. One is the football playoff game between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs. This game will not be shown on national television unless you pay for Peacock Streaming service. It used to be that DirectTV had a monopoly on “out of market broadcasts.” Now ESPN has games, Apple TV has Games, YouTube has games and even Peacock has games. There are reports Peacock paid $100 million for this. It will be interesting to see how this works out.

Another factor is the weather. It is going to be brutally cold in Kansas City. The current forecast is for the temperature to be a high of 5f and a low of -5f. Normally we would love to watch that game, because we enjoy seeing multi-millionaire NFL spoiled brats suffer. But that does not mean I am willing to sign up for Peacock to watch one football game.

The other thing scheduled for Monday is the Iowa caucuses. The forecast for Kansas City is toasty compared to the forecast for Iowa. The high temperature is predicted to be 0f with a low of -12f. One notes that this forecast is for Des Moines, which is in the SOUTHERN half of Iowa. The northern Sun Belt, places like Mason City, Iowa will be even colder with a high of -3f and a low of – 10f. The wind speed will be about 16 mph, so it will feel even colder.

Remember in Iowa if you want to vote, you must show up, in person, at night. Ron DeSantis, who is from Florida, says his people are guaranteed to show up without regard to the weather. The MSM is convinced that Haley came out ahead in the debate last night. But the snap poll taken by the Dail Mail had 55% saying DeSantis won and 31% saying Haley one. Somebody is really wrong here.

By Tuesday morning either the KC Chiefs or the Miami Dolphins will be so yesterday. What will the NFL do if there are no more opportunities for Taylor Swift to showcase her ruby red ice-cold lips?

Meanwhile all those politicians and their supporting staff, who have been living in Iowa for what seems like forever will be leaving town on a Jet Plane. Don’t know when they’ll be back again. With this weather, no one will even pretend to hate to go. Suddenly on New Hampshire will matter, until that doesn’t matter either. The next really big day is probably Super Tuesday and by the end of March, odds are someone will be the Republican nominee. Most people assume that will be Donald Trump, but this is a time when things can change, literally overnight.

In the meantime, Democrats are terrified at the thought of another Biden – Harris ticket, but they keep looking for another sail, somewhere on the horizon, finding nothing. Those who were still clinging to the myth of Joe Biden being in charge had the illusion shattered when the Secretary of Defense was in the hospital, in ICU, and he never even bothered to tell Joe. At this point, it is unclear whether he told anyone. But then it’s not like the Secretary of Defense is an important cabinet position.

The bottom line is that the start of 2024 is already very, very cold and that is likely to make things very very hot. Ice hot!



The Iowa caucuses are next week. History teaches us that the Iowa Caucuses are hard to predict. It is even harder to predict if the results will even matter. For example, in 2020 Bernie Sanders was leading Pete Buttigieg by a narrow margin. Ultimately, Buttigieg was declared the winner and Joe Biden was basically tied for the bottom with about 10 percent of the vote. Obviously, the results in Iowa didn’t matter very much regarding the Democratic race.

In 2016 Donald Trump was leading in all the polls prior to caucus night, but it was Ted Cruz who actually won. This is one reason Trump is currently campaigning like mad in Iowa. This time everyone is predicting Trump will win, bigly. What really matters is who comes in second and by what margin. If Ron DeSantis comes in third, he may be finished. But if he finishes in a strong second place that changes everything.

Nikki Haley will probably win in New Hampshire, but it probably won’t matter. Part of the reason is that New Hampshire no longer represents the rest of the country very well. It has two liberal Democratic Senators and a retiring RINO Republican Governor, John Sununu. Then the DNC openly told Democrats that the Democratic Primary didn’t matter, so please vote for Nikki Haley. Obviously, Democrats consider Haley to be the perfect RINO Republican. Someone who could beat Trump, someone who is extremely likely to lose in November, and someone who, if elected, is guaranteed to compromise with Democrats.

I make no predictions other that to note the obvious. In Iowa the Caucuses are not run by the state, they are run by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in Iowa is a strong supporter of Governor Kim Reynolds. Kim Reynolds is a strong supporter of Ron DeSantis. In Iowa you must show up to vote, in person, and on time. A representative of the candidate gets to speak, then and only then is a vote taken. When Ron DeSantis talks about his ground game in Iowa, this is what that means. That is one reason polls can be really wrong.

Democrats have moved to an entirely mail-in system of casting votes. In 2020 it took days before Democrats could even figure out who won. Of course, no one would suspect any problem with all mail-in voting, right?

Winning Iowa does not mean you automatically win the nomination. But if you lose in Iowa, than can really matter. Perhaps I am wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised in Nikki Haley has a problem in Iowa. It doesn’t help if Republicans in Iowa learn that Democrats are openly supporting Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire Republican primary. In Iowa, they can’t do that.

There have been predictions that DeSantis will drop out if he doesn’t win the Iowa primary. But those rumors probably come from the Trump campaign. One thing is certain, if he doesn’t start showing up as a serious competitor then Trump will just coast to the nomination.

Democrats are clearly in panic mode. They know Joe Biden is heading not only for defeat, but for a monumental thumping. They also know that Kamala Harris would probably do even worse. If nothing changes, Trump not only wins, but he also wins bigly. I don’t know what they will do. I don’t even know if there are any realistic options available. I just know they are willing to do anything, and I do mean anything, to defeat Donald Trump.

Normally I call the time period after the Superbowl and before Baseball opening day the winter doldrums. Other than during March madness, there are few sporting events capable of providing a distraction from politics. We may be forced to pay attention to some of this nonsense, if for no other reason than to reduce the amount of boredom.

In the meantime, our enemies know two things. One is that Joe Biden is the weakest President they have ever encountered and are likely to encounter in the future. While the MSM may be pretending he’s doing great, they know better, and they just may view the next nine months as a “window of opportunity.” I am reminded that when FDR ordered an oil embargo against Japan, they knew if they did not go to war with the U.S. within a short period of time, they would never be able to go to war in the future because they simply would not have enough fuel. That was a primary factor in the decision to authorize the raid on Pearl Harbor. Desperate people do desperate things, and these are desperate times.



This year started off with a bang and things are about to get very intense. Democrats are souring on Joe Biden and desperately seeking Susan or anyone else who can fix this mess. It takes a very skilled liar to even pretend Joe is a viable candidate for re-election. The only argument is that he can’t possibly get bad enough to justify replacing him with Trump. Trump derangement syndrome lives in their tiny, tiny, brains. Then they look at who is next in line, and they see Kamala Harris. Very possibly the only Democratic politician in the country polling lower than Joe Biden.

Democrats are so desperate they are throwing huge funds and lavish MSM praise on Nikki Haley. She is the perfect RINO. Someone guaranteed to compromise with Democrats and most importantly she holds the coveted title of the Republican most likely to lose in a general election.

But sometimes being elevated just makes one an easier target. Just ask Ron DeSantis about that. Now Nikki Haley is drawing serious heat, including direct attacks by Donald Trump. Then she had a major unforced error. When asked what caused the Civil War, she forgot to mention slavery. The problem with her response is that not only did it expose some of her prejudice regarding the issue, but it was also just plain dumb. If you can’t answer that question, without a Teleprompter, then the illusion of competence evaporates. The MSM may try to ignore this, but Republican primary voters not so much.

This creates a huge problem for the liberal left and the MSM that has been slamming Ron DeSantis for months while simultaneously elevating Nikki Haley for months. They hate Trump but they fear DeSantis. That sound you hear is of left-wing Democrats and their fawning supporters in the MSM throwing up. Perhaps this is why CNN let Anderson Cooper take Tequilla shots during the New Years Eve Broadcast watched by no one.

But time waits for no one, and the Iowa Caucuses are in two weeks. The New Hampshire primary is the following week. We are two months away from Super Tuesday and after than it will be nearly impossible to change anything. Right now, Trump looks to be a lock, but that could change overnight.

We are also learning the price of letting left-wing Democrats choose activist judges for crucial positions. These people simply do not care about the rule of law. They just want to punish Trump and keep Democrats in power, without regard to the cost. Well welcome to the cost. Unless the Supreme Court steps in and stops this nonsense, we will have two choices. A Democratic police state or a Republican police state.

One thing is certain, Donald Trump has zero chance of getting a fair hearing regarding any legal matter with this DOJ, this FBI, activist judges, and juries in New York City or Washington D.C. Does anyone seriously think a jury in either of these places will even consider doing anything other than punish Donald Trump, without regard to the facts?

It is time to imagine what will happen if Donald Trump is elected President, after this mess. Would anyone be surprised if he directed the FBI and the DOJ to focus on prosecuting Democrats? Is anyone naïve enough to think he will have a shortage of ammunition? While this would be devastating for the country, it would also be understandable.

Democrats and the MSM have already crossed every available line to try and destroy Trump. There are very few options left. At a minimum, there are people who really think he is a threat to Democracy and who will do anything, and I do mean anything, to stop him from being President of the United States. That should scare everyone.

2024 is hard to predict, other than to prepare for the unexpected. It is going to be that kind of year.



It is now clear that Democrats are terrified. They fear the worst-case scenario where a rapidly deteriorating Joe Biden takes down much of the Democratic Party with him. His job approval ratings are in the toilet and most Democrats want someone else, anyone else. But if one looks around, there is no one on the horizon, Joe beat everyone else in 2020, because they were all so left-wing, he looked moderate in comparison. The only two dim hints of a rising star in the DNC, Andrew Cuomo, and Gavin Newsom, have both self-destructed. Most of the other powerful Democrats make Joe Biden look like a spring chicken.

Democrats and the MSM would have us believe that Ron DeSantis is a weak candidate and a mediocre debater. Gavin Newsom thought that too, until he stupidly debated DeSantis on Hannity and was trounced so badly his wife allegedly had to pull him off the stage by his ears. Newsom was too stupid to realize he was not only getting trounced he was getting humiliated.

None of the wistful lawsuits and indictments against Trump, all in highly Democratic locations where a fair trial is not even a possibility are working. So, in an act of absolute desperation, Democrats asked the Colorado Supreme court to just remove Trump from the ballot. Why? Because he tried to overthrow the government through inciting an insurrection. None of the J6 people have been charged with insurrection. That is because there was no insurrection, just a lot of people who behaved poorly and did stupid things. At least some of them while being egged on by FBI plants. CNN may not understand this, but the American people are not that dumb. Most Democrats are not that dumb.

This will not work because the Supreme Court is going to punt the ball, right back where it started. Congress and only congress gets to decide the rules for an election. Judges do not get to ignore elections and just choose the candidate they prefer. Some are naïve or corrupt enough to try, but this cannot possibly work. Not in this country, not under this constitution.

That is why we are in Monument Valley, a deep ditch created by monumental Democratic mistakes. It is hard to imagine Democrats clawing their way out of this man-made ditch, but they will certainly try. They will try even harder to find a way to drag Donald Trump down with them. Good luck with that. The harder they try, the bigger he looks and the more pathetic they appear. It would be like David trying to kill Goliath with marshmallows.

Democrats and the MSM have already crossed every line regarding fairness during an election. They have zero interest in being fair. They are only interested in winning. They are desperate to stay in power. They will do anything to stay and everything to achieve that goal. They have zero regard for the impact on the country. They will not even consider doing the right thing for the right reason. That is what makes them so vulnerable. They cannot even recognize the truth anymore. They are even more incapable of making moral decisions. Those who believe in nothing other than themselves are incapable of even recognizing the difference between right and wrong, because they can’t even imagine being wrong about anything.

The result is that those building monuments to themselves are making monumental mistakes. Mistakes on a scale so enormous that even CNN is starting to notice. The only thing certain is that they will never give up. They will never consider putting the country first. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing, they will not consider trying if they think it has any chance of succeeding. Odds are they will fail at this too, but we must all expect the unexpected. They only thing certain is that those who are morally bankrupt always end up bankrupting themselves. This is why their biggest defeats often follow on the heels of what they consider to be their greatest victories. Like finding judges stupid enough to remove Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado.