Donald Trump did not have a great night tonight. He often declined to answer direct questions and he meandered off course on more than one occasion. But it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because Joe Biden absolutely embarrassed himself on national TV tonight. You can come away from this debate hating Trump, but you cannot come away from this debate pretending that Joe Biden is remotely capable of being President of the United States. In some ways the mistakes made by Trump, which were all too obvious, only made things worse. It didn’t matter what Trump did, what mattered is what Joe did, or more importantly, what Joe didn’t do. It is as simple as this. If he could not handle Trump, on a night when Trump’s performance level was about a B- then how can anyone predict he is capable of being President of the United States.

That sound you hear is of Democratic toilets, being flushed all over the country, as the result of Democrats throwing up uncontrollably. This was so awful that even the usual suspects on CNN couldn’t pretend any more. They still hate Trump. They will always hate Trump. They still drink the liberal Kool Aid. They will always drink the liberal Kool Aid. But none of that matters anymore. The truth is no longer possible to ignore. Joe Biden wet himself on National TV and no one even pretends he will do better in the future. The only question is whether Democrats even have an option of replacing him, because Joe is the very last person on this earth, other than Nurse Jill, to recognize the obvious. Joe probably thinks he did great. The problem is that no one in either party agrees with him and absolutely no one expects things to get better.

I rarely watch CNN regarding anything, but at the urging of friends who watched this with me, we watched the CNN post-debate show. None of them, and I do mean none of them, even pretended that Joe did ok. They all were horrified and were in a state of shock. I don’t know if they were angrier with Joe, or with the idiots who put him in this position. They might even have some sympathy for Joe, as an elderly person who can’t help himself. But they are furious with the idiots who put this guy on national TV, to debate Donald Trump, with such disastrous results.

The only thing I can predict at this point is pure panic. Think about this for a second. The only thing worse than Democrats continuing to pretend Joe Biden is remotely capable of being President is for Democrats to try and replace him, at this point, after he has won all those Primaries. A problem compounded by the sad reality that Kamala Harris is even worse.

If Democrats try to replace him a lot of people are going to ask the obvious question. What, exactly, were you guys thinking? It this really a surprise to you? Are you really this stupid or did you just hope we are that stupid?

The problem for the Democratic Party is that sometimes tomorrow actually does come and this time the sun definitely will not come out tomorrow.