It was shocking to see President Donald Trump shot, live on National TV. It is a miracle that he was not killed or seriously injured. The good news is that Trump appears to be ok, although he definitely incurred some kind of injury. This is a sad reminder that political assassinations have happened before and they will happen again.

We may never know exactly what happened here, but there are certainly going to be fundamental questions. The Kennedy Assassination happened over 60 years ago, the facts were obvious, but the conspiracy theories, including new theories continue.

There are already reports of people warning both police and the secret service that they saw a man with a gun on that roof top, before the firing. I saw people on TV giving eyewitness accounts of this. At best, this is an unacceptable dereliction of duty. There is a reason Trump has Secret Service protection. At a minimum, these reports should have been given to the Secret Service who could and should have immediately taken action to protect Trump.

There is also a rumor that the snipers there to protect Trump saw the shooter before he shot but did not respond until after he shot. Then he was immediately (conveniently?) killed. If Trump had been killed, and the shooter killed immediately, at least some of his enemies would have considered this a momentous day. Problem solved.

The Secret Service team responded rapidly to protect Trump and get him out of the way. They did a fantastic job. But there is legitimate concern regarding whether all the Secret Service Agents and others at the scene did equally well.

The initial news reports, including on Fox, tried to downplay the possibility of an attempted Assassination. Some even initially reported that Trump dove for cover after hearing loud noises. Fox was more responsible and called this an “incident” and worked hard to figure out what happened. But anyone watching this noticed that Trump appeared to have been hit in the ear and the pictures showed blood streaks across his face. In addition, I immediately recognized the sound of gunfire, with multiple shots. So did other people, including many on site.

Regardless of what happened, this immediately elevated Trump to a whole new level. He was calm, cool, and collected. He was the one who dove for cover when he was hit. When the Secret Service surrounded him to get him off that stage, he calmly asked about his shoes. Then he faced the crowd and pumped his fist. He also did this as he was being shoved into the limousine. He quite literally was someone who remained in control, even under fire. Wow!

The DOJ, the FBI and the Secret Service are already investigating. But when Kennedy was assassinated, there was the establishment of the Warren Commission to investigate because of the obvious importance. We can expect Republicans and smart Democrats to immediately demand a bi-partisan independent commission to investigate this. Few have much faith in either the DOJ, the FBI, and the Secret Service under this administration.

This was a shock but not a surprise. Democrats have been saying Trump is an existential threat to democracy. He has literally been compared to Hitler. Some have even suggested that Biden have him killed. Many have suggested that someone kill him. Those in the media and the DNC filled with Trump derangement syndrome did nothing to condemn these remarks, they encouraged them. The MSM lies about him daily. One Democratic congressman even proposed stripping Trump of Secret Service protection. Even when Democrats were confronted with the obvious incompetence of Joe Biden, their only concern was whether he was still the best person to defeat Donald Trump. The obvious weaponization of our legal system against Trump was ignored, if not embraced, because the only thing that matters to many people is to see Trump destroyed somehow, somewhere.

But, regardless of who planned this, they missed. There is an old saying: “If you shoot at a king, don’t miss.” They missed. This was the shot heard round the world. It was a dumb shot. The country will instantly unite around Donald Trump and the demands for justice will circle the globe.


One thought on “DUMB SHOT!

  1. At future rallies, I hope President Trump reads the names of all the Congress people that voted to remove his Secret Service protection. I believe it would serve to remove a lot of them in November.

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