The problems with Joe Biden are now clear to anyone. His performance during the Presidential debate is impossible to ignore. Even Democrats were shocked and horrified. This was so bad that there should have been bi-partisan demand to invoke the 25th Amendment. This is the reason for the 25th Amendment. It is extremely dangerous to have an incompetent Commander in Chief.

The reality is that since Joe Biden is a Democrat and every member of the cabinet is a Democrat, this is a Democratic problem. While Republicans can express concern, there are only two ways to remove a sitting President of the United States from office. He can be impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate. There is no chance of that with a Democratic controlled Senate. The other way is for the Vice President and the members of the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. Then and only then can the House and the Senate even vote on the matter.

Yet, despite the obvious, Democrats aren’t even discussing the real problem. Their only concern is regarding losing the election to Donald Trump. To Democrats the only threat facing the country is losing the election. The only threat that concerns them is losing power. They admit this by saying that the most important thing is to have a Democratic President, a Democratic Speaker of the House, and a Democratic Majority Leader in the senate.

When you combine this with the cover-up regarding Joe Biden’s mental deficiencies, with the full cooperation of the MSM there is only one conclusion. Neither the Democratic Party nor the MSM can ever be trusted regarding National Security. This is inexcusable. What could be more important that having a President of the United States ready, willing, and able to make crucial on-the-spot decisions. That is why the President has such tremendous power. It is also why the 25th Amendment was necessary. Yet no Democrat seems to be even slightly concerned regarding whether Joe Biden is currently fit for duty.

This should terrify everyone, without regard to political party. What benefit is there from having a President of the United States who is a Democrat if that person cannot perform the duties of a Commander in Chief? What is the benefit of a free press if they cannot report objectively on something that is so absolutely vital. What excuse is there for ignoring the obvious problems with Joe Biden when they threaten National Security. But they not only ignored it, but they also literally lied about it and tried to accuse anyone who reported accurately of spreading dangerous misinformation.

The American people have a simple choice this fall. They can continue to vote for Democrats, despite the clear and present danger to this country or they can vote for Republicans and demand accountability from both parties.

We live in an extremely dangerous world where foreign countries can attack us with nuclear weapons with extraordinarily little time to respond. There is no longer any margin for error. We either put responsible people in charge or we cannot possibly be simply safe.


One thought on “SIMPLY SAFE

  1. Unbelievable, that the Democrats can be so self-centered and economically oriented that they are willing to do away with the country ‘s stability!

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