While the MSM is still trying to pretend that the walls are closing in on Donald Trump, again, the opposite may be true. The best evidence of this was the decision by someone at the DOJ to leak that audio recording of Trump allegedly holding up classified documents and bragging about them. For one thing, it is hard to imagine how that tape was obtained legally. If someone gave a search warrant for audio recordings of private conversation with Donald Trump, they might be wise to start looking for a new career. If the person who took the recording was “wiretapping” Trump, that will be even worse. But what makes this such a spectacular mistake is that the indictment of Trump doesn’t even mention this audio tape. This means the only reason for leaking it was to prejudice a jury and, of course, the MSM. That puts a serious taint on the credibility of the Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith. Someone, by the way, who was previously criticized by the Supreme Court for prosecutorial abuse. Remarkable.
At the same time, the whistleblower accusing the DOJ of covering up for Hunter Biden has been very effective. He is obviously a very skilled investigator, and he does not say things he cannot prove. When he said that U.S. Attorney Weis said he was not authorized to investigate Hunter Biden, other than in Delaware, Attorney General Merritt Garland responded by having Weiss sign a letter.
The key paragraph in that letter stated:
I want to make clear that, as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution, consistent with federal law, the Principles of Federal Prosecution, and Departmental regulations.
The MSM conveniently assumed that this proved that the testimony by the Whistle Blower, Special Agent Gary Shapley, was inaccurate. But there are some serious problems with that. The meeting described by Mr. Shapley was also witnessed by Baltimore FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom Sobocinsk, Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ryeshia Holley and IRS Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon. Unless Mr. Shaplely made this up, he can easily collaborate this.
Then there was the letter written by Mr. Weis to Jim Jordan. Here is a copy of that letter:
This is exactly what he wrote:
“I want to make clear that, as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges and for making decision necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution consistent with federal law, the Principles of Federal Prosecution and Department regulations.”
This statement could be accurate and still be highly misleading. Several former U.S. Attorneys have pointed out that while Mr. Weiss may have had exactly this authority, regarding matters he investigated, his jurisdiction was restricted to Delaware. Many of the most serious allegations against Hunter Biden did not take place in Delaware. Mr. Weiss did not say that he had been appointed Special Counsel, so anything that happened in another jurisdiction was off limits to him. He not only could not bring charges regarding something that happened outside his jurisdiction, but he also couldn’t even investigate things that happened outside his jurisdiction.
This letter sure looks like it was carefully crafted to avoid answering other questions. One notes that the letter went on to say:
“Here, that required that I respectfully protect from disclosure the confidential law enforcement information the Committee seeks. My ongoing work would be “seriously prejudiced by revelation of the direction of [the matter], information about evidence obtained and assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of various aspects of [the matter].”
In other words, Mr. Weiss may have taken action that is completely consistent with the duties of his office, but that does not mean that the testimony by Mr. Shapley is inaccurate. It is interesting to note that Weiss considers this an ongoing investigation, but he has already recommended a plea deal for Hunter Biden.
He is going to be interviewed by the House Judiciary Committee and there are some very serious members of that committee. One of them is Kevin Kiley. Mr. Kiley is well known in the Sacramento area. He has a law degree from Yale, and he has been extremely effective in challenging Governor Gavin Newsom. The following article explains:
New California congressman Kevin Kiley is using his new position to ‘expose’ Gavin Newsom (msn.com)
This is far from over and if members of the committee ask the right questions, they will either get confirmation regarding what happened from Mr. Weiss, or a refusal to answer. I will be shocked if he denies the meeting that took place with Mr. Shapley took place and that Mr. Shapley is lying about what happened. The most he can do is try to spin this away as meaning something other than the obvious.
There is also a chance that the judge will refuse to honor the plea deal by Hunter Biden. That is hard to predict. But one thing is certain, the stench of the cover-up has reached the level where even the MSM has suddenly become curious. Jonathan Karl challenged Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna bout the “IRS Whistleblower” testimony. He even got Khanna to say the following:
KARL: But sir, the whistleblower is saying that Weiss, who was appointed by Trump, said that he was not the deciding official on this case. If that turns out to be true, doesn’t that directly contradict what the Attorney General has said?
KHANNA: But Weiss is not saying that. Isn’t this the source Weiss? I mean, if Weiss was saying that I would have a concern. If Weiss was out there saying, I didn’t have total authority, there was interference. But Weiss — Weiss is the key person and he’s not saying that and there were charges that were pursued.
Unless Weiss is prepared to discredit the testimony by Shapley, Attorney General Merritt Garland, the DOJ, the IRS and the FBI all have a very serious problem. If they have lost people like Ro Khanna, they have lost the country.
This is another case of leaking information, carefully scripted, while refusing to allow anyone to see the actual evidence. If this leak falls apart, under scrutiny, then we could see bi-partisan support for reforming the DOJ, the FBI and the IRS. The ultimate challenge with bleak gate is that the only alternative to a bi-partisan investigation would be the election of Donald Trump, who absolutely will act. Democrats may just fear that enough to consider doing the right thing, since their personal survival may trump (pun intended) their preference for continuing the cover-up.