It is now clear that Democrats are terrified. They fear the worst-case scenario where a rapidly deteriorating Joe Biden takes down much of the Democratic Party with him. His job approval ratings are in the toilet and most Democrats want someone else, anyone else. But if one looks around, there is no one on the horizon, Joe beat everyone else in 2020, because they were all so left-wing, he looked moderate in comparison. The only two dim hints of a rising star in the DNC, Andrew Cuomo, and Gavin Newsom, have both self-destructed. Most of the other powerful Democrats make Joe Biden look like a spring chicken.
Democrats and the MSM would have us believe that Ron DeSantis is a weak candidate and a mediocre debater. Gavin Newsom thought that too, until he stupidly debated DeSantis on Hannity and was trounced so badly his wife allegedly had to pull him off the stage by his ears. Newsom was too stupid to realize he was not only getting trounced he was getting humiliated.
None of the wistful lawsuits and indictments against Trump, all in highly Democratic locations where a fair trial is not even a possibility are working. So, in an act of absolute desperation, Democrats asked the Colorado Supreme court to just remove Trump from the ballot. Why? Because he tried to overthrow the government through inciting an insurrection. None of the J6 people have been charged with insurrection. That is because there was no insurrection, just a lot of people who behaved poorly and did stupid things. At least some of them while being egged on by FBI plants. CNN may not understand this, but the American people are not that dumb. Most Democrats are not that dumb.
This will not work because the Supreme Court is going to punt the ball, right back where it started. Congress and only congress gets to decide the rules for an election. Judges do not get to ignore elections and just choose the candidate they prefer. Some are naïve or corrupt enough to try, but this cannot possibly work. Not in this country, not under this constitution.
That is why we are in Monument Valley, a deep ditch created by monumental Democratic mistakes. It is hard to imagine Democrats clawing their way out of this man-made ditch, but they will certainly try. They will try even harder to find a way to drag Donald Trump down with them. Good luck with that. The harder they try, the bigger he looks and the more pathetic they appear. It would be like David trying to kill Goliath with marshmallows.
Democrats and the MSM have already crossed every line regarding fairness during an election. They have zero interest in being fair. They are only interested in winning. They are desperate to stay in power. They will do anything to stay and everything to achieve that goal. They have zero regard for the impact on the country. They will not even consider doing the right thing for the right reason. That is what makes them so vulnerable. They cannot even recognize the truth anymore. They are even more incapable of making moral decisions. Those who believe in nothing other than themselves are incapable of even recognizing the difference between right and wrong, because they can’t even imagine being wrong about anything.
The result is that those building monuments to themselves are making monumental mistakes. Mistakes on a scale so enormous that even CNN is starting to notice. The only thing certain is that they will never give up. They will never consider putting the country first. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing, they will not consider trying if they think it has any chance of succeeding. Odds are they will fail at this too, but we must all expect the unexpected. They only thing certain is that those who are morally bankrupt always end up bankrupting themselves. This is why their biggest defeats often follow on the heels of what they consider to be their greatest victories. Like finding judges stupid enough to remove Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado.