I still remember when I got my first set of hearing aids. I knew that my hearing had deteriorated, but didn’t realize the significance of this. Quite simply if you can’t hear what you are missing you don’t know what you have been missing. I put on those hearing aids and everything changed. First, I noticed the ability to hear what people were saying. But I also noticed a lot of other sounds, some of which were startling to me. It took me a few weeks to adjust to a world that was suddenly a whole lot louder.

Yesterday, I was driving my tour of duty for the Sun City Center Security Patrol. It is pretty tame; we just drive around and look for anything to report. In the meantime, I was listening to Fox News which happened to be broadcasting the on-stage interview of Donald Trump on economic policy by Bloomberg. The person asking the questions, Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief, John Micklethwait had a very distinct British accent. He is clearly an anti-tariff guy and he was obviously on a mission to challenge Trump.

Now if you listen to MSNBC, then you probably think Trump was horrible and rambled on inconsistently. Here is their report:

Why Trump’s on-stage interview on economic policy was such a mess (msn.com)

This is typical of the MSM, and once again, they totally missed the point. They didn’t really listen and as a result they did not hear. Trump more than held his own in this conversation. He debated Micklethwait and he didn’t hesitate to respond when challenged. Frankly, it was a classic example of why Trump has been successful. He listens to the experts, but he isn’t intimidated by them. He made several excellent arguments explaining exactly why tariffs can be extremely helpful. Mr. Micklethwait obviously believes in free trade and that includes between countries. But Trump pointed out that free trade requires reciprocity. We can’t allow someone like China to take over manufacturing, move jobs overseas, and then refuse to allow American companies to compete in China. He explained why he warned American companies seeking to move plants to Mexico that they wouldn’t be allowed to sell their products in the U.S. with no restrictions. It should be pointed out that it was Trump, not Micklethwait who was getting applause for his answers. One may love Trump, hate Trump, or be indifferent, but listening to this conversation it was impossible to ignore the reality of Trump. His accomplishments as a businessman and a leader are incredible and they are not accidental. The real leaders are not those who follow the crowd and mimic talking points, they are those who see the world as it really is and more importantly figure out how to change things.

Several years ago, friends of our had a Chinese exchange student visiting. They him shopping, to try and find a souvenir from the U.S. to  bring back home to China, but he was disappointed to learn that almost everything was made in China. The sad reality is that far too many American business owners moved manufacturing to China and other places, destroyed large swaths of American Industry and ignored the impact on the American economy. Trump understands this and he understands how to fix the problem. It would be wise not to underestimate him. The cultured elite think they know the answers to everything but in reality, their plans have been a total disaster because they don’t understand the skill necessary to make a deal. Trump does. He knows how to play the game and that interview showcased what makes him special.

The MSM was too focused on trashing Trump to listen. There is none so blind as those who will not see and cannot listen. However, people who actually listened to this conversation were confronted with the reality of Donald Trump.

The contrast between him and Kamala Harris could not have been more obvious.