My parents were far from rich, so they never considered wasting money on something as silly as “silly putty.” But I used to watch other kids play with it. Pretty amazing stuff. They could shape it into almost anything and it would bounce and even float. But it was still mostly silly, and when you were done one often ended up with a stinky smelly blob, because it was also good at attracting things like dirt, ink or even pet hair. It acted a lot like rubber, but it was not a good enough product to replace rubber. It was properly named “silly putty.”

This reminds me of the current political climate. We have a Democratic Party and its fawning supporters in the MSM who can twist, stretch, and manipulate things to create the illusion of something useful. The few times I read something on the Drudge Report or watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, or ABC the more stunning the deliberate distortion and flat-out misrepresentation. One recent example was where some reporter tried to get J.D. Vance to say the reports about Venezuelan gangs taking over an apartment complex was a lie. The story is true. A Venezuelan gang did take over an apartment complex. But because it was against the Biden Harris administration, the reporter thought this was a lie. How many times, exactly, does a Venezuelan gang need to take over an apartment complex before it matters?

But there is a problem. Silly putty is still just silly putty and it doesn’t take long for most people to figure this out. Play around with it for a while and then just throw it away. In the end, it is only useful as a distraction. There are numerous signs that a significant percentage of Americans have figured this out. While some of the polls show this as a close race, the answers to key questions indicate the opposite. Blacks and Hispanic support for Kamala Harris is stunningly low. Barack Obama got 93% of the black vote. She will be lucky to come within forty points of that. The same is true when people are asked about the two most critical issues, the border and inflation. Quite simply few appear to be buying the Democratic MSM lie that these issues are just an illusion created out of the delusional mind of the boring uneducated Trump Maga supporters.

Just go the grocery store, buy anything, then look at your wallet. Look at the headlines with all the illegal aliens trashing up sanctuary cities all over the country. Find out that FEMA needs more money because it spent a ton of money helping people who aren’t even here legally. Watch Kamala Harris try, and try, and try again to answer a simple question. She mucks it up every time. Watch Tim Walz, the great American pheasant hunter forget how to load a shotgun. Now find out, maybe, that Kamala Harris’s great book was copied word for word from Wikipedia. Now convince yourself that ordinary people, not throwing up word salads on the View, are buying this crap.

Early voting is down, way down. There are more Republicans registering than Democrats. Bob Casey, desperately trying to keep his Senate seat in Pennsylvania refused to be on the same platform with Kamala Harris. Jon Tester doesn’t want here anywhere near Montana. The man supposedly going to push Ted Cruz our of the Senate happens to have a father who was convicted for helping the cartel traffic drugs.

But most importantly watch the faces on the MSM, if you can stand that for a brief moment. You will see pure panic, getting worse by the hour. In addition, they are running out of silly putty. All that’s left is dirt, stink, and slime.

We better hope Trump wins and wins big, because while we may be able to survive a Kamala Harris presidency, it is far from sure we can survive being stupid enough to eat silly putty.


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