The DNC has arrived in Chicago. Hold your breath. Tonight, Joe Biden will give the Keynote Address and his Farewell speech, at the same time. The question is whether he will deviate from the Teleprompter. The only reason anyone will watch this is to see if, like the Double Arch on Lake Powell, there will be a spectacular collapse. We can be sure that speech will be written for Joe Biden and he will be warned against going off script. Good luck with that. We can also be sure that Joe Biden and more significantly, Jill Biden are absolutely furious at the obvious disrespect and they must be tempted to fight back, at least symbolically. Oh my!

We already know about the brilliant socialist plan being prepared for King Kamala. We also know that even some of the strongest left-wing voices in the media, including on CNN, are horrified. Depending on who is actually in charge of the DNC, this could get interesting. Talk about the horns of a dilemma, this is a case study in passing the point of no return. If the DNC offers full throated support to these idiotic plans, then they could achieve results similar to what happened in 1968, when Richard Nixon won in a landslide. Remember that the only reason Joe Biden was chosen to run in 2020 was to stop Bernie Sanders from being nominated. The Democratic establishment feared feeling the Berne would result in a landslide victory for Donald Trump. Well, if the Kamala/Walz (“KW”) ticket runs on a similar platform, why would anyone expect different results.

Yet if they don’t support King Kamala and her socialist agenda, who or what will they support? What exactly are the options if your party is about to go all in on a ticket and a platform so pathetic and destructive? Do the down the ticket candidates try to distance themselves rom KW. It sure looks like the Democratic Party is headed straight toward the cliff to oblivion with no escape route in sight. If they manage to fool the American people into voting for KW, they too will suffer the consequences. They should learn from Venezuela, because rebounding from this kind of mistake can turn out to be the impossible dream.

Although far too many people will believe anything they are told by a Democrat and will vote for any Democratic politician, regardless of circumstances, not all Democrats are this stupid. Even if they just decide to sit this election out, the results will be devastating for the Democratic Party. We see all the polls but we also see the live interviews of ordinary people, and it is increasingly difficult even for someone as far left as Don Lemon to find someone who has not figured this out. In the recent video, when he tried to fact challenge one of these people, they literally laughed at him.


If you have ever been to Chicago there is reason it is called the Windy City. Most people assume it is because of the weather. That may be partially true, but it was also reflective of the politicians known for a lot of hot air. This may even date back to the 1893 World’s Fair, held in Chicago. The World’s Columbian Exposition was to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World in 1492. Many of the people attending the DNC this year view this more as an unwarranted invasion than something to celebrate.

By the way, the Chicago fair ended with mayor Carter Harrison Sr. being assassinated by Patrick Eugene Pendergast two days before the fair ended. Let’s hope the DNC does better than that. The closing ceremonies were cancelled in favor of a memorial service.


One thought on “THE WINDY CITY

  1. I’m a little late commenting on the “Windy City” piece, since the Democrat Convention ended last night. But in truth, it was all wind. Very predictably, each speaker said absolutely nothing. First the Biden supporters extolled how great he was and then rushed him out of the building. No use in allowing another potentially embarrassing gaff. Then the middle grounders who claimed that we don’t have mountainous problems, but did determine that it was all Trump’s fault anyway. Finally the Kamala backers and Ms. Joy herself. They said that there were no problems, but Trump was to blame for them. Wait a moment, that was the same message as the other speakers. Where was Kamala’s outlook, where was, “If I am elected, I will….”?. Where was the party platform? Where was the reasons why I should vote for her? Well, those moments did not exist. It was all just wind.

    What was said comes from a winning playbook. Most democrats really don’t want to know what the platform is. They are the Personality Party. It is all feel good, touchy-feely, grand, vague promises. But that’s OK. They have always promised a chicken in every pot, and a car in every garage. Never mind that those promises are never, never kept. They are happy with a kumbaya fireside moment where everyone holds hands and stare dreamily into neverland. They will be hungry and homeless tomorrow, but it’s fine; there will be new promises by then.

    A good friend said to me yesterday, “I will vote for Harris this time. After January 6, I can’t back Trump anymore.” Never mind the truth of the situation. Never mind was else was going on at the time. Never mind what will happen in this country if she wins. Just join hands and sing.

    Yes, it was a windy city, and right now, to all those who are breaking wind around me, IT STINKS!

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