To those who were not dazzled by the Snoop Dog/Tom Cruise Olympics, a lot of things have been going on. Perhaps the most important is that Tim Walz is, well, Tim Walz. The MSM has been trying to gaslight the Harris/Walz ticket as the greatest show on earth, but the problem is that when the curtain goes up everything else goes down. Wise people, such as those advising Harris and Walz know this, which is why they only allow her to speak with a Teleprompter while avoiding any tough questions. Tim Walz, on the other hand, has been unleashed with spectacularly bad results. Kamala Harris’s big event, in Las Vegas drew a less than spectacular crowd. But it was still a crowd, and Walz managed to make Howard Dean look good in comparison. In case you forgot, here is what Howard Dean did after coming in “third” in the Iowa Caucuses:

The Howard Dean scream | January 19, 2004 | HISTORY

Here is how Tim Walz worked the room in Vegas. Look familiar?

Tim Walz exhibits unbridled enthusiasm at Vegas rally, Internet says he’s ‘got weird Javier Milei energy’ – MEAWW News

When you combine this with the absolutely horrible performance of Walz as governor of Minnesota, it is close to a perfect storm. But wait. There’s more. It turns out Walz bragged about carrying a rifle in combat. Except he retired before his troops went to Iraq. Then he had memories of watching bodies being loaded on to planes at Bagram AB, Iraq. It would be more believable if Bagram was not actually in Afghanistan.

Walz Claimed He Stood in War Zone at Bagram Air Base in Iraq, What? (

If you are going to have such a strong memory about something, do a little research before you embarrass yourself. Like when John Kerry talked about how his swift boat was  ordered into Cambodia on Christmas Day, 1968, by President Nixon. It would have been more believable if Nixon had actually been President on Christmas Day in 1968. He didn’t take office until January 1969.

Trump figured out how to showcase the real Kamala Harris. He just shows real, un-doctored videos of her on the big screen behind him. He should stop putting her down and just keep putting up those videos. Wow! If I were running Trump’s campaign, I would be releasing the Kamala video of the day, every day until election day.

Things are so bad that Democrats are caught on the horns of a dilemma. Smart Democrats know that Tim Walz is turning out to be an unmitigated disaster. Technically, while one could argue that Kamala Harris was voted in as the nominee, no one voted for Tim Walz other than Kamala Harris. Yet, unless something changes, the DNC convention next week will endorse the Harris/Walz ticket.

When Biden ran for President, he hid in his basement and there really weren’t a lot of videos of him. But the opposite is true for Kamala Harris. There are tons of videos, most of them are bad, some plain awful, and all are circulating like mad on the internet. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and while the MSM is trying to paint a vastly different picture of Kamala, people can and will see the real thing for themselves. At least some will understand why she was polling less than 3% when she dropped out of the 2020 primaries. As for Tim Walz, well he is the gift that keeps on giving.

There are always a certain percentage of people who will vote for the Democrat, without regard to any facts or evidence. The MSM will continue to function as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. The all-out effort to paint Trump as a serial liar and a threat to democracy will continue. The daily legal assaults on him, although losing steam, will continue. But there are numerous reports that blacks and Hispanics are abandoning the Democratic Party. Democrats will still get a majority of the vote, but they can no longer count on getting 90% of that vote. If these reports are accurate, Trump will win in a landslide. Trump’s best campaign ad is the printed receipt when one purchases anything at the grocery store.



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