When I learned that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz had been chosen to be Kamala Harris’s proposed running mate, for some reason the tune “Waltzing Matilda” came into mind. Then I did a little research regarding “Watzing Matilda” and realized it may actually be a pretty accurate description of the Harris/Walz campaign.

Most of us know the tune “Waltzing Matilda” but I suspect few Americans know what it means. For example, I always thought Matilda was a girl. That isn’t close to true. This is an Australian folk song or more accurately a bush ballad. “Waltzing” was Australian slang for traveling on foot with all one’s belongs in a “matilda” which was a swag bag slung over one’s back.



I do not know why Kamala Harris chose Tim Walz as her running mate. Perhaps she was so impressed by his glib attitude that she didn’t pay much attention to what he was actually saying. Or maybe she chose him because he is also a left-wing radical who shares her world view. One suspects that it was more likely that she rejected Josh Shapiro because he is Jewish and antisemitism in the DNC is all too real. She may have rejected Mark Kelly because he had more than a little baggage. Like when he rode a motorcycle onto a stage in China, with an American Flag on one handlebar and the Chinese flag on the other, to the tune of Kenny Loggins “Danger Zone.” Then he told people how he took Shaklee Vitalizer on the space shuttle Endeavour in 2011. There is more, like having Chinese investors in his Observation Balloon company, but the motorcycle video was probably more than enough.

Opinion | Harris VP short-lister Mark Kelly has a dubious past hawking vitamins – The Washington Post

So, perhaps Walz was chosen for the same reason Biden chose Kamala Harris four years ago. They both just ran out of options.

Tim Walz can sound entertaining, until one listens to what he is saying. But more importantly, he, like a “matilda” comes with some serious baggage. I am a Vietnam Veteran who flew on hundreds of combat missions. Like most combat veterans, few things disgust me more than someone who “pretends” they deserve applause for non-existent illusionary acts of heroism. I wouldn’t have a problem with Walz retiring from his National Guard unit, when he realized he was probably on his way to Iraq. Trust me on this, getting shot at is overrated. But lying about it and then falsely pretending he bravely served in Iraq is a vastly different thing.

His record as Governor of Minnesota, while probably popular in the deep blue parts of the state, is not popular anywhere else. Watching Minneapolis burn, because of the George Floyd protests, perhaps while secretly cheering them on, is the polar opposite of effective leadership.

So, while the MSM, predictably, is humming “Walzing Matilda” , stupidly thinking this is about dancing with a pretty Australian girl, “Waltzing Matilda” is a surprisingly good description of the American lifestyle for far too many people if Bidenomics is allowed to continue for another four years. When people realize what the lyrics actually say, well “Watzing Matilda” is a cute tune, but not an inspiring vision of the future.