The decision by the Biden Campaign to stage a news conference on the doorstep of the courthouse where Trump is on trial was incredibly stupid. Sending out Robert De Niro, wearing a face mask, surrounded by security, to read an irrational rant defies explanation. If there was any doubt that this was a politically motivated trial, sending out De Niro removed all doubt.

There are rumors that Biden intends to hold a press conference to celebrate Trump’s conviction and that his campaign is already preparing material to describe Trump as a “convicted felon.”

None of this, of course, changes any of the facts. It increases the probability of any guilty verdict being promptly overturned by a court. At a minimum this is almost certain to be declared a mistrial.

So why do this? Why do people do incredibly stupid things? Sometimes the primary reason is pure panic. What makes these actions most significant is that they provide proof positive that the Biden campaign knows it is losing and they are terrified at losing by an unprecedented landslide.

While there are always going to be some polls showing this to be a close election, most polls show that Biden is losing support of Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and even younger voters. Democrats absolutely depend on these voting blocks to win any election. If they lose in these demographics, they will get trounced. Even if these people don’t vote for Trump, all that matters is that they won’t vote for Biden.

This leaves one final and equally obvious observation. If they are this desperate to do something this incredibly stupid, what on earth will they consider doing next? I am sure they would love to just replace Joe with somebody. But getting rid of Joe is not enough, they also need to replace Kamala and that may be a bridge too far. The result is that the DNC, which knows it has the ultimate losing hand in Joe Biden is equally terrified at playing the game using the Kamala Harris card. Kamala may be the only person capable of suffering a worse wipeout in November than Joe Biden. She was the first Democratic challenger to drop out of the 2020 Democratic primaries because she was polling lower than all the other candidates. This was after the MSM tried to promote her as the coveted Black Female Superstar candidate only to learn that absolutely no one was buying this. She came, they saw, and everyone immediately looked for an alternative, any other alternative. Eventually they settled on Joe Biden who’s only qualification was that he was less disgusting that the rest of the class. In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is King.

Incredibly, it is at least possible that this jury will not vote to convict Trump. If there is anyone on that jury paying attention, that is even likely. Granted they were carefully selected to guarantee a conviction and the personal pressure on them must be enormous. But all it would take is for one of them to say no and the result is a hung jury. If they all say no, it will be an immediate fatal blow to the Biden campaign. If they all say yes, it will have extraordinarily little negative impact on Trump. This is the ultimate lose-lose scenario to the Biden Campaign, the MSM and the DNC. That, and only that, explains the decision to let Robert De Niro faceplant in public.