The total eclipse is coming. Some places have already declared a state of emergency in preparation for this. The biggest problem appears to be an expected onslaught of visitors. Every time there is an eclipse, people are sternly warned not to look directly at the sun. Every time there is an eclipse someone ignores this warning and is blinded.
In this country, we have an E Clips problem. This is when the MSM deliberately distorts anything Donald Trump says in a desperate attempt to defeat him. These, as all the other feeble attempts to destroy Trump, only make him stronger. Ironically, they could have easily prevented Trump from gaining political power by just ignoring him. But instead, they are drawn to him like bees to honey and whether they hate him or love him, they absolutely cannot ignore him. He lives in their heads.
I personally know many people who will vote for Trump rather than Biden. But they are not blinded to his faults. These are all too obvious. They just realize that one doesn’t have to like him personally to like the decisions he made as President. This is what the MSM just doesn’t get. They assume that everyone who supports Trump is some weird MAGA Republican oblivious to reality. Reality, of course, visible only to those who live in their own self-created delusional view of the world.
The result is a world where increasingly people on both sides ignore the facts and rely on partial or deliberately misleading reporting. There was a time when if we saw a video, or film of something, we could judge this for ourselves. Sadly, that is no longer true. It is too easy to edit video and make things seem hugely different than reality. While the MSM does this all the time when reporting on Donald Trump, many conservative outlets do the same things regarding Joe Biden. The biggest difference is that the MSM tries to pretend they are real journalists only interested in the truth. The result is that it is increasingly impossible to trust the MSM to report objectively on any subject.
The good news is that people no longer rely on the MSM for information. The old saying: “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame of me” is still true today. No matter how many times people try to tell you “Bideneconomics” is working that myth is shattered by anyone who fills up a car with gas, buys groceries or tries to get food at a restaurant, even a fast-food restaurant. No matter how many times people try to tell you the people swarming across our border are not a problem, even sanctuary cities are begging them to please stop coming. No matter how many times people try to tell you there were no problems with the 2020 election, there are almost daily reports proving the opposite. Seriously, letting anyone vote, even if they are dead, multiple times, with mail-in votes counted only by Democrats without checking dates or signatures is not a problem. Please! Even Democrats, other than party leaders, want secure and honest elections.
The real eclipse lasts only for a brief period. The most important thing about an eclipse is that it creates a greater appreciation for sunlight.
The problem with E Clips is that eventually the truth emerges, and people see right through them. But it is important for Republicans to understand that the best defense against the E Clips is to not copy them, but rather to let the sunshine in.