Most of us learned about the Ides of March as the date Julius Ceasar was assassinated. In 44 BC. It was the midpoint of March, corresponding to 15 March on the Gregorian Calendar. The assassination of Julius Ceasar changed Rome forever. William Shakespeare wrote about in in Julius Ceasar. This ended the Roman republican and Julius Ceasars adopted son, Octavian, became Emperor August in 27 BC. Wikipedia has an article about this:
In the case of Julius Ceasar, he was warned about the Ides of March, he laughed, all the way to the Senate, where he was assassinated. March has frequently been a month of transition. It is often said that if March comes in as a lamb, it goes out as a lion. I certainly have memories of March weather events that were quite challenging. Growing up in the Midwest, March as often the month when you “thought” winter was over, only to get a very unpleasant reminder that this was not necessarily true.
Groundhog day is celebrated at Gobbler Knob in Western Pennsylvania on February 2. In theory, if he sees his shadow, there is going to be six more weeks of winter. If not, then spring is on the way.
March is also a transitional month for a lot of reasons, including political reasons. During an election year, March is when things start getting serious. This year, both Biden and Trump “cinched” their nomination in March. Yet there is no guarantee this fall will actually be a matchup between Biden and Trump.
Democrats believe Trump will be blocked from even running, but so far, every lawsuit filed against him has failed miserably. If anything, they have made him more attractive for one simple reason. “If so many mean despicable people hate him and fear him, he must be doing something right.” Every time they try another legal tactic to take him down, the stronger he becomes. In addition, the press is so consistently negative about Trump, and they lie about him so constantly that even if he does or says something outrageous, few will believe it and even fewer will care.
One must ask, “Can the country really be on a path to an election for President of the United States between two elderly men absolutely despised by the opposition?” Liberals will NEVER unite behind President Trump, and conservatives will NEVER unite behind Joe Biden. The reasons for this are starkly different, yet equally true and extremely significant.
It is time to consider the eyes of March. Those things we all saw very clearly. Last week we were shocked to see the Francis Scott Key bridge destroyed in just a few seconds. This was a reminder that somethings the things that matter the most are the things no one predicted.
Rational Democrats in a position to do anything must be terrified by the eyes of March. The rate of mental deterioration affecting Joe Biden is impossible to ignore. It seems ridiculous to even consider the possibility that Joe Biden will the Democratic nominee. Yet, so far, there is no apparent plan to replace him. Partly because he thinks he is doing great; his wife thinks he is doing great. and Kamala Harris shows no signs of thinking at all.
Yet Spring is on the way, and so is summer. The DNC convention will be held in August. If nothing changes, Democrats are heading full speed ahead for a world class thumping in November. There must be at least some Democrats desperately trying to slam on the brakes or at least point this ship in another direction. They see the same things we see, they are not actually stupid, and panic is the ultimate motivator. The eyes of March have revealed the truth, and those who ignore their lying eyes will pay a very steep price.