Today, American votes. It is really this simple. If the voter turnout is massive, Trump will win with a massive red wave. But if voter turnout is not high, that does not mean that Trump loses. The truth is that while we know some information, such as the party of people who have voted and the demographics regarding the age of the voters, we do not know any of the actual votes. Anyone reporting something other than that is either naïve or dishonest.  This means, in addition to the Party affiliation, there are important questions.

  1. Will most Democrats vote for Biden? The polls say yes, but the polls are highly suspect. There are numerous reports that up to 20% of people attending Trump rallies are Democrats. Are those reports accurate? Do they matter?
  2. Will Independents vote for Trump or Biden? The polls assume an even split. But the same polls show independents favoring Trump. One or the other is wrong. This is important. For example, in one state there about 38% of ballots were cast by Democrats and about 37% cast by Republicans. Everyone is assuming that is a 1% advantage to Democrats. But there were about 25% of votes cast by independents. If those independents go for Trump, even by a small margin, then the alleged Democratic lead is illusionary.
  3. There are numerous reports that Trump is outperforming among black voters, perhaps as high as 20%. Previously, Republicans were lucky to get 10% of the black vote. Even if Trump gets 15%, he probably wins because more than 90% of blacks are registered as Democrats.
  4. There are also numerous reports that Trump is overperforming among Hispanic voters. Some reports are as high as 40%. If that is true, most of them are registered as Democrats too.
  5. Who has turned off a major portion of the voting public? That would be Joe Biden with his idiotic pledge to transition away from oil and gas. Even the liberal moderator asked him why he would do that. That was compounded by his blatant lies about banning fracking. Don’t assume that Democrats in Pennsylvania missed that.
  6. Trump has been drawing enormous crowds and Biden can’t fill a phone booth. Perhaps that is not indicative of voter turnout, but if it is, it will show up today.
  7. When the choice is between two devils, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.. A lot of people don’t like Trump, but the country did well with him in charge. They also don’t like Biden. Don’t be surprised is a lot of people vote for the lesser of two evils.
  8. Who has been wrong on every prediction for the last 20 years? That would be the mainstream media. If we believed them the arctic would be completely free of ice by now. If we believed them, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton would have been elected. If we believed them Trump would have blundered into a war with North Korea. If we believed them the Mueller Investigation would have documented collusion between Trump and Russia.
  9. I used to be somewhat of a Kennedy conspiracy advocate. Then I realized something vital. Neither the CIA nor anyone else is remotely capable of pulling off this kind of conspiracy. I mean these guys couldn’t even get their act together enough to off Castro. We often fear nefarious plots by the usual suspects, but forget they are mostly stupid and incompetent.
  10. Most Americans are not actually stupid. Granted, a lot of them are that stupid, but not most of them. Only someone stupid would believe that Joe Biden is remotely capable of being President of the United States. That means the only reason someone would vote for Biden is that they are that stupid or they hate Trump too much to care. I am far from certain most American fit into either category.

We will soon know. Watch the reports of voter turnout on election day. If it is off the charts, Trump wins. Watch for the margins in key states like Ohio and Florida. If Trump wins big in Ohio, that is a big deal. If he wins big in Florida it is game over.

Trump has ignored Ohio lately, while Biden was in Cleveland. Either Trump is stupid, or his numbers in Ohio are over the top. Trump held a rally in Miami Sunday. One would have expected him to hold that rally somewhere in the middle of the state or the panhandle.  Instead, he held it in the strongest Democratic stronghold in the state. Again, he is either stupid, or this is indicative of how he feels about Florida. So, either Trump is stupid, or he is about to run the table in both Ohio and Florida. If he runs the table in Ohio and Florida, he just may run it nationwide.

Finally, when Trump says Joe Biden is the poorest excuse for a Democratic Candidate for President in American History, it has the ugly odor of truth. By all accounts, Biden has run one of the worst campaigns ever, hiding out in his basement apparently believing that hatred for Donald Trump would carry the day. Lately, he has ventured out, looking tried and frazzled in a desperate attempt to revitalize his campaign.

Donald Trump is hated by the establishment and the mainstream media. But if you look at his rallies, a lot of people are chanting: “we love you. Are they delusional? Are they the fringe minority? If so, it is the most enthusiastic fringe minority in American history.

Watch for the turnout numbers today, but remember: “who are you going to believe?” The talking heads on CNN or your lying eyes?”