After writing my analysis last night, I was stunned this morning to check the Cook Report.  This is extremely consistent with my other sources, but if anything, this is even more stunning for Democrats.   The Cook report is down to only 6 safe Senate Seats, one likely Dem and one lean Dem.  West Virginia moved from Safe Dem to likely Dem.  That is shocking. 

This means if the Republicans win the current toss-ups, which is certainly possible, they pick up 11 seats and take over control with 52 Republicans, 46 Democrats and 2 Independents.   Republicans also gained in polls in almost every House seat.  It is important to realize that these polls were taken before Obama insulted 70% of the country by supporting the ground zero mosque, not supporting the ground zero mosque, maybe supporting the ground zero mosque, maybe not supporting the ground zero mosque,  to:  “what mosque?”  in one day.


One thought on “SENATE UPDATE

  1. We already have severe restrictions on speech, but most of the time it is liberals who want to stifle conservatives. Just think of all the times Christianity has been insulted. I don’t recall anyone being criticized for making hateful comments about Christianity. People have a right to gripe about the Mosque. People also have a right to support the Mosque. I don’t think conservatives are really trying to stifle speech, they are trying to express their personal feelings about the Mosque. We do have a right to our own feelings.

    You are correct that there are probably going to be some who cross the line in which case this could backfire. But what is even more likely is that people will be accused of hate speech regardless of what is said. Classic example was Glenn Beck’s recent rally. There are no credible reports of hate speech by anyone either attending the rally or associating themselves with the rally. Yet the media immediately tried to characterize it that way. It is certainly possible to say that building a Mosque here is offensive. Consider this. Suppose a Christian church wanted to put a cross on the site? I guarantee you that the ACLU would sue to stop it. Freedom of religion works both ways.

    Thanks for reading

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