The decision by the federal judge in San Francisco to declare proposition 8 unconstitutional was a gift, to Republicans.  This decision may just push the entire Democratic Party over the edge with regard to the November election.  The Democrats were already in deep yogurt and the ethics trials of Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters made things worse. 

Now throw in this ruling and you have a perfect political storm.  The vast majority of Americans do not want gay marriage.  It has been voted down every time it was put on a ballot, anytime, anywhere.  People don’t want gay marriage and they specifically don’t want gay marriage imposed on them by a gay activist judge after they voted against it, TWICE!  There is no worse example of judicial activism than the overturn of a constitutional amendment because the judge thinks it is unconstitutional.  This is absurd and no amount of spin is going to make it go away.  The very last thing Democrats want to talk about, other than the economy, and illegal immigration is gay marriage.  (Actually, what would you want to talk about if you were a Democrat up for re-election?   I know, blame Bush!!!)

Right now Elena Kagan appears to be on her way to the Supreme Court, but don’t be surprised if this doesn’t even derail that.  Democratic Senators up for re-election this fall should think really hard before voting to confirm this left wing radical to a permanent position on the Supreme Court.  Republicans would be wise to find a way to delay the vote until after the August recess.   If they manage to delay the vote, she may never be confirmed.  If she is confirmed, the RINO Republicans and Senators pretending to be conservatives who voted for this nomination will pay a heavy price at the polls the next time they face the electorate. 

If you think the polls for Democrats seeking re-election are bad now, just wait a couple of weeks.  The wind is blowing at the Republicans back and by the end of Labor Day weekend Democrats will be in full retreat.  Enjoy the ride!