Vice President Joseph Biden has had two operations for brain aneurysms:


There are more and more signs of a serious mental problem.  Following are his observations on the economy and the election.  Of course this is the same guy who has been talking about the SUMMER OF RECOVERY:


“We stabilized the financial system,” Biden said. We were on the brink of a depression … We avoided a total economic meltdown,” he said. “There are 3 million [more] Americans working today than there were before we took office.

“Barack and I are realists,” the vice president added. “Government is not the answer. But we also know we can plant seeds. These seeds that have been planted have generated whole new industries.”

With this kind of leadership, the Democratic Party is committing suicide.  The bottom line is that these guys are delusional.  Frankly if I was interviewing Biden and he said something this dumb my biggest challenge would be to avoid laughing out loud. 

Democrats are absolutely panicked.  They recently spent millions of dollars purchasing ad space for congressional district races.


 That is a sign of absolute desperation.   Virtually all of this money is spent defending Democratic seats considered by Democrats to be highly vulnerable.  No money was spent trying to remove Republicans and very little money was spent on open seats.  There is only one word to describe this decision.  PANIC!