If you believe that the IRS targeting of conservatives was not politically motivated.

If you believe that the loss of Lois Lerner’s e-mails was an unfortunate accident.

If you believe that our border is secure.

If you believe this President can be trusted to enforce any law he doesn’t like.

If you believe that 99% of scientists agree with global warming alarmists.

If you believe the biggest threat to our national security is global warming.

If you believe there was no threat of WMD from Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power even after Sunni extremists just overran his massive chemical weapons facility.

If you believe that the State Department and/or the White House really bought the video- made-me-do-it theory on Benghazi.

If you believe that a record number of people are no longer in the workforce, but unemployment has dropped to 6.3%.

If you believe that there is some tiny corner of the world where U.S. influence is stronger than it was six years ago.

If you believe that government run health care will be much better than VA health care.

If you believe that Barack Obama will make good decisions about Iraq.

If you believe Democrats in congress have any interest in finding out the truth about the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, VA, Immigration, or any of the other Obama scandals.

If you believe the main stream media is ready, willing and able to report the truth about any Obama administration scandal.

Then you are probably a liberal.  You probably didn’t read this.  If you did read this, you probably didn’t understand it.  If you did read it and understand it, you realize this was all caused by George Bush.


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